I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1595: Take his head to receive the reward

Not long after Chu Yunfan and Lin Qiushui had left, a group of people had already arrived here in the light of escape.

These people wear a variety of styles, but without exception, they are all dressed in gorgeous robes, and their expressions are a bit arrogant.

"No one came?" The leader was a strong, sturdy young man, who had swept the entire Great Qi State and suppressed the entire Great Qi State with his own strength, Liang Ruicai who had nothing to fight back.

"I'm afraid it is. Maybe he got the news. Ye Qiushui didn't want to wait with me. Maybe he told Chu Yunfan about it!" Suddenly, a young man said.


In the crowd, Cui Mingjie spoke directly.

"That yin and yang talisman has also been planted in her body. If she is not stupid, she should not choose to inform Chu Yunfan!"

After listening, everyone nodded. No matter what logical point of view, it should be impossible for Lin Qiushui to choose to inform Chu Yunfan.

In other words, no one among them can value Chu Yunfan as an aboriginal, let alone Ye Qiushui was planted with the yin and yang talisman. No matter how you look at it, he should be in the same camp as them. It's impossible. It's right to rely on the natives in their eyes.

"Yes, we all want to kill that Chu Yunfan, how could it be possible to take refuge in that Chu Yunfan!" At this time, Lu Hongyuan also spoke, and he didn't believe Ye Qiushui would betray them.

"But speaking of it, you are too useless, you were actually spelled by an indigenous person!" At this time, a young man in Huapao looked at Cui Mingjie somewhat frivolously, and then said.

Both Cui Mingjie and Lu Hongyuan's expressions suddenly looked ugly. Chu Yunfan planted the Yin and Yang two auras. To them, it was a shame and a great humiliation, and I was afraid that they would not be able to run away with them for the rest of their lives.

Especially to suppress the yin and yang qi talisman, they had to ask Liang Ruicai and others for help. I am afraid that this matter will spread all over the world soon. They will not be able to wash away this shame for the rest of their lives, unless they can find that Chu Yunfan and remove him. Kill.

"Don't underestimate him. His strength is not trivial. The most important thing is that there is a Chaotianxie next to him. We were not defeated by him, but Chaotianxie!" Cui Mingjie argued loudly for himself. The expression was slightly flushed.

"Hahaha, you are just looking for reasons for your own weakness!" These young people laughed one after another. It seemed to them that Cui Mingjie and Lu Hongyuan started to rid themselves of their shame. "Chaotianya and Chaotianya have been extinct for many years. They can't be found in the Great Xia Dynasty. How can they be found in this world!"

These people simply don't believe that there is anything going on in the sky. In their eyes, it is just a fig leaf for Cui Mingjie to find for himself.

"We didn't lie, he did carry an upturned head beside him!" Lu Hongyuan said unconvincedly.

"Don't make up stories for the two of you. According to the information we got before, that Chu Yunfan has never brought a head to the sky, not even a piece of sex. You are too good at making up nonsense!"

Another young man looked at Cui Mingjie and Lu Hongyuan sarcastically and said.

Both of them were flushed and furious, but they couldn't find evidence to support their argument at this time. After all, judging from the intelligence they just collected, Chu Yunfan did not have any connection with Chaotianzhen.

But they were clearly defeated by a terrifying Chaotianxu.

Although these people are their companions for the time being, they each have their own contradictions in essence, and their relationship is not harmonious in the Great Xia Dynasty. At this time, they seized the opportunity, and of course they tried their best to mock Cui Mingjie and Lu Hongyuan. .

Cui Mingjie and Lu Hongyuan simply shut up. They knew that they didn't lie, but these people thought they were nonsense, and when they met Chu Yunfan's Chaotianxu, they would know it next time.

Thinking of this, they still wished that Chu Yunfan would be able to teach these people a severe lesson, letting them know that it was not that they were too weak, but that the opponent was too strong.

"It doesn't matter if Ye Qiushui betrayed us or not, it doesn't matter!"

Liang Ruicai said in a cold voice, "Since that Chu Yunfan hasn't appeared here, maybe he didn't dare to appear. As long as he dares to appear, then I will kill him!"

Liang Ruicai didn't take the words Cui Mingjie and Lu Hongyuan had to heart. Chaotianyan was a terrifying existence that was at the top of the list of fierce beasts in ancient times.

The birth of a head turned into the sky often represents a thousand miles in the red land, and it is normal to turn an entire world into its blood.

But they haven’t received any rumors about Chaotianxuan~www.ltnovel.com~ Obviously this is just a speculation by the two, and even he wondered if the two of them mistakenly regarded other creatures as Chaotianzhen.

After all, some monsters might also have Chaotianxian blood in their bodies, which look like Chaotianxian. This is not impossible.

"However, what Cui Mingjie said is not unreasonable. Although Chu Yunfan is only an aboriginal, this aboriginal is obviously different from other aboriginals. Even Xiang Feiyun died in his hands. I will be more careful!" Liang Ruicai paused. After a pause, he said. "Let the forces you control scatter all the spies out. You must find Chu Yunfan's whereabouts. I heard that Hun Tianhou is also offering a reward for his head. That's why Xiang Feiyun went to trouble Chu Yunfan for trouble. It's gone, it's just right now, it's cheaper for us!"

He never put Chu Yunfan in his eyes from beginning to end, but he was just a silly Xiang Feiyun, and what's so great. Among them, there are several people who are not inferior to Xiang Feiyun. His strength is far above Xiang Feiyun.

That's fine if Chu Yunfan doesn't appear. Once he appears, he will be completely killed, and he will raise his head to receive the reward from Huntianhou Li Qianyuan.

Even though they are proud geniuses, when the Huntian Hou Li Qianyuan was mentioned, everyone's expressions changed. It was a terrifying existence that they also needed to look up to.

Li Qianyuan's cultivation may be even more terrifying than the elders of their sects!

Among the people of the same generation, it can be called a myth and legend, and it is not comparable to them.

"Yes, take his head to receive the reward!"

A hot expression flashed in the eyes of a young man.

"Hun Tianhou has always been stingy towards his subordinates, and it should be our turn to turn around, hahahaha!"

"It's a pie in the sky!"


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