I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1560: Killing a half-step golden pill in a row

"Yeah, if we hadn't seen the records in ancient documents, I'm afraid we didn't know that the monster that was suppressed under the town demon sect was actually an ancient monster!" The turtle monster king also said with emotion. "Unexpectedly, there are still ancient monsters in this era, you know, since the world has changed, I have never heard of ancient monsters again!"

"Yes, in the ancient rumors, the ancient monsters are much stronger than the current monsters. The monsters of that era were born with powerful magical powers, extremely powerful!" said the wolf monster king. "Like I am waiting for such a demon king, if in ancient times, I am afraid that even cannon fodder is not even considered!"

There was a bitter smile on the face of the Wolf Demon King. There was a fault in the era of the world, not only the way forward for human beings was broken, but the same is true for the monster race!

It's nothing more than a little better than humans, but there will be no fundamental difference in essence. If the monster race has a complete inheritance, I am afraid it would have occupied this world long ago!

Demon kings like them, if you look at the classics that are rarely handed down by some demon races, or from the scenes engraved in some bloodlines, you can learn that existences like them can be kings and hegemonies now, but in ancient times , Not even cannon fodder.

Thinking of this, the faces of the two of them showed a bit of ardent desire. Although the demon ancestors have nothing to do with them, but if the demon ancestors can inspire some bloodlines after the seizures, they will gain some extraordinary magical powers. He Famen, then it is also very important to their entire monster clan, and as a high-level monster clan, they can certainly get a share.

This is the fundamental reason why these rebellious Demon Kings are willing to come to the door with peace of mind, because for the Demon Race, blood and supernatural powers are more important than anything else.

For the human race, whether they can embark on the road of cultivation depends on whether they have the opportunity to worship a famous teacher and gain systematic knowledge transfer. However, the monster race is different. The monster race is tens of thousands, almost completely different, and taught in a unified manner. It will only go wrong.

The monster races, who are cruel and like to kill, have always conquered each other. Wherever there will be a chance to teach in a unified way, they basically rely on the memory deep in the bloodline. Once the wisdom is turned on, you can get the inheritance since ancient times, but Generally there are some superficial methods.

However, some of the monster races also obtained powerful methods, so that they soared into the sky. The purer the blood, the stronger the awakening methods and magical powers.

And if the ancestors of the demon tribe can successfully obtain some ancient demon tribe’s methods, then I can’t say that the strength of the demon tribe as a whole can be improved, but for their masters who have reached a critical point in their cultivation, its effect is great. Naturally it goes without saying.

Suddenly at this moment, the entire formation began to rumbling. The Wolf Demon King and Turtle Demon King glanced at each other, and a bit of joy flashed in their eyes, and the seizure was finally about to begin.

But at this moment, in the space of the mountain and river map, Chu Yunfan has also realized the seriousness of the problem and can't continue to wait, otherwise, wait until the demon clan ancestor seizes the house, what will it be?

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan didn't hesitate at all. He stepped straight forward, stepping into the sky under his feet, and in an instant, he was in front of the Turtle Demon King.


The Town Demon Sword pierced the sky by volley, and brought up a terrifying sword light, which directly led to a terrible offensive.


The Turtle Demon King never expected that someone would be able to launch an attack in front of him. Although it seemed to have noticed something strange just now, it was finally confirmed with the Wolf Demon King that there was no problem, so he always thought that there was no problem. of.

Who knows, their initial perception was not wrong, but later there was a problem with their perception.

"Puff!" Zhen Yaojian cut through this turtle monster king's body qi in an instant. His huge head was cut and flew out, and then fell on the blood spirit recovery array, and blood spurted out. , Was absorbed by the Blood Spirit Recovery Array.

And his body was grabbed into the space of the mountain and river map by a big hand, squeezed directly, and poured onto the Brahma sacred tree.

"Enemy attack!"

At the same time that Chu Yunfan solved the Turtle Demon King, the Wolf Demon King finally yelled out, but at this critical point, there was no one to help him.

time is too short!

However, this wolf demon king is also a half-step strong in the Golden Core Realm, a rare master in the world, if it is not the ancestor of the demon clan, it is impossible for ordinary people to gather them.

His reaction was quick, and he reacted immediately, his claws ripped apart everything on the spot and tore apart towards Chu Yunfan.

His mana is so strong that he almost tears the sky apart in an instant!

However, Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, and his backhand fell with a sword.

This sword light contains countless swordsmanships in it, and it merges into one ~www.ltnovel.com~ directly into a long river, ruining everything, directly turning into a terrifying martial arts artistic conception, and crushing everything.


The sword fell, shattered everything, directly tore apart the attack of this wolf demon king, and then fell in front of this wolf demon king.

This wolf demon king fell fiercely, directly above the blood spirit recovery formation, blocked by the barrier, but also directly shook the barrier.

This blood spirit resuscitation array is obviously defensive against living creatures, and living creatures cannot fall in like dead ones.

Therefore, this wolf demon king could not fall below.

"Damn it, how could it be so strong!"

This wolf demon king screamed again and again, and his whole body was almost split apart. Because of his mental arithmetic and unintentional, his strength itself was not as good as Chu Yunfan, and the attack that broke out in a hurry was even worse than Chu Yunfan. .

Chu Yunfan directly defeated all the attacks, and his body was almost not torn apart directly, but even if it was not directly torn apart, his condition was not much better, and blood spattered.

And Chu Yunfan's attack followed like a shadow, and there was no time to stop at all!

Chu Yunfan stepped on the escape light, and in an instant, he had come to the front of the Wolf Demon King and trampled directly on him.

This foot directly stepped on countless yellow spring water, crushing everything and destroying everything.


The body of this wolf demon king was trampled torn apart in the air, and died on the spot!

And all this is a long time, but in fact it is only a short time, and it is over!

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, Chu Yunfan ended this reality too soon!

But Chu Yunfan was not at all happy, because he knew that the real battle had just begun!

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