I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1613: Come to seek revenge? Kill directly!

At this moment, several figures cut through the sky, but in a moment, they rushed to Chu Yunfan's surroundings and saw Chu Yunfan.

The headed one, a woman with a graceful figure and delicate face, dressed in a red dress, suddenly looked ugly when she saw Chu Yunfan.

"It's him!"

An astonishing killing intent burst into the eyes of this delicate-faced woman.

Behind her, there is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, and a young man wearing a Tsing Yi.

When these three people saw Chu Yunfan, their faces showed a bit of killing intent.

"It's him? It's him, I didn't expect that he would really dare to come!" The young man in Qingyi said with a fierce face, staring at Chu Yunfan.

"Kill him and avenge Big Brother Liang!"

The woman with a graceful figure in a red dress said directly in a rage.

When the three of them saw Chu Yunfan, they were furious, and their anger broke out all at once.

They all thought of Liang Ruicai who died in the hands of Chu Yunfan. Others didn't know that Liang Ruicai had a very good relationship with them.

It can be said that Liang Ruicai saved their lives, and if there was no Liang Ruicai, there would be no them.

"I've heard that this dog thief is coming here. We have been patrolling around every day for the past few days, and we finally blocked him. It's really great!" shudder.

Her eyes were red, and there was a scene when she had never entered the Purple Thunder Sword Domain before.

"Don't worry, as long as I enter the Purple Thunder Sword Realm this time and get the inheritance of the Purple Thunder Sword Sect, and the cultivation base is further improved, I will go to your sect to propose marriage with your teacher!"

What no one thought was that after this sentence, it became the eternal separation between heaven and man!

Thinking of this, the killing intent in her eyes became more clever.

"But this guy is too fierce, even if Big Brother Liang is not his opponent, how can we beat him?" At this moment, the middle-aged man couldn't help but said, his expression was a little frightened, you know Chu Yun Nothing in the current name is fake, it is born out of life.

No one knew him before, but after the two battles between Xiang Feiyun and Liang Ruicai, Chu Yunfan's foul name was already known to the world.

Especially after Chu Yunfan smashed Yang Feifeng's puppet, it made countless people feel terrified.

Perhaps among them, there are some who can ignore Chu Yunfan, but that definitely does not include him.

"What are you talking about?" The red-clothed woman looked at the middle-aged man with murderous expression. "Big Brother Liang saved our lives before. What you said at the beginning was that your lives belonged to Brother Liang. How much did Brother Liang have to pay to bring you in. Now you want to shrink back like this? Just repay this. Brother Liang!"

The middle-aged man looked at the red-clothed woman and suddenly couldn't help taking his momentum from her. He naturally understood what Liang Ruicai meant to this red-clothed woman. That was the only pillar in life.

Now that this pillar is gone, it can be said that whoever dares to stand in the way of her revenge is her enemy!

"Yes, our lives were saved by Big Brother Liang. This Chu Yunfan now seems to be breaking through, and now is a good opportunity for us to take action!" At this time, the Qingyi youth observed for a while and said.

He was completely sure that Chu Yunfan was definitely breaking through the barrier, and this was undoubtedly an excellent opportunity.

"Yes, this is a good opportunity I was waiting for. Now this is even God is on our side, don't you think?" The red-dressed woman said loudly, her eyes flashing intensely Hate. "Besides, if this guy is so powerful, if you let him break through, what's the deal?"

"I know you are afraid!" The woman in red said directly, "But think about it, the weather is now looking for his head, as long as you can get his head, do you want any benefit? Even if it is beyond the Dan realm. hopeless!"

The middle-aged man seemed to have thought of this too. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, this is a good opportunity, take it!"

The middle-aged man glanced at Chu Yunfan. At this time, Chu Yunfan seemed to have lost his mind, and his whole person was surrounded by a mass of energy.

It's crazy!

You know, it's not crazy to choose to break through in such unsuspecting barren mountains and forests.

In an instant, the middle-aged man shot and trampled on his backhand.

This kick almost overturned the entire sky in an instant, and in an instant, it had trampled on Chu Yunfan's body.


This foot directly penetrated the energy frenzy of Chu Yunfan's body, and fell directly on Chu Yunfan's body, but it was silent, and there was no even the slightest fluctuation on the ground, as if the power of his foot was affected by others. What kind of power is absorbed.

"What? How is this possible!"

The middle-aged man finally changed his face. He suddenly thought of something, and suddenly reacted, but at this time he suddenly felt a huge force grabbing his feet.

Then he was taken out with almost no resistance at all, grabbed a big hand from the storm, and then fell to the ground violently.


The middle-aged man's body was caught directly, and he fell to the ground severely, directly setting off a wave of dust of several tens of meters, like a huge storm on the sea.

The middle-aged man only felt that his body was broken, and he didn’t know how many bones had been broken in his body~www.ltnovel.com~ However, before he could even think about it, he saw a big hand suddenly disappear from the void. Zhonghua came out and shot directly at the middle-aged man.

"Damn it, Hugh is fierce!"

The young man in Tsing Yi immediately yelled when he saw this scene, and jumped straight out, but he saw that another big gasification hand flew out, clenched his fist directly, and blasted out with a fist.


The young man in Tsing Yi was hit by a punch, his whole body flew upside down, and his whole body was torn apart in the air.

A master in the middle of the Golden Core Realm died tragically instantly!

His appearance did not change the fate of the middle-aged man being shot to death, and he couldn't even delay it for a while.

In an instant, the two partners died tragically, and all this finally made the woman's eyes flushed, and she looked at Chu Yunfan with incomparable resentment in her eyes.

I can't wait to talk about Chu Yunfan's broken body with my own eyes!

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