I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1616: Not the Raptors but Jiang

Chu Yunfan saw it inexplicably. When did his fame have reached this point, it was to the extent that the child stopped crying!

"Chu Yunfan, Chu Yunfan is here!"

Someone exclaimed, and suddenly bursts of divine auras revealed the meaning of panic. X

It seemed that after hearing Chu Yunfan, everyone panicked.

In the distance, the masters in the Purple Thunder Sword Region who followed far away were completely dumbfounded.

Is this totally persuaded?

They hadn't seen a master of the Great Xia Dynasty before it would be so scared!

This is not in the same dimension as the masters of the Great Xia Dynasty they know, and the style of painting is completely different.

You know, no matter which master of the Great Xia Dynasty they meet, none of these people is a superb look, and some even don't even bother to talk to them.

It can even be said that it is almost written on the face, I am not aiming at any of you, everyone in this room is all rubbish!

So in their cognition, these masters of the Great Xia Dynasty should be more arrogant than the other.

But now these people are so panicked after hearing Chu Yunfan's name, they are simply not the same type of creatures as the superior Daxia Dynasty masters they know.

"Is this really the people we know?"

These people all took a breath.

"This Chu Yunfan really killed them all!"

"Hahahaha, these people denounced me as an aboriginal and didn't put me in the eyes at all. Now look at them and dare to be so proud?"

"Yes, we should also let them know that there are no masters in our Purple Thunder Sword Region!"

These people wantonly mocking the masters of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Those masters of the Great Xia Dynasty were too arrogant, treating them like pigs and dogs, they could not bear it a long time ago.

Now Chu Yunfan can completely help them out.

"But think about it, how many masters Chu Yunfan has killed in this period of time, can they not be afraid?"

However, their gazes quickly focused on Chu Yunfan. Although Chu Yunfan had always said that he was coming, it was the first time that he appeared so swaggeringly.

"Chu Yunfan, why are you here?" At this time, a master of the Daxia Dynasty asked.

"I'm here, don't you really know anything? Don't you think that the people in our Purple Thunder Sword Region are all natives?" Chu Yunfan said coldly. "Don't you think we are too weak? Then I will kill a few to show you!"

Suddenly, these masters of the Great Xia Dynasty were silent one after another, and they did not expect that Chu Yunfan would come up to the end of the battle.

"Chu Yunfan, you have to keep a low profile, haven't you heard of it? Do you think you really are a character? You are too mad"

Suddenly, at this moment, a young man wearing a black robe and a gloomy face spoke.

"Why, you also want to target me?" Chu Yunfan glanced at the young man with a gloomy face, and then said.

"Targeting you? I can't talk about targeting you, but you have to understand that you don't think that you can run wild if you kill Xiang Feiyun and Liang Rui. They are nothing at all among us!" The young man with a gloomy face is cold. Said quietly.

"This is not a place where you can be arrogant!" the young man with a gloomy face continued. "Here is the order here. If you don't observe the order, you will be a dead end!"

"Yes, this is not a place where you can let your arrogance be left to you. If it's a dragon, you have to hold it, and if it's a tiger, you have to lie down!"

At this moment, another short young man stood up, looked at Chu Yunfan coldly, and said.

Chu Yunfan just looked at the two of them, then raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "Why, are you going to fight me?"

Chu Yunfan looked at the two of them, and was not moved by what they said.

Seeing that Chu Yunfan was so arrogant, the two of them didn't pay attention to them at all, and they came up with shouts and screams, and suddenly felt a little angry.

"The two of you are really too extreme. This world itself respects the strong. What is Xiang Feiyun and Liang Ruicai having to do with you? Why do you want to stand up for them!"

At this time, a man walked in the distance. This man was tall and looked extremely handsome.

This tall man came up and crossed in front of Chu Yunfan and the two.

"Huang Feng, is it really appropriate for you to help an outsider like this?" the young man with a gloomy face said quietly. "There was already a traitor Ye Qiushui before, so do you want to betray us?"

Only then did Chu Yunfan discover that this young man with a gloomy face seemed to be very good at buckling his hats, and he buckled his hats one after another at every turn.

"Betrayal?" The tall man Huang Feng said with a sneer: "I wonder if you have any misunderstandings. When did I and you belong to the same camp?"

Suddenly, everyone's expressions were stagnant, because they didn't expect that Huang Feng would actually know this to everyone, but everyone tacitly avoided the past problem and directly picked all the Chi Guoguo on everyone's. before.

"Thank you Xiongtai for breaking the siege, but it doesn't matter. Since they want to target me, then I can kill a few more people!" Chu Yunfan's voice was cold, and he has never hesitated against those who target him. Will keep hands.

"Either you kneel and apologize to me now, or you will die for me!" Chu Yunfan said with an even colder voice.

The two of them didn't expect that ~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan was so embarrassed, and suddenly became angry.

Chu Yunfan was much stronger than they thought!

"I don't care who the people behind you are, but since you jump out, be prepared to bear my anger!"

After hearing Chu Yunfan's words, everyone suddenly realized that these two people seemed to have stood up for the Great Xia Dynasty, but I was afraid that there were others behind them who were contributing to the flames.

However, many people in the Purple Thunder Sword Region also know Chu Yunfan's style of acting. Since his debut, he has never compromised. Whoever wants to suppress him will eventually be killed by him.

"This is his style. If Chu Yunfan bowed his head to these people, it would not be the Chu Yunfan we know!"

"Too much deception, do you really think you are invincible?" At this moment, the short young man shouted, a light flashed from his hand, and suddenly a huge copper hammer appeared in his hand. , The backhand hit Chu Yunfan down with one blow. rw

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