I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1752: Watch me kill you

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! There is a saying among the many practitioners of the Great Xia Dynasty, eternal life, not in the universe, after all, it is just an ant!

It's just that some are slightly stronger ants, and some are just ants!

And there is no doubt that Gongsun Liang is widely known as a newcomer who has entered the realm of universe. In contrast, the person who fought with him is not recognized by everyone.

But there is no doubt that being able to fight Gongsun Liang up to now is amazing enough.

"Although I don't know where he came from, but just with today's battle, he will be a sensation!"

"Yeah, he...he is still a virtual realm!"

Someone exclaimed, and he was horrified to discover that the person who was fighting Gongsun Liang was actually a cultivator at the Void Realm level.

Although the aura that Chu Yunfan showed was equally violent, it was terrifying!

But the Void Realm is the Void Realm. If you never stepped into the Universe Realm, you never stepped into the Universe Realm. There is a very big difference here.

Although among the many masters onlookers, not a single person is at the level of the Universe Realm, but they have not eaten pork and have seen a pig run. They are not the Universe Realm but they also know what the real Universe Realm should be like.

This makes many people feel like they want to faint, and everything in front of them must be an illusion.

If Chu Yunfan were also a master of the Universe Realm, then they would not have such a fierce feeling, but Chu Yunfan was just a Void Realm level existence.

The virtual realm competes against the universe realm, this is simply a fantasy!

But it was such a fantasy that Chu Yunfan actually did. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe there was such a nonsense.

"How is this possible...what is the origin of this person? Void Realm competes against the Universe Realm. I am afraid that there is a rumored posture to be a king!"

Someone tremblingly said that in this world, there are countless geniuses, but among these geniuses, they are also divided into many levels.

Among them, being able to hold the rank of marquis, that is, to become a big figure of the rank of public official of the Great Xia Dynasty in the future, is already an incredible talent, it can be called a one-hundred thousand-lier like Li Qianyuan.

You know, even the head of the top ten sects is just this level.

However, above the rank of this prince, it is the so-called aptitude of the rank of king. Such a character may even become a king of a generation in the future.

For countless years in the Great Xia Dynasty, there have not been many such figures. Every Gedai king often represents the advent of an era of overwhelming power.

As for the higher qualifications of the emperor, it was only in the ancient years that there was such a qualification, at least until now, almost no one has heard of it.

Therefore, being able to have the qualification of the king is almost the top qualification in the world!

And many people were also reminded by this voice, and couldn't help being silent. If that was the case, then this person would take it seriously.

Many people immediately started drawing and graphics, recording the images of Chu Yunfan fighting Gongsun Liang, and quickly spread the news, letting their respective forces investigate everything about Chu Yunfan.

At this time, in the Wanbao Pavilion branch, Wan Sanqian and Old Li stood with their backs, looking at Chu Yunfan and Gongsun Liang who were fighting fiercely in the distance.

"This Gongsun Liang deserves to be a peerless genius cultivated by the Iron Spear Association. Although the Iron Spear Association is inferior to our Wanbao Pavilion, it is also a first-class power. The genius who can be favored by them will naturally not be an idle figure!" Nodded and said. "The truly amazing thing is that Chu Yunfan, who deserves to be the person you like by your lord, can actually beat Gongsun Liang to such a point with the body of the virtual realm!"

However, as he said, Old Li frowned and said, "But if only this is the case, Chu Yunfan is afraid that he will be defeated, and he will not necessarily be beaten to death by Gongsun Liang. He is just relying on it. I managed to hold on to the present in one breath, but after all, there is a world of difference between the Void Realm and the Universe Realm, and a protracted battle is not good for Chu Yunfan!"

"Yes, the protracted battle is not good for Chu Yunfan, but it doesn't mean that Chu Yunfan has nothing to do!" Thousands of thousands said, "This Chu Yunfan is quite mysterious. I have also collected him in detail these days. According to reliable information, even Li Qianyuan was injured in his hand. He still has an offensive and defensive medicine cauldron, but none of these have appeared now. So I guess that Chu Yunfan has not yet done his best, I’m afraid What are you waiting for, so in my opinion, the outcome is particularly unknown!"

Wansanqian looked at Chu Yunfan who was fighting above the sky, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes. He also wanted to know, at this point, what other method Chu Yunfan could have to reverse the situation. .

While everyone was talking about it, the battle between Chu Yunfan and Gongsun Liang above the sky had reached a white-hot stage~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan seemed to be forced to a corner by Gongsun Liang, constantly. Back.

"You have reached your limit, but I haven't done anything yet, Chu Yunfan, today is your death date!"

Gongsun Liang became more excited as he fought, and the depressed mood of being forced to fight against Chu Yunfan, a Void Martial Artist, was finally wiped out.

Even if Chu Yunfan has a lot of methods and tricks, so what, in the face of true strength, everything is empty!

Thinking of this, his depressed mood suddenly disappeared.

"The last blow, kills you!"

Gongsun Liang yelled, and the bright silver spear in his hand turned into a silver wandering dragon, opened his mouth wide, and slaughtered Chu Yunfan.


The imaginary Chu Yunfan's blood splashing did not happen on the spot, but I don’t know when, a medicine cauldron appeared on the top of Chu Yunfan’s head. The dripping rotation of the medicine cauldron made this fatal shot Blocked.

"Enough playing, even if you are in the Universe Realm, it's nothing more than that, let me kill you!"

Chu Yunfan's face didn't have the trace of panic just now, on the contrary only his face was full of confidence.

He was only deceiving Gongsun Liang just now, and there was still the decadent appearance just now.

In the next instant, Chu Yunfan's hand interrupted the fairy sword appeared. On his body, every pore was opened, and dense golden long hairs grew. In the next instant, Chu Yunfan had already transformed into a golden head. The human figure is in the sky.

"not good!"

At this time, Gongsun Liang only noticed the danger at this time, and the secret path was not good.

But the sword light was directly cut down, his bright silver spear had already been shot, and he couldn't return to the defense at all, and he was cut straight by Chu Yunfan.


Gongsun Liang spouted blood, and his body flew upside down in an instant.

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