"Hahahaha, this is not self-confidence, Zi Leizhou is too backward, and even a pill realm on your side can be called a master. Isn't it ridiculous!" Yun Hui laughed loudly, and did not put Chu Yunfan at all. In the eyes. Miscellaneous ζ志ζ虫の

"But looking at you, you don't seem to be ready to raise your hand to surrender?"

"Yes, why should I surrender? You should surrender!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Yun Hui and said directly.

"There's really a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you broke in, do you really think that the Great Xia Dynasty is your Purple Leizhou? The frog at the bottom of the well!"

Yun Hui immediately became cold, but there was a somewhat joking expression in his eyes, apparently treating Chu Yunfan as a plaything.

"When encountering Yun Hui, this Chu Yunfan is probably in bad luck!"

"Yes, Yun Hui is the current Patriarch of the Yun Family in Fengzhou. He can be the Patriarch at his age. Of course, he can rely on his own strength. Hey, don’t see Chu Yunfan defeated Xiao Bofu before, but Xiao Bofu touched him. When it comes to Yunhui, I'm afraid it will be a fate!"

"Although Yun Hui is not one of the few seed disciples that have been delineated, but the ranking is also very high, and he is definitely qualified to compete for seed disciples!"

At this time, the outside has already started to quarrel because of the two.

"But I didn't expect that this Chu Yunfan was actually born in Zi Lei Zhou. It seems that a real dragon appeared in the shallow water!"

"But it's really not easy for him to get to this point!"

Basically no one is optimistic about Chu Yunfan. In their opinion, Yun Hui's promotion is already a certainty. Even the disciples of Fei Xianzong who have become inner disciples have their own plans.

Now don't look at them all being aloof, but after this group of disciples have also worshipped Fei Xianzong, they will be at the same level as each other, and by that time they will be rivals.

Many people are even considering how to fight Yunhui.

The one who really didn't care about it was probably Fang Yu. Fang Yu's cultivation was far superior to everyone. For him, these people weren't enough to pose a threat to him.

He chose to watch Chu Yunfan only because he found it interesting.

And on the ring, Yun Hui's patience seemed to have been polished by Chu Yunfan. He suddenly shouted: "Today you can only stop here!"

Yun Hui said, his gaze swept over the sky. He was looking at those Fei Xianzong disciples. In the future, they are all senior brothers. It can be said that they are both senior brothers and competitors. Now he will let These people look at his strength.

In the Flying Immortal Sect, a person without strength doesn't even have a position at all. He wants to show his own strength now.

But at this moment, Yun Hui stepped forward, and in an instant, he blasted out with a punch.

"Chaotic Cloud God Fist!"

With this punch, the clouds between the sky and the earth condensed, as if turned into a sea of ​​clouds, but in the center of this sea of ​​clouds, Yunhui stood on it, the real master.

The white clouds that these clouds have turned into seem to be nothing, but everyone knows that the truly terrifying lies in them. Each white cloud is a terrifying punch that can crush everything.

This is exactly the gem of their Fengzhou Yun family!

For an instant, the entire world of the ring space seemed to be controlled by him.

These Yun Qi directly wrapped Chu Yunfan into it, and in an instant, there was a violent roar everywhere. It was the relationship between Yun Hui's countless punches in an instant.

This Yun Hui's strength was at least twice as strong as the previous Xiao Bofu. He had truly entered the peak of the late stage of the Void Realm, and was only a step away from the peak of the Void Realm.

No wonder he dared to claim that he wanted to fight for the status of a seed disciple. With his current cultivation base, he did not fail to become a seed disciple in the assessment of Fei Xianzong over the years.

"Chu Yunfan is over. Facing these clouds, he can't directly resist. The best way is to avoid him. He is done without avoiding him!"

When everyone thought that Chu Yunfan was finished, they saw a sword light with a purple thunder blasting out of the sky, tearing open countless white clouds in an instant, and in an instant, it had directly shredded everything. Cut in the direction of Yun Hui.

"how so!"

Yun Hui never expected that, surrounded by his countless clouds, Chu Yunfan could actually counterattack. This sword light instantly caused his hair on his back to stand upside down, as if he had encountered great danger.

He almost immediately protected his hands in front of him, but the sword light still smashed directly down in the next instant.


Yun Hui suddenly screamed, and his whole body flew out. His arms were already completely bloody, and he was severely injured by a direct sword.

But soon, everyone found that ~www.ltnovel.com~ became a **** flesh and blood not only Yun Hui’s hands, but also his chest. I don’t know when it was swept by the sword qi, and he cut out one directly. Big hole.

Yun Hui screamed and quickly grabbed the healing pill from the void, wanting to heal the wounds, but how could Chu Yunfan give him this opportunity? He didn't know when, he had already come behind him and kicked directly. Got out.

This kick kicked out like lightning and directly hit Yun Hui's back. Yun Hui let out a scream, and he flew out of the ring, his whole body could not move, and Chu Yunfan's bones were kicked into serious injuries.

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, not only the talented disciples who came to participate in the assessment, even the disciples in the Flying Immortal Sect were stunned.

From beginning to end, Chu Yunfan only made two moves, one that severely inflicted Yun Hui, and the other completely made Yun Hui lose the ability to fight.

"Such strength, even if you are competing for seed disciples, it is not hopeless!"

Someone said in shock.

"Yes, even seed disciples, not many can do this step!"

"What kind of physique he is, he is a monster at all!"

Everyone was shocked. At this time, the disciples of the Flying Immortal Sect finally looked at Chu Yunfan squarely and listed Chu Yunfan as the greatest threat, and was no longer just a dispensable little person.

"How exactly did he cultivate? In a place like Zi Leizhou, it is almost impossible to cultivate such a powerful cultivation base!"

"Could it be that he is not a talented person, but Chu Yunfan has taken too few shots, and it is impossible to judge whether he has any special physique that makes him so powerful!"

"But in terms of special physique, isn't there one of the disciples who applied for the exam this time? Maybe we can meet it by then, if Chu Yunfan doesn't lose!"

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