I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1711: 1 year of life and death

The outcome between the two is divided!

Yi Yunyao's grace and demeanor, and on the other side, Wang Yifan's appearance is a bit embarrassed, no longer domineering.

"Junior Sister Yi, okay, okay, okay, today I'll give you a face, and I won't do anything to him for the time being, but the broken fairy sword is originally my thing, I want to get it back!"

Wang Yifan said.

Everyone knows that Wang Yifan is showing weakness. Obviously, Yi Yunyao may be even better in the confrontation between him and Yi Yunyao.

Many people who know the inside story can't help being surprised secretly. You know, Yi Yunyao's time to become a true disciple is much shorter than Wang Yifan's, even less than half of Wang Yifan's, but now it seems that Yi Yunyao has the upper hand. , Forced Wang Yifan to give in.

Yi Yunyao looked at Chu Yunfan and said, "The Broken Immortal Sword is already Junior Brother Chu's trophy, I won't go over and make decisions for him!"

Everyone's eyes focused on Chu Yunfan, but immediately, something that no one had expected happened.

Chu Yunfan stepped forward and said: "This is my trophy. You can take it back if you want, but you have to defeat me!"

"What?" Wang Yifan laughed angrily. Could it be that Chu Yunfan really thought he was a bereaved dog, and even an inner disciple dared to challenge him.

I really don't know life or death.

"One year later, in the arena of life and death, if you win, take the Broken Immortal Sword back!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

Everyone shocked all four in an instant.

"He is crazy, he will challenge Senior Brother Wang in a year?"

"It's only a year, how can it be possible!"

"In a year's time, does he want an epiphany overnight?"

"I don't think Senior Brother Wang will pay attention to him at all!"

"Yes, what kind of character Brother Wang is? He is a true disciple who is aloof, and Chu Yunfan is only an inner disciple, so what qualifications do he have to challenge? If such a challenge Brother Wang has to follow, then Brother Wang is just like that every day. I can't stop dealing with all kinds of challenges!"

"Yes, I think he is just sensationalizing. How could he be Senior Brother Wang's opponent based on his cultivation level, even if it is a year later. Obviously, he is just using this to invite fame, and he is a man of fame and reputation!"

"Even if he is relying on Senior Sister Yi's Gao Zhi, I am afraid there is no way to protect himself!"

"I have a different view. He is smart. If Brother Wang agrees, he can't trouble him on the bright side for at least one year. It won't be a year!"

"What's the use of fighting for a year? Ten years might really have some chance!"

Everyone talked a lot, but everyone didn't like Chu Yunfan at all. When they looked at Chu Yunfan again, they looked like a lunatic.

Even Yi Yunyao also frowned slightly, and there was a bit of stunned expression in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Chu Yunfan would actually make such a request.

"Of course, if you don't have the guts, then you can send someone to chase me in the process, it doesn't matter!"

Chu Yunfan continued.

"But I only need one year, and after one year, I will kill you!"

"What an exciting method!"

Wang Yifan laughed angrily and said with a sneer, "If I don’t agree, wouldn’t it make people think I’m afraid of you? A year later, you want to kill me? Who do you think you are? Well, I’ll give you one year, A year later, I will kill you again, and you will have nothing to say then!"

As Wang Yifan said, immediately after shaking his sleeves, he walked away angrily on the spot.

Everyone looked at Wang Yifan, who was angrily rushing away. No one thought that Wang Yifan would actually agree to it.

The life and death ring itself is a place to solve the grievances of the disciples in the sect. Once in the life and death ring, it is true life and death.

However, many people immediately turned their eyes to Chu Yunfan. In a year's time, how sure Chu Yunfan could defeat Wang Yifan, at least he could protect himself in Wang Yifan's hands.

But more people think of the darker side.

"Should he simply intend to delay time, and then he will not be on stage at all after a year!"

"Yes, there is also such a possibility. After all, with his cultivation base, even if he doesn't take the stage, he would be a shame at best, so what can he do!"

"It's not that simple. Now that the challenge has been launched, how can Brother Wang give up and let him not be on stage at that time!"

There was a lot of discussion, and the life and death ring a year later gave everyone more expectations out of thin air, but no one believed that Chu Yunfan really had the strength to defeat Wang Yifan.

Dabi, the inner disciple, came to an end, but this battle completely sensationalized the entire Flying Fairy Sect. Unless it was a person who had closed the deadlock, he would have heard of it more or less~www.ltnovel.com~ a newcomer who just started. The disciple actually took the first place against the sky, and what made many people even more shocked was that this new disciple actually challenged the true disciple Wang Yifan. One year later, there was a battle of life and death, a battle of life and death.

For a moment, everyone was in an uproar. Everyone didn't believe it at all at first. The previous point was already false enough, let alone the inner disciple who dared to challenge the true disciple Wang Yifan. It was incredible. .

All of a sudden, it caused an uproar, and even shocked a lot of true biography disciples, and even true biography disciples showed interest in Chu Yunfan.

No one is optimistic about Chu Yunfan if one year is long or short, but what everyone wants to see more is what will happen to this battle a year later.

This newly promoted disciple undoubtedly became famous as Fei Xianzong overnight.

In the eastern district, the true disciple Yi Yunyao went down to the mountain peak, in the main hall in the Moon Peak.

The hall is tall and majestic, with carved beams and towers, depicting patterns of Zhang Feixian, which seems to be floating in the dust.

Yi Yunyao sat high above the main seat, while Chu Yunfan sat at the bottom of Yi Yunyao.

"Thanks to Senior Sister Yi for her help this time, I am grateful!"

Chu Yunfan said with his hands folded.

And Yi Yunyao glanced at Chu Yunfan, pursed her red lips, and said, "You are the one I recommended to come in. He is making trouble for you. From the fundamental reason, it is also because of me. He really wants to make trouble. I am the same person, so naturally I can't just stand by!

"It's you, it's only half a year, and you've actually cultivated to this point!"

As Yi Yunyao said, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed with a bit of amazing color, and when he learned of Chu Yunfan's progress in just six months, even with her mentality, she couldn't help but make waves.

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