I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1734: Soaring strength, turning over at a banquet

As he entered the late stage of Peeping Void Realm, Chu Yunfan clearly felt that his cultivation level had more than doubled suddenly, his skill soared, and even his own combat power had soared to a whole new realm.

Even if you don't incarnate Chaotianxian, there are only a small number of people who can compare with him among the masters of the hole virtual realm.

Unless it is a top elite disciple who meets the pinnacle of Void Void Realm, the ordinary master of Void Void Realm is not his opponent at all.

Chu Yunfan could feel that he could easily kill three or five of his original selves now.

It was just an improvement in realm, and Chu Yunfan could already feel the hurricane of his own combat power.

He is different from ordinary people, ordinary people break through easily, but after the breakthrough, the increase in combat power is also limited.

Chu Yunfan's breakthrough is far more difficult than ordinary people, but once he breaks through, his cultivation level and combat power will also undergo an earth-shaking change.

First bitter and sweet later, Chu Yunfan's cultivation advantage will be greater as he goes to the back. What does it mean to be invincible in the same realm? He is truly invincible in the same realm.

You can even go retrograde and defeat masters who are far higher than their own.

"With the upper incarnation Chaotianxian, I am afraid that the peak of the ordinary hole virtual realm is not my opponent at all. Although it is not long, one battle is enough!" Chu Yunfan sneered. "What a banquet? I will wipe out all the cysts in your places today, and uproot them!"

Chu Yunfan calculated the time. Today is already ten days from now, isn't it the time for each family to set up a banquet?

As the sun sets, the night is tearing apart the last light of the setting sun bit by bit, covering everything like a piece of black cloth.

A bright moon hung high above the sky, casting cold moonlight toward the earth.

Although it was night, it was extremely lively for Chen's family ancestors.

Today, the head of the Chen family hosted a banquet in the ancestral land, including guarding the school lieutenant Chu Yunfan and leaders of the major forces.

It can be said that all the people with faces and faces in Baotai City have all arrived early, and even many people who did not participate in the fight between the two sides have appeared under the banquet.

It seemed that this was really just a banquet for discussing the future of Baotai City.

"This Chu Yunfan hasn't come yet, so he wouldn't dare to come!"

"It's not impossible. The situation at this banquet is still unclear, and Chu Yunfan may not be there in person. You know, now I don't know how many people hate him and gnash their teeth!"

"This is impossible, what you said is wrong, don't you know that Chu Yunfan has already sent a reply long ago, will he attend today's banquet in person?"

"He's so handsome, everyone has arrived early, waiting for him!"

"Who made him the guard lieutenant? According to the regulations of the Daxia Dynasty, this Baotai City, he has the final say!"

Various guests said that although they were not invited to enter the infield, it did not prevent them from having various speculations. Many of them have their own news channels. For a time, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Guardian Lieutenant, Chu Yunfan is here!"

With the announcement of the young man on the screen, all the voices disappeared suddenly, and everyone couldn't wait to turn their heads. It was at this moment that many people saw Chu Yunfan for the first time. It was the first time I knew that this Chu Yunfan was really too young.

It seemed that he was just twenty years old at most, his lips were red and his teeth were white, and he looked very delicate, but there was a bit of power in his eyes that couldn't be denied.

A black robe, looks very capable.

As Chu Yunfan walked in step by step, everyone was silent, and seemed to have lost their voices under his light.

Under the guidance of Xiaosi, Chu Yunfan quickly passed through the outfield and came into the infield.

Different from the chaos in the outer court, the inner court is located in a relatively closed hall. In the corners of the hall, the leaders of the major forces have been sitting in the corners of the hall, pushing the cup and changing the cup. This is also a rare opportunity for them. Opportunity to make friends.

Especially the leaders of the four major forces are the focus of everyone's attention.

However, as Chu Yunfan walked into the infield with Chu Yunfan's figure, everyone's eyes also focused on Chu Yunfan's body.

"Is that Chu Yunfan? Looks so young, is it as powerful as the rumors!"

"It is rumored that he has at least the cultivation level of the Void Realm, but now he can't see it at all. From the perspective of the old man, it can be said that it is unprofitable. This is the first time he has encountered such a character who even the old man can't see the depth! "

"Knowing that so many guard lieutenants died here, I still dare to take over. I don't have two brushes, I'm afraid it won't work!"

The leaders of these major forces all discussed in private one after another, but their voices were very small, and they even exchanged information with each other through divine minds.

So they could only watch Chu Yunfan walk in. It was the first time that even the leaders of the four major forces actually saw Chu Yunfan. Before that, they were only portraits of Chu Yunfan. I've seen it before.

Now it seems that Chu Yunfan's power is not comparable to that of a mere portrait.

"Lieutenant Chu is here, please take a seat!"

At this time, the Chen Family Patriarch hurriedly stood up and said that there is no one in Baotai City who can make him so polite on weekdays.

"No, I won't be in the seat anymore, saving wasted time!" Chu Yunfan said.

"School Lieutenant Chu~www.ltnovel.com~ what do you mean?" Patriarch Wang immediately said, with an extremely gloomy expression in his eyes.

At this time, everyone was nervous, even including the Xu family Patriarch who was drinking in the corner, he almost spit out a sip, because he didn't expect Chu Yunfan to be so simple and rude.

This looks like a showdown.

"I said I don't have to sit down, what if you poison the food?" Chu Yunfan said with a smile. "So to be on the safe side, I still won't be seated!"

"School Lieutenant Chu joked, how could I be poisoned by the food and drink!"

At this time, the Sect Master Hunyi stood up and said that he and the Promise Sect Master silently blocked Chu Yunfan's back road, and formed a faint relationship with the four people of the Wang Family Patriarch and the Chen Family Patriarch. The formation trapped Chu Yunfan in it.

"I already know your plan, now it’s meaningless to pretend to be in front of me. If that’s the case, then we might as well save some time, right?" Chu Yunfan said lightly, glancing at everything. Man, faced with the faint encirclement, he didn't have the slightest fear.

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