I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1701: The violent Hua Xianyuan

Hua Xianyuan's eyes were cold, looking at Xia Houjie, his face was indifferent, even if Xia Houjie didn't seem to put him in his eyes at all, it was not enough to make him change his color slightly.

"Boy, you are really crazy!"

Seeing that Hua Xianyuan didn't react at all, Xia Houjie was a little embarrassed, and then a sullen smile appeared on his face.

"Don't think that you have any special physique that can be so rampant, now it is not your turn to be rampant!"

Xia Houjie's body suddenly burst into a horrible breath, and a suit of battle armor suddenly appeared on his body, with a faint light radiating from the battle armor.

Everyone looked intently, and this battle armor was actually swallowing sword energy, forming an isolated area around him.

Within this realm, a dead place has formed.

As long as ordinary people are close to this zhang, it is simply dead.

Many of the inner disciples who watched the battle changed their expressions. This armor was extremely terrifying. If they were replaced by them, they would be strangled and turned into minced meat in an instant.

Xia Houjie dared to compete for the championship at last, he really had his own ability.


Xia Houjie broke out in an instant, and the whole body's mana exploded, and the surrounding airflow began to condense, forming a terrifying torrent, heading directly towards Hua Xianyuan.

And when everyone thought that Hua Xianyuan was going to avoid his sharp edge, who knew that Hua Xianyuan didn't just avoid it as everyone thought, on the contrary, he rushed straight up on the spot. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hua Xianyuan rushed directly in front of Xia Houjie, and actually blasted directly face to face.


Xia Houjie hit Hua Xianyuan's body with a punch, but then, everyone saw that Hua Xianyuan's whole body unexpectedly broke out with a terrible air current, which swept away, directly turning the punch of the punch into strength. Nothing.

"A trivial bug trick, dare to show your eyes in front of me!"

At this time, Hua Xianyuan really showed his strong side. He has not yet reached the peak of the Void Realm, but the latter stage of the Void Realm, but in terms of cultivation level, it is enough to compete with the masters of the Peak of the Void Realm. Not afraid.

The sword aura that Xia Houjie vomits from the battle armor can't help Hua Xianyuan, all of them turned into powder.

This terrifying sword energy that can twist the ordinary voyeurism into blood foam can't help him at all, and even his defenses can't be broken at all.

At this time, Hua Xianyuan finally made a move, and it was also just a simple punch.

In an instant, in his body, a terrifying blue dragon appeared, and the power of horror was vented.

However, Xia Houjie was not to be outdone at all, and again fisted back.

And off the court, Chu Yunfan looked at Hua Xianyuan, who is indeed a rare celestial wizard in a century. He is not the pinnacle of the Void Void, but he can sling the pinnacle of the Void Void, even though he is not better than himself. , But it is also a wizard of Tianzong.

On the other side, the woman with a hot body is also staring at the two people in the field at this time. In her opinion, no matter which one of these two wins or loses, she will become her biggest competitor and become her. The final difficulty of winning the championship, so we can not fail to pay attention to it.

"Xia Houjie is not an opponent at all, he takes his own shame!"

At the moment when the two clashed wildly, Chu Yunfan suddenly said.

Although he didn't speak loudly, whoever was not a martial arts master in the room naturally heard it, and looked at Chu Yunfan one after another, wondering how he could see the strength of the two now.

Especially even though Hua Xianyuan was very good, Xia Houjie also seemed to be very powerful. The armor was integrated with offense and defense, and ordinary characters could not break through.

"Senior Brother Chu, why do you say that?" You Chuyun asked the question in everyone's minds. Even the fiery figure could not help but **** up her ears, because she couldn't even see the outcome of the battle, but On what basis could Chu Yunfan be sure that his judgment must be correct.

"It's very simple, because Hua Xianyuan hasn't done anything yet, but Xia Houjie has already done his best. Up to now, Hua Xianyuan has used 30% of his power at best!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"What, only 30%?"

When everyone heard what Chu Yunfan said, they couldn't help but be stunned, especially those peak disciples who had also broken into the top ten, all of them showed incredible expressions at this time.

"How can it be only 30%? This Chu Yunfan must be mad!"

"Impossible, I admit that Hua Xianyuan is very strong, but it is impossible to match Xia Houjie with all his strength by 30%. Xia Houjie's strength is much stronger than mine!"

One of the top ten disciples said that they can become the top ten, of course, they are much stronger than the ordinary disciples at the peak of the Void Realm, but they are also not opponents against Xia Houjie.

At the same level, Xia Houjie was at least one level better than them.

Even the fiery female disciple didn't believe it at all, and even thought that Chu Yunfan's level was like this.

How could a new disciple who had just started in Huaxian Yuan District possess such a tyrannical strength.

"You are optimistic, Xia Houjie definitely can't even handle Hua Xianyuan's three moves!" Chu Yunfan shook his head and said. "If it were in the past, Xia Houjie might have hope to win the championship, but this year is a pity, let alone Hua Xianyuan, even the previous Yu Wenxing can easily defeat him!"

Chu Yunfan was extremely confident in what he said. The look on everyone's eyes was obviously not nonsense, but he couldn't believe it at all, and at this moment, the outcome of the two sides in the field was divided.

Everyone only saw that after the same right punch, Xia Houjie was caught off guard, his whole body lost his balance, and he was blasted out directly. Hua Xianyuan's fist made a huge dent in that armor that was swallowing sword energy Up.

"How could it be ~www.ltnovel.com~ Xia Houjie is really not Hua Xianyuan's opponent, shouldn't Hua Xianyuan really only used 30% of his power!"

Someone exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone only saw Hua Xianyuan taking advantage of the situation to chase him down, without giving Xia Houjie a chance to recover his vitality, so he slammed on him.

This is also an extremely terrifying leg technique. A cyan big foot was directly evolved in the air, with countless wind auras wrapped around the big foot, like the eye of a storm, and it was stepped on instantly.


With a huge roar, Xia Houjie was embedded on the ground by the directly trampled life, and his battle armor was directly trampled to pieces.


Xia Houjie spit out blood and was defeated on the spot. The whole person instantly turned into a stream of light and withdrew from the game.

Huaxianyuan, win!

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