I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1706: Strong middle player

Everyone saw it, but saw that Hua Xianyuan crawled out of the ground, but Hua Xianyuan in this state was extremely terrifying, his mana boiled, and everyone clearly saw that he had become a figure several feet tall. giant.

Countless auras of wind attributes turned into his limbs and flesh and blood, making him look like a blue **** in the wind.

Hua Xianyuan looks too horrible, this is the state of his true spirit body

Even those elite disciples changed their expressions accordingly. There is no doubt that Hua Xianyuan in this state is even capable of competing with some elite disciples.

This is Hua Xianyuan's real strength and trump card.

"So this is your trump card"

Chu Yunfan glanced at Hua Xianyuan, this body of wind spirit is naturally considered to be good, able to make a name in the long history of all ages, it can be said that none of these physiques are compatible.

But even so, if these physiques are divided into three or six or nine grades, then whether it is the sky-shaking thunder body or the imperial battle body are the few existences that rank among the top.

"But only to such an extent, you can't turn it over," Chu Yunfan said indifferently.

At this time, Hua Xianyuan frowned, and his whole person jumped up in an instant, countless wind dragons whizzing around him, almost instantly, he felt the terrifying power of the reversal of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

Hua Xianyuan directly swept out a big gasification hand. It was a terrifying hand formed by countless wind spirits. It almost immediately lined up to Chu Yunfan, moving Chu Yunfan up and down all the space. All were blocked, making him irresistible.

But Chu Yunfan didn't panic. There were bursts of light from thunder in his body, countless mana boiled, and instantly became a sea of ​​thunder, and the storage, transportation and delivery were like thunder. The only supreme.

He grabbed the Broken Immortal Sword casually, and after the Broken Immortal Sword screamed, a sharp sword light burst out, and it instantly fell directly towards Hua Xianyuan.

Suddenly, many people's eyes brightened. You must know what kind of magical artifacts will have what kind of power in the hands of what kind of people.

Compared with the time when it was in Yu Wenxing's hands, the radiance of Broken Immortal Sword has more than doubled.


This sword light directly tore open the big gasification hand in the void.

Everyone was shocked at once, and even when Hua Xianyuan had already shown such a strong strength, this Chu Yunfan still did not let go.

After the sword light tore apart the big hand in the void, he cast off his momentum and fell directly towards Hua Xianyuan.

"What a master of kendo" Hua Xianyuan opened his eyes suddenly. Although Chu Yunfan could catch it so easily, he didn't expect it, but he was not unprepared at all.

His huge and incomparable figure, with the agility that was completely incompatible with his figure, directly placed enchantments one by one.

After this sword light pierced through dozens of barriers one after another, after all, it was too weak to pass through.

The collision between the two sides almost overturned the entire battlefield, and even the elite disciples who maintained order felt a little strenuous.

But the fight between the two is just the beginning.

"Both of them have special physiques. This is a great happy event."

"It's really scary. This kind of people can practice at a rapid pace, especially Hua Xianyuan's wind spirit body, which is even more terrifying. It represents the wind.

The extreme, the natural ability to perceive wind is extremely strong, as long as there is sufficient time in the future, the future is limitless"

"But the real scary thing is that Chu Yunfan, what kind of physique he is, you know, his realm is not as good as Hua Xianyuan, but when it comes to fighting, he can actually fight Hua Xianyuan. It's terrible."

"These two people are real evildoers, real geniuses. I didn't expect that this time the Inner Sect Competition would actually see such an amazing scene."

Everyone thought that the two of them had all their cards, and who knew that the two of them repeatedly brought unexpected surprises to everyone.

"It's not in vain that I specially came back from a field. I wanted to come and see what Hua Xianyuan is capable of, but I didn't expect to find an unexpected joy."

Everyone talked a lot, and the battle between the two people in the field directly entered a white-hot stage.

"Stop for me"

Hua Xianyuan yelled, and Chu Yunfan instantly felt that the air all over his body seemed not to circulate, as if he was sinking into a quagmire.

He still doesn't know what's going on. There is no doubt that the air around him is controlled by Hua Xianyuan. This is also the ability of the Wind Spirit Body.

Seeing this trick, even many elite disciples showed a look of jealousy on their faces. This trick is not only useful for Chu Yunfan, but if they are replaced, the result will not be much better.

But there is almost no way to guard against this trick, unless you are in a vacuum state where there is no gas at all, as long as it is not a vacuum state, it may be used by him.

"It's useless. Under my wind prison, no one has ever been able to escape."

Hua Xianyuan looked at Chu Yun Fanna faintly, at this time he had already secured the victory.

In such an environment, he has no opponents at all, even if his realm is higher than him, it is difficult to resist, let alone Chu Yunfan's realm is not as good as him.

"You are too confident to imprison me"

Chu Yunfan shouted violently. At this time, the advantages of the Wind Spirit Body were fully manifested. At this stage, it can be said to be one of the most difficult physiques.

If you change to an ordinary person, I’m afraid there’s really nothing to do, but by the way, it’s Chu Yunfan that he meets.

Chu Yunfan yelled violently, and long hair grew directly on his arms, and the golden hair instantly covered his hands.


Chu Yunfan suddenly tore open the wind prison~www.ltnovel.com~ and tore this imprisonment to pieces. Then, Chu Yunfan jumped up all of a sudden, like a lightning bolt, towards Huaxian. Cull it far away.


Hua Xianyuan didn't react at once. He didn't expect that the inexhaustible Feng Prison he thought could not even resist Chu Yunfan's move, and he was torn apart.

Suddenly, he felt a wild and terrifying aura from Chu Yunfan's body, as if he was being stared at by an ancient fierce beast.

"What kind of trick is this?" Hua Xianyuan suddenly felt his hair standing upside down, feeling a breath of cold air.

In the next instant, Chu Yunfan rushed directly in front of him, and his fists were like two heavy hammers, directly hitting Hua Xianyuan's chest.


Hua Xian flew out backwards.

Grand recommendation: The new book of Reagan City's official text is still freshly released. Brothers who like this type can step on it.

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