Someone said tremblingly, everyone was dumbfounded, shocked by Chu Yunfan's amazing combat power, almost swept away.

At the level of Peeping Void Realm, even Chu Yunfan couldn't find any rivals!

This is what shocked everyone the most!

You can't even find the enemy of Yihe!

What is powerful, what is hegemony!

This is powerful, this is the overlord!

Chu Yunfan's performance even changed the expressions of those elite disciples in the Void Void Realm, because even they couldn't achieve Chu Yunfan's level at all back then, even if it is not good to say, if it is changed. They were here back then, I'm afraid they will only be swept by Chu Yunfan, and there will be no other results.

Chu Yunfan is really too strong, not that they are too weak, this is simply a monster!

"He hasn't stepped into the voyeuristic realm yet, has he? He hasn't stepped into the voyeuristic realm yet, it's so terrifying, so if you let him step into the voyeuristic realm, then it's okay?"

An elite disciple said in shock, that horrible scene, so that he can't believe it now.

"How long has it been for the inner disciples to have such a sweeping overlord level figure, such a character, as long as they don't die in the future, I'm afraid they will definitely be promoted to become true disciples!"

"It's more than just becoming a true disciple. He doesn't even look into the virtual realm now. If he really waits for him to become a true disciple, I am afraid he will immediately be the best among the true disciples, and it is not comparable to ordinary people!"

All the elite disciples were shocked. They instinctively told them that Chu Yunfan might be able to join them soon. The champion of this World War Chu Yunfan could definitely get involved. At that time, it is only a matter of time to join them. .

Even if it is not a champion, judging from Chu Yunfan's performance, it is not a problem to be on an equal footing with them.

No matter how you look at it, it is far simpler to cross from the virtual world into the virtual world than from the virtual world into the virtual world.

The road to practice gets narrower and more difficult as it goes to the back. This is an eternal truth.

The inner disciples and outer disciples outside the court were all dumbfounded. They never thought that a new entry disciple could actually be so aggressive.

Especially those new beginner disciples who are also the top ten seed disciples of Chu Yunfan, at this time, they are even more of Chen Zawei. It turns out that Chu Yunfan has not already thrown them away.

They couldn't even see the taillights of Chu Yunfan's car, and they rode away.

"Unexpectedly, there was an enchantment between us. I am afraid that we will have a true story in this session!"

Many new beginner disciples talked about it.

You must know that although Fei Xianzong recruits a group of disciples every three years, not every group of disciples will necessarily give birth to a true disciple, and even one true disciple will appear among two or three groups of disciples.

If there is a true disciple among this group of disciples, then they will also feel proud, and at the same time, it can be said that the backbone of them will be Chu Yunfan.

Baotuan is the characteristic of almost all human beings, even among Fei Xianzong.

At this time, in the field, Chu Yunfan easily picked up the red token in his hand, and no one dared to **** him.

But in other places, fierce battles are still in progress, even if it is just a yellow token, there are five or six people competing for each token, which can be described as extremely dangerous.

Chu Yunfan glanced around it, and suddenly, he saw You Chuyun.

At this moment, You Chuyun was competing for a yellow token, but beside this yellow token, there were several inner disciples competing for it at the same time.

Among these people, You Chuyun's cultivation base was the weakest, and he was vomiting blood that was almost immediately suppressed. The others also wanted to eliminate the weakest You Chuyun first.

The same is in the late stage of the Void Void Realm, but You Chuyun has just entered the late stage of the Void Void Realm, and his strength naturally differs from others.

"Damn it, how could it be so difficult!"

You Chuyun gritted his teeth and said, he also didn't expect the situation to be so bad. It can be said that this kind of assessment mode has never been seen before.

But now, basically it can only be snatched by strength.

To make matters worse, for many people, they all have a variety of small groups. After they came in, they quickly divided into different small groups and used the power of the group.

But he is a lone individual, and there are two groups just competing for this token.

His strength is the weakest, and he is a lonely person. He is the most squeezed out. Everyone wants to exclude him first.

At this moment, he had no choice at all. At this time, the disadvantage of being alone was completely revealed.

"Knock him out first!"

At this moment, I didn't know who yelled. Everyone pointed their fingers at You Chuyun. In an instant, all kinds of terrifying attacks swept out and went directly in You Chuyun's direction.


All of these attacks fell on You Chuyun. You Chuyun was hit hard all at once, just as he was about to be protected and sent out by the escape light.

Suddenly, a big hand fell from the sky, directly grabbing all the attacks of these inner disciples in the hand, and snatching them all out.

Then this big hand slammed out suddenly, unexpectedly slammed the inner disciples who had been chased by them all at once, severely wounded, and then sent out.

In this scene, even You Chuyun was frightened. He didn't know where the attack came from, but this big hand obviously avoided his side deliberately and didn't attack him.

But before he could even think about it a little bit, he could only feel a terrifying suction that sucked him over.

As soon as his eyes went dark, he already appeared next to a figure.

He fixed his eyes, but who was that person was not Chu Yunfan.

How could he still not understand This time it was Chu Yunfan who rescued him, otherwise he would definitely be eliminated.

Thinking of this, he suppressed his injury and said to Chu Yunfan, "Thank you, Brother Chu, for your help!"

"It's okay, you can heal the injury first!"

With a flick of Chu Yunfan's finger, a pill fell into You Chuyun's hands. It was a healing pill.

Immediately, You Chuyun discovered that the yellow token had also been captured together without knowing when, and it has now fallen into his hands.

He was overjoyed immediately.

But then he was stunned to discover that Chu Yunfan actually had a red token in his hand, which meant that Chu Yunfan had actually been promoted to the top ten.

This immediately made him feel a little dizzy!

He knew that Chu Yunfan was nothing in the pool, but he didn't expect Chu Yunfan to rise so quickly!

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