I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1704: The battle of the pinnacle, the body of wind and spirit

Battle of two monsters!

These two words suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

At this moment, no one would underestimate Chu Yunfan and Hua Xianyuan because they were new disciples.

After all, in the final analysis, new disciples will make people look down, but also because their cultivation years are shorter and their cultivation bases are relatively weak.

The fundamental reason is not because of qualifications, but because of strength!

And now, it is clear that whether it is Chu Yunfan or Hua Xianyuan, although the realm has not yet reached the peak of the Void Void Realm, but in terms of combat power, the ordinary Void Void Peak is only afraid that three or five can only be beaten by this one. That's it.

After all, whether it was Yu Wenxing, Xia Houjie, or Sun Yao, they were all popular candidates to win this year’s championship. They were highly anticipated, but they were completely defeated in the face of Chu Yunfan and Hua Xianyuan. .

"Some people say that the two of us are the strongest newcomers this year, but I don't think so. Since we are the strongest, how could there be two people tied together!" Hua Xianyuan stared at Chu Yunfan firmly and said. Said. "In that case, the two of us must decide a winner!"

During the time he spoke, a terrible breath erupted from Hua Xianyuan's body, shaking the sky and the earth.

At this time, Xia Houjie was completely frightened. When Hua Xianyuan was dealing with him before, he did not give his full strength. If Hua Xianyuan dealt with him just now, he used this level of strength, I am afraid that he would accept every move. If you can't help it, you will lose out on the spot.

At this time, Chu Yunfan was still looking at ease. Hua Xian was far away from others, perhaps scary enough, but for Chu Yunfan, it was not enough for him to use his hole cards.

Now that he is not afraid of the elite disciples, he is forced to directly transform into the incarnation of Chaotianyi. Coupled with the offensive and defensive integration of Shanheding, the ordinary elite disciples are not his opponents, and he can't help him at all.

This is his real confidence.


A thunder wave swept across Chu Yunfan's body, forming a pillar of thunder light that rushed into the sky, traversing the sky, surging, and instantly turning the surrounding into a sea of ​​thunder.

"This kind of mastery of thunder supernatural powers is absolutely impossible to be achieved by acquired martial arts. There is only one possibility. Chu Yunfan is also a special physique!"

At this time, a senior elite disciple suddenly opened his eyes and said.

Other elite disciples also opened their eyes. If this kind of thunder power appeared on the masters above the true disciple in the sect, it would not be surprising. The acquired martial arts and supernatural powers can reach that level.

But in the case of the Void Realm, it just crossed the threshold of the law of touch. Basically, what the law is hasn't figured out yet, so there is only one possibility, that is, Chu Yunfan is also a special physique.

When everyone thought of this conclusion, they were instantly astonished. You know, none of them knew that Chu Yunfan was actually a special physique before.

Why is Hua Xianyuan special? Isn't it because he has a special physique and his future is unlimited?

It is the backbone of Feixianzong against other sects in the future. It can even be said that once he becomes the true biography, his status will even exceed the ordinary true biography!

Although they are not reconciled, they can only admit that some people's brilliance is destined by nature.

But this Chu Yunfan who is silent is also a special physique, and it seems not bad at all.

"When you report to the sect, you must report to the sect. This level of special physique is not something that you can see in your leisure. I didn't expect that this time there was a Huaxian far away, and there was also a Chu Yunfan!"

Some elite disciples who are loyal to Fei Xianzong can't wait to inform the top of the sect.

This is the difference between special physiques. Geniuses with special physiques often achieve far more achievements than ordinary geniuses. Even among geniuses, they are one in a thousand.

"What kind of physique is he, such a strong oppression!" Sun Yao was already convinced at this time, and the combat power that Chu Yunfan showed was enough to crush her. It was just this special physique that she couldn't avoid.

Although he was born with divine power, it was still within the range of the mortal body, but the two in the battle on the field had clearly surpassed the mortal body. In the future, it can be said that as long as they don’t die, they can at least be able to become the Sect Master Feixian Ranked in the ranks of the elders of the Supreme Beings, they are the great giants in the future.

Small giants like the true biography disciple are no longer the pursuit of such characters.

It's no wonder that Chu Yunfan didn't put himself in the eyes at all. The strength gap was so big that there was really no need to say anything more.

"Hahahaha, it's interesting, Chu Yunfan, this is interesting. I originally thought that because of my special physique, I was a bit bullying, but now that you are also a special physique, it's easier to handle, and I don't You're welcome!"

The aura on Hua Xianyuan's body was even more terrifying. In an instant, countless auras condensed and turned into a violent wind surrounding him.

Everyone only saw that he was already listed in a sea of ​​storms, and he was the eye of the storm.

Opposite him, the Thunder Ocean that Chu Yunfan transformed into was not weak at all, vying with it.

Chu Yunfan twitched the corner of his mouth. He not only has a special physique, but also has more than one kind. How can an ordinary special physique be comparable to him.

In the next instant, the aura on Hua Xianyuan's body locked in Chu Yunfan, and countless gusts of wind condensed into a giant and trampled on Chu Yunfan in the air.

Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, and he blasted out with a punch, and volleyed the giant to a blast~www.ltnovel.com~Boom! "

The two frenzy rolled back and turned into a torrent and spread in all directions, terrifying power raged between the heavens and the earth, and even the enchantment on the battlefield was shaking violently, as if it might break apart at any time. same.

Suddenly, these elite disciples couldn't sit still, and they shot one after another, and one after another mana was injected into it, all of a sudden, the shaky enchantment was stabilized.

But the horror in their eyes was also unspeakable. The fight between the two men was too violent, almost beyond their imagination.


Hua Xianyuan yelled violently, and the whole person had already rushed to Chu Yunfan's front. He actually stepped on a wind group under his feet, directly lifted the mana of his whole body, and swept towards Chu Yunfan all at once.

"Chu Yunfan, I might as well tell you that my physique is the body of the wind spirit. In the ancient years, I was the physique of a human king. In the same realm, I am invincible!" Hua Xianyuan shouted, at this moment Everyone knew what kind of physique Hua Xianyuan was, and their expressions changed drastically.

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