I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1638: 1 year in a hurry

For ordinary people, Chu Yunfan's strength is naturally beyond doubt, even Huang Feng and others, Chu Yunfan can easily defeat them!

But in the face of Li Qianyuan, he is still incapable!

Need to continue to strengthen!

Chu Yunfan looked outside, and there were still a large number of soldiers and horses of the Great Xia Dynasty patrolling, and even a little bit of clues could not escape their eyes!

Chu Yunfan was not in a hurry at all, just taking advantage of this opportunity to practice well, he still had nine Hunyuan Pills in his hand, enough for him to continue his cultivation.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan was not in a hurry immediately, and immediately ran the Emperor Ji Gong, swallowing a Hunyuan Pill.


This Hunyuan Pill was swallowed into his stomach, and suddenly it was like a bomb exploded in his body, and countless energy frenzy swept away.

Chu Yunfan immediately controlled this energy with his mind, and began to rush towards the barrier in the middle of the Golden Core Realm.

Wave after wave, Chu Yunfan's crazy impact!

Time flies like a white horse, and there is no time to practice in the mountains. In the time of Chu Yunfan's practice, one year has passed by in a hurry.

As the Great Xia Dynasty strengthened the management of the Purple Thunder Sword Region, peace in the Purple Thunder Sword Region was restored.

Compared with the original situation where the three major powers were striving for hegemony and the monsters were eyeing on them, this was undoubtedly the face of peace in the world.

Ordinary people have become accustomed to the change of the ruler, becoming the Great Xia Dynasty.

For ordinary people, there is no difference, but after opening up the barriers between the two worlds, the rich aura from the Great Xia Dynasty poured in. It was only a year, and everyone in the Purple Thunder Sword Region felt it. The benefit of doubling the aura's richness.

Ordinary people are strong and strong, and they are resistant to all diseases, and cultivators have also found that the realm that was difficult to break through has become easier to break through, and breakthroughs have been made in all realms.

Almost everyone in the upper and lower parts has benefited. Soon, the people in the entire Purple Thunder Sword Realm have returned to their hearts. A year later, the Purple Thunder Sword Realm officially became history, and it became the Purple Thunder State of the Great Xia Dynasty. Become one of hundreds of states and counties in the Great Xia Dynasty.

For some people, Chu Yunfan, who hasn't appeared for more than a year, is the real man, especially in order to capture Chu Yunfan. Huntianhou Li Qianyuan was furious and arranged countless soldiers and horses to patrol day and night.

But Chu Yunfan disappeared completely, even a little bit of news could not be found, as if disappeared out of thin air.

In this situation, even Li Qianyuan, who led the army, had to give up searching for Chu Yunfan, at least on the surface.

Because the emperor came to the imperial decree, after capturing the Purple Thunder Sword Region, Li Qianyuan made a great contribution and returned to the Ministry of War to reward him.

But there are also rumours that Li Qianyuan was injured by Chu Yunfan a year ago, and his injury was not completely healed, so he had to return to the imperial capital to find a cure.

In any case, everyone knows that the old era has passed, and a brand new era follows.

Various legends about the Great Xia Dynasty began to spread on the land of Zi Leizhou.

It also seems to be because the Daxia Dynasty has absolute strength, and it does not suppress the original forces. This also makes the major forces relieved and secretly grateful.

But they also understood that the Great Xia Dynasty didn't even bother to do that, because the dragon in the sky would not care about the views of the ants on the ground.

Although it is a bit sad, it is a good thing for them at this time!

There are also smart people who understand that the Daxia Dynasty implemented the Liuguan system here, and it itself was not intended to just plunder and leave, but to rule for a long time.

Among the countless rumors, the Purple Thunder State was integrated with the Middle Earth and the earth a long time ago. Later, the Purple Thunder Sword Sect separated the Purple Thunder State from other places with the supreme formation and barriers, but now it’s just Just come back.

Great Xia Dynasty, Yunzhou, Yijiapu.

It is said to be a fort, but in fact, it is like a small city, with a resident population of 100,000.

Among this Yijiabao, 80% of them are descendants of Yijia.

However, on this day, after receiving a message, the Yi Family Patriarch who was in the retreat rushed out of the retreat in a hurry.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't know what news could make an iron-blooded man like the Patriarch become so anxious.

In the reception hall, an old man with a firm face was holding a jade slip in his hand, his palms trembling slightly.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, I can still receive news from Tianxing!"

This resolute old man wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked at the young man above the guest seat.

It was a handsome young man dressed in black.

"Thank you for helping me bring back the news of Tian Xing. I am grateful!" The resolute-faced old man said with emotion. He has been fighting for the Great Xia Dynasty in the army for many years, and he has not had any difficulties. After the slightest trouble, but the news brought by this handsome man today made him cry.

How many years have passed since, how many years has his youngest son disappeared, how many relationships he has initiated, and searched all over, but no news of his youngest son can be found.

But he never expected that he would still receive a message from his youngest son today.

"You're welcome, big... uh, Senior Tian Xing has taken good care of me too, these are what I should do!"

When Chu Yunfan looked at this old man, he couldn't help but sighed. When he left Kunlun Realm, the president once told him that if he could come to the birthplace of the president one day, he would take him as much as he could A letter to his father.

The president’s real name is Yi Tianxing~www.ltnovel.com~ is the youngest son of the Lord of Yijiabao. When he was young, he accidentally fell into the gap between time and space and fell into the Kunlun realm. The President of the Human Federation.

Of course, Chu Yunfan wouldn't say anything about the human federation right now. This is still top secret for him at the moment, and he absolutely can't disclose it casually.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Great Xia Dynasty, for the human federation, it would be tantamount to annihilation, and it would not be much better than the Purple Thunder Sword Region.

"In any case, it is the young man who brought the news of the sky to the old man, so that the old man can finally feel at ease, so that he will not die!"

The Lord Yijiabao said.

He wanted to ask about his son, but his son's home book had already stated that it was not convenient for him to return, and he could only give up temporarily.

"Great En has nothing to report. If the son is sent, as long as I can do what Yijiabao can do, I will try my best to help!".


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