I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1673: Which of them is stronger?

Suddenly, the scene fell silent, and everyone seemed to have known Hua Xianyuan for the first time. Many of their previous rumors about Hua Xianyuan were only rumors, but now they really saw a living Hua Xianyuan. Up.

They looked at Hua Xianyuan dumbfounded, and even sympathized with the two brothers Gao Feiyun and Gao Feifeng.

They pretended to pretend to be halfway through, and they pretended to be good, but Chu Yunfan, who was passing by with soy sauce, was beaten first, and he was half-bodied.

Then he was rescued by Hua Xianyuan. He thought that Hua Xianyuan was helping them. Who knows, Hua Xianyuan saved them just to beat them.

After rescuing them again, they were beaten up again!

"I'm not angry at all now, I still want to laugh a little!"

"No, I am expressionless now, I even want to laugh a little!"

"These two brothers didn't read the almanac when they went out!"

"But this Huaxianyuan is really too strong. It is even more terrifying than the rumors. It is almost like a monster. The two brothers Gao Feiyun and Gao Feifeng alone have forced us to the point where there is almost no way. Who I know that when facing Hua Xianyuan, there is absolutely no way to fight back!"

"Hua Xianyuan isn't the only one who is really amazing, so Chu Yunfan can't help it!"

Everyone talked a lot, and at this time their anger had disappeared, and they even sympathized with the two brothers Gao Feiyun and Gao Feifeng who had been beaten twice.

But their discussion gradually turned to Chu Yunfan and Hua Xianyuan.

Whether it was Chu Yunfan passing by with soy sauce and beating Gao Feiyun and Gao Feifeng, or Hua Xianyuan rescued the person and beating him again, it was called the top ten pretending incidents of the year.

Among them, the real dignified expressions are those who are also the top ten seeded disciples. Before that, Liu Deqing and Fang Zhiyuan, who are also among the top ten seeded disciples, were defeated by the two.

And it was almost a humiliating fiasco!

However, when the two brothers faced Chu Yunfan and Hua Xianyuan, they were almost helpless to fight back. This highlights that even among the ranks of the top ten seed disciples, there is already a difference between superior and inferior. .

And unlike what many people originally guessed, both of the top ten seed disciples should be about the same strength.

In fact, the combat power of the two sides has begun to show the same gap.

No matter what Hua Xianyuan was, everyone knew about him. Although he was surprised, it was still acceptable. It is said that Hua Xianyuan was a powerful reincarnation. He had a special adventure since he was a child. There was no rival among his peers.

If they are geniuses, then Hua Xianyuan is the genius among these geniuses, the evildoer among the evildoers.

In the future, it is even optimistic that there is hope to compete for the existence of Fei Xianzong's next suzerain. The worst future will be the high-level Fei Xianzong and even the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

But this Chu Yunfan is different. In their opinion, it is almost equivalent to possessing such amazing strength without revealing the mountains and dews, and no one even knows what his roots are.

What kind of background and what kind of inheritance he has, it is so amazing!

"The two of them, who is stronger?"

Someone asked this question.

If it were before today, they were afraid they would say without hesitation that Huaxian was far stronger, but they didn't dare to say that after seeing the amazing power of Chu Yunfan's action just now.

Chu Yunfan's strength was deeply rooted in their minds.

The two brothers have already been defeated between the flips, and their power is not much worse than Hua Xian. This is the most terrifying!

"It's hard to say, Gao Feiyun and Gao Feifeng have no way to reach the bottom line of these two people, and they can't even force their true strength out!"

"Yes, it seems that the two of them should be the most powerful in this issue!"

Many people couldn't help sighing. It doesn't matter to ordinary people that there are talented people in the same generation, because they are not in their turn anyway.

But for these self-proclaimed geniuses, it is simply the biggest and most cruel thing.

Their light will also be concealed by these two people at the same time!

Hua Xianyuan just glanced at the two brothers Gao Feiyun and Gao Feifeng, and then left here directly in the light of escape.

Everyone also turned around and left. At this time, their evil spirits were already out, and the two people from the Sky Star Sect were also defeated here twice in a row.

There is no excitement here.

The flowers bloomed with one branch on each end. Chu Yunfan didn't know that Hua Xianyuan was coming later, and after he rescued the two brothers Gao Feiyun and Gao Feifeng, he gave another beating.

He went straight into the Hall of Merit and Virtue, and came in front of a disciple who recorded the task.

"Hello, I don't know if you are here to take the task or hand it in!" The disciple glanced at Chu Yunfan, and couldn't help but show a kind of flattering smile on his face.

He recognized that Chu Yunfan's clothing was exactly the style of an inner disciple, and he was just an outer disciple, and he worked part-time in the merit hall in order to earn points.

For them, the outer disciples, the resources of the sect are never biased towards them, so if they want to obtain sufficient resources for practice, they must continue to make various contributions to the sect. may.

"I'm here to hand in tasks!" Chu Yunfan replied. He glanced at the Gongde Hall. At this moment, the whole Gongde Hall was full of turbulence. I don't know how many people in the whole hall are taking tasks and handing in tasks. , Among them, the masters don't know how many, the huge background of Fei Xianzong can be seen at a glance at this time.

"I don't know what task you are going to hand in?" the disciple of the Palace of Merit and Virtue said.

"I'm here to pay for the mission of Lone Star~www.ltnovel.com~ I brought his head!"

Chu Yunfan said.


The disciple of this Gongde Hall almost yelled. The whole Gongde Hall had at least thousands of tasks backlogged at all times. Of course, he couldn't understand all the tasks very well, but this Lone Star Child's task was different.

The Lone Star Child caused hundreds of thousands of casualties in the Great Xia Dynasty, which aroused the anger of the royal court, and even called on the major forces to take action to destroy the Lone Star Child, and also rewarded the birth pill.

This kind of attention and generous rewards are not unusual!

Moreover, the Lone Star Child had shown great power before and attracted the inner disciples and elite disciples of the various major sects into the Tianma Mountain Range, and almost wiped out these groups, which can be said to have caused a huge sensation.

Even if the disciples of the major sects that entered the Sky Demon Mountain Range weren't Tuan Mie, the result was almost the same, and there was not even a Chengdu who could escape.

This is the biggest news in recent time.

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