I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1735: Go to the meeting alone to show off your power

All of a sudden, the happy atmosphere of the banquet changed, and everyone's eyes focused on Chu Yunfan.

Most of the people present are not unfamiliar with the true purpose of today's banquet, and they have already planned to turn their faces.

However, the only thing he didn't expect was that Chu Yunfan was so arrogant that he turned his face straight up.

What surprised many people even more was that Chu Yunfan dared to go to the party solo when he knew that this was a feast for a grand feast.

"This is too courageous!"

Such an idea came directly into everyone's mind.

This courage is simply not so big, even if he knew there was an ambush, he still dared to be so careless, who gave him the courage.

"You besieged the court lieutenant one by one, and you are complicit in your crimes. Today, no one will want to run away. Everyone will die!"

Chu Yunfan looked at everyone and said.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. You know, they were afraid of the thunderous wrath of the Great Xia Dynasty, so they didn't dare to enter the barracks.

This is the bottom line. Although the Daxia Dynasty turned a blind eye to these small border towns, the current situation of the Daxia Dynasty can also be called a separatist rule by the princes.

However, the Royal Court of Daxia is the biggest prince. Once he invades the barracks, he will openly oppose the Royal Court of Daxia. This is the bottom line that the Royal Court absolutely cannot bear.

If local tyrants like them really anger the Great Xia Palace, they only need a finger to run them down.

That's why they set up such a banquet with great fanfare. Who knows, Chu Yunfan's ability to buckle hats is really adept, so he casually came with a hat on the spot.

But what Chu Yunfan said was the truth. What was the difference between their appearance and rebellion? It reminded them that the Ding family, which was uprooted before, was such a place of death without burial.

"Because of this, Chu Yunfan must die here today, he can't run away!"

At this time, the Sect Master Hunyi said coldly, since they have reached this point and have completely torn their faces, then the slightest hesitation of them will be an irreversible end.

As long as Chu Yunfan died here today, and then planted him on the Demon God Sect, what would happen if the Great Xia Palace sent someone to investigate?

Besides, there is a big figure like Li Qianyuan who is covering them in the court, and they are not terrible at all.

Anyway, the Demon God Sect is already black and can't be black anymore, and another scapegoat is nothing at all.

"Yes, Chu Yunfan, today you can hardly fly with your wings, do you think you can run?" At this time, the Wang Family Patriarch also said coldly, staring at Chu Yunfan, as if he wanted Chu Yun Fan's broken corpse is the same.

"I want to run? Hahaha, if I want to run, I won't be here today!" Chu Yunfan said. "You are deliberately trying to kill me, just so, I also want to take advantage of the situation to kill you all. As long as you are there, Baotai City will not develop, so you will definitely die!"

The leaders of these major forces really heard what Chu Yunfan said in his heart. It turned out that in Chu Yunfan's heart, each of them was a cysticer, and they were all people who wanted to eradicate and then quickly.

Thinking of this, their eyes were full of killing intent when they looked at Chu Yunfan, and the contradiction between the two parties was no longer reconcilable.

They didn’t know why Chu Yunfan hated them so much, but they didn’t know that Chu Yunfan came from a unified society like the human federation. In his opinion, the vague princely separatism of the Great Xia Dynasty was simply chaotic. Come, spread the power of the entire mankind everywhere.

The Human Federation has always been under the coercion of the Monster Race, Sea Race and other forces, and it can be said to be walking on thin ice. The Human Federation is committed to using every bit of human power.

Even though the Human Federation is now unified in Kunlun Realm, that kind of will has been deeply embedded in Chu Yunfan's bones and cannot be changed.

"In that case, then we have nothing to say. Today, either you die or we die!"

The Chen Family Patriarch stared at Chu Yunfan fiercely, gritted his teeth, and bursts of terrifying killing intent broke out in his eyes.

"Want to kill me? Then start with you!"

In an instant, Chu Yunfan moved, like a thunderbolt, and a terrifying roar blasted out of thin air. Everyone only saw that Chu Yunfan was like a thunderbolt, and his whole body flickered slightly, and he had already appeared in the Chen Family Patriarch. In front of.

"You are too conceited!"

The Chen Family Patriarch roared, and bursts of precious light radiated from all over his body. As if engulfed, a piece of armor appeared in front of him, enclosing him in it.

Compared with the Ding Family’s Patriarch Ding Feng, his cultivation base is stronger than weak. He has already entered the late stage of the Void Hole Realm. Such cultivation bases are also considered masters among the elite disciples of the Flying Immortal Sect.

However, in the next moment, everyone only heard a huge roar, but they saw Chu Yunfan's fist hit the Chen Family Patriarch’s chest across the chest, and the entire armor was blasted into fragments by Chu Yunfan’s fist. , Burst open.

The Chen Family Patriarch did not react at all. He was too confident about his own strength. Even if he was very jealous of Chu Yunfan's strength, he was just jealous. Who would have thought that he would be so unbearable when he faced Chu Yunfan. One blow was completely bombarded by Chu Yunfan with just a simple blow.

"Weak chicken!" Chu Yunfan sneered. The Chen Family Patriarch's strength is good, but for him, it's still far away~www.ltnovel.com~ and before everyone else reacted, he just got one. The big hand grabbed it out, and slammed it into the void, turning it into a big hand with spiritual energy, and actually grabbed a figure directly out of the sky, but it wasn't Ding Cheng or who was it.

"Ding Cheng, I have been looking for you for a long time, now there is really a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in!"

Chu Yunfan sneered. Ding Cheng thought that no one knew about his connection during this period of time. However, he didn't know that all of this was actually under the control of Chu Yunfan. He was just a clown.

"Impossible, how could you find me!"

Ding Cheng said in disbelief that he clearly had an invisibility talisman from the Divine Rune Sect on his body. It was with this invisibility talisman that he could escape from the situation where Chu Yunfan's army surrounded Ding's house.

But now, Chu Yunfan was able to see it through, and he was caught out of the void all at once.

"With your three-legged cat's hidden breath, you dare to appear in front of me, you really don't know how to live or die!"

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