I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1697: Yu Wenxing, dead!

Sweep, see Sweep again!

In this field, Chu Yunfan was already invincible, even a top expert like Yu Wenxing who surpassed the peak of the ordinary Peeping Void Realm would have no power to fight back when he met Chu Yunfan.

"How can it be!"

An elite disciple in the Void Hole Realm jumped up all at once, and jumped up from his seat almost instantly, as if he was completely shocked by Chu Yunfan.

"He is the Void Realm? The Void Realm can reach such a level? Then what are we? Do we count as living in the belly of a dog!"

An elite disciple said in disbelief.

Even these elite disciples looked at each other as if they had seen a ghost, especially Chu Yunfan was just a virtual realm.

This makes them feel that their past time has been abandoned!

When they were in the Void Realm, let alone beat the Peak of the Void Realm as a dog, even facing the ordinary Void Realm they were not opponents at all.

Those who can leapfrog and challenge are already Tianzong wizards, let alone the more so many levels, it makes them feel horrified.


At this moment, Yu Wenxing, who was hit directly on the ground, let out a long scream, the breath of his body seemed to be about to tear the world apart, and a terrifying force was released from his body.

Yu Wenxing's eyes were red. At this moment, everyone could see that his injury was getting better at an alarming rate.

The anger in his heart was burning, and he wanted to kill Chu Yunfan instantly. He came to kill Chu Yunfan, and he didn't even put Chu Yunfan in his eyes at all.

Who knows, the reality is that Chu Yunfan directly slapped him in the face, which was hit hard instantly.

This is simply a shame to him.

Yu Wenxing jumped up suddenly, and another azure sword appeared in his hand. The sword exuded faint ripples of mana. These ripples showed the fluctuations of weird runes and possessed unimaginable power.

"Isn't this the legendary Broken Immortal Sword?" someone said.

"Yes, this is the Sword of Broken Immortal, yes, I have seen Wang Yifan used it before, and I didn't expect that even the sword of Broken Immortal would be rewarded. This Wang Yifan hates Chu Yunfan so much!"

"Yes, obviously this Broken Immortal Sword is meant to deal with Chu Yunfan!"

Those elite disciples have their eyes widened, and the Broken Immortal Sword is also very famous among them. Once, Wang Yifan also defeated many powerful enemies with this.

Naturally they still know some!

Now the Broken Immortal Sword actually appeared in Yu Wenxing's hands, and many people's eyes flashed a little astonishing, and they could feel the terrifying power emanating from the Broken Immortal Sword.

I am afraid that even this sword cannot stop the peak of the ordinary Peeping Void Realm!

No wonder Yuwenxing is so sure that he can win the championship.

But they are also not surprised, because such situations happen from time to time. When those true disciples want to win the championship, they will often give magical instruments or pill.

This is not unusual!

"I am afraid that there will be a battle between dragons and tigers. The Broken Immortal Sword is not an ordinary immortal sword. Chu Yunfan's physical cultivation is indeed amazing, but I am afraid that I can't resist a few swords!"

Someone directly sat back on their seats, feeling that the battle had just begun, and it was not as fast as they thought it would be the victory or defeat.

Although Broken Immortal Sword is not Yuwenxing's own strength, it is not important. In the end, who wins and loses is the most important.

"Originally, I only used it when I planned to win the championship. I didn't expect to use it here, but it's okay, Broken Sword, and cut you!" After Yu Wenxing breathed out a mouthful of blood, he returned to his vigorous appearance. Have confidence again.

I just feel the Broken Sword in my hand, I have the world!

"It turned out to rely on a fairy sword, no wonder!"

Chu Yunfan said with a faint smile.

"But even so, do you think you can make a comeback? That's ridiculous!"

"Turn it over? I want to kill you!"

A violent killing intent flashed in Yu Wenxing's eyes. If he was only ordered to kill Chu Yunfan at the beginning, he himself did not have much killing intent, then now he himself strongly wants to kill Chu Yunfan. This guy who made him lose an adult.

"One sword breaks the immortal!"

Yu Wenxing yelled, and a sword light shot out from his hand. In the midair, thousands of sword lights evolved directly. The sword lights tore through the sky and fell directly towards Chu Yunfan. Come down.

The dense sword light was like splashing heavy rain, covering an entire area in an instant!

"Small bugs tricks!"

Chu Yunfan also felt the power of the Broken Immortal Sword. I'm afraid it was the magic weapon used by the master who surpassed the virtual realm. It was no longer a spiritual weapon. Ordinary people couldn't do anything about this kind of fairy sword, but he was different.

At that moment, the mountain and river cauldron appeared above his head, just a flash of light, and the sky full of sword light had been collected in the cauldron, the horror that could tear the whole world apart, and no magic weapon could stop it. Jian Guang couldn't hurt Shanhe Ding at all.

After all, it was a magic weapon refined when the Emperor Dan was not enlightened. Although it was a magic weapon refined when he was not enlightened, its power was not what these people could imagine.

In an instant, all these sword lights were collected into it.

"What is that?" Someone only felt their eyes blink, and a phantom of Pill Ding appeared on the top of Chu Yunfan's head, and then all the sword lights disappeared without a trace.

"That seems to be a medicine pot!"

Someone thought about it for a while, and seemed to confirm that it was indeed a medicine pot.

However, without waiting for them to think about it, Chu Yunfan held the ancient bronze cauldron in his hand and threw it out at once. The mountain and river cauldron flew high into the sky, and countless sword lights flew out of the cauldron directly, like a waterfall raining towards it. Yu Wenxing fell down.

"Damn ~ www.ltnovel.com~ how could it be possible!"

Yu Wenxing didn't expect Chu Yunfan to have such a method, especially not knowing that Chu Yunfan had a magical weapon like Shanhe Ding in his hand.

He didn't want to dodge at all, and was swallowed by countless sword lights all at once.


Yu Wenxing was chopped into a cloud of blood on the spot, and even the escape light could not even send him away.

"Dead... Yu Wenxing actually died!"

Everyone was shocked, dumbfounded, and stared at the scene before them.

Although he knew his fist was speechless, he was still dead after all, and he was still the favorite to win the championship before countless people. I don't know how many people in the top are paying attention to Yu Wenxing.

When many people looked at Chu Yunfan again, they only felt a bit cold on their backs, they killed Yu Wenxing almost understatement, and they couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

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