I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1769: Mid-term peak of the cavernous realm

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Three days, three full days can pass by!

In the space of the mountain and river map, Chu Yunfan's figure kept shaking, and in an instant, the treasure spear in his hand shot.

This treasured long spear was obtained from Luo Zhao. It was called the Silver Dragon Spear, and the spear made the sound of dragon chants.

It's a pity that Luo Zhao didn't have time to exert his true power. He died in Chu Yunfan's hands. It could be said that he was the most embarrassed state of death.

"The tiger howls and the dragon spear!"

Chu Yunfan swept it out, and the silver dragon spear volleyed into a huge tiger, and suddenly opened the mouth of the blood basin. In an instant, the tiger stared at the world, shaking almost the entire sky.

In the next instant, the silver dragon spear in Chu Yunfan's hand swept out at a faster speed. In an instant, the spear light turned into a silver dragon, traversing the sky.

This martial arts will was directly condensed and turned into a dragon and a tiger, protecting Chu Yunfan's surroundings.

If a master of the Iron Gun Club saw this scene, they would definitely have to fall off their glasses.

This set of Tiger Howling and Longyin Spears is the peculiar knowledge of the Iron Spear Association. Only the super masters who have the strength above the Universe Realm are qualified to practice this set of Tiger Howling and Longyin Spears.

And now Chu Yunfan displayed the Tiger Roar and Dragon Yin Spear, which had clearly reached the realm of Dzogchen.

It was only three days, and Chu Yunfan had already mastered the Tiger Howling Dragonsong Spear thoroughly. In his eyes, it was not difficult to learn this set of Tiger Howling Dragonsong Spears, but it was just three days. In a few days, the supreme uniqueness of the Iron Spear Society has been thoroughly analyzed by him, and he has quickly mastered it.

There is no difficulty at all!

With the silver dragon spear, Chu Yunfan's strength has improved!

For three whole days, Chu Yunfan kept cultivating the Tiger Roaring Spear in the mountains and rivers, and now the cultivation of the Tiger Roaring Dragon Spear was finally completed.

He went out to display a set of Tiger Howling and Dragon Yin Spears pretending to be a disciple of the Iron Spear Association. There was no difficulty at all. For him, these martial arts, which were almost impossible to learn in the eyes of ordinary people, were simply easy.

A strange fragrance diffused from the Baoyao Mountain. It was the Brahma fruit tree that had matured. In order to forcibly ripen the Brahma fruit tree, Chu Yunfan spent three million middle-grade spirit stones, if not for the thousands that he had obtained from Luo Zhao He couldn't do it at all with the support of Wanzhong Grade Lingshi.

Not to mention the ripening of the Brahma divine fruit in three days.

Above the Brahma tree, two Brahma fruits about the size of a fist grow on the branches. The bright colors are delicate and gorgeous, and they look like two huge rubies.

Chu Yunfan immediately stretched out his hand and took off one of them, and a strange fragrance suddenly came out, making Chu Yunfan only feel that the pores on his body were about to open violently.

Chu Yunfan immediately sat down cross-legged and quickly swallowed this Brahma divine fruit into his mouth. In an instant, this Brahma divine fruit was directly transformed into a torrent of energy and scattered directly into his limbs. In the process, soon, it all turned into Chu Yunfan's own strength.

Driven by this torrent of energy, the mana in Chu Yunfan's body ran crazily in the meridians. Every time he turned around, Chu Yunfan could feel that his strength could increase by one point, which was amazing. .

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The energy contained in this Brahma divine fruit is unprecedentedly powerful, and it is not known how many auras from middle-grade spirit stones have been absorbed and formed by the essence and blood of several Universe Realm masters.

For a whole day, Chu Yunfan remained motionless, constantly absorbing this energy. Finally, he opened his eyes and let out a long roar, and the mana on his body was swept away.

In just a short day, he had already reached the peak of the initial stage of the Void Hole Realm from the original beginning of the Void Hole Realm, as if he had been in this realm for decades, and he had given all his skills long ago. The grinding is extremely round and round, and it has truly achieved great perfection.

But this is only him. If you are an ordinary person, I am afraid that this energy has already exploded. Even if it can be barely supported, it will take a year or two to complete refining.

Only when Chu Yunfan was running the Sky Swallowing Art while absorbing these energy, could he be able to refining this energy almost simultaneously.

But to achieve this step, Chu Yunfan only felt that it was far from enough. The energy formed by the Brahma divine fruit in his body had only absorbed a small part, and a large part had not yet been absorbed.

"Just taking advantage of this opportunity to directly break through to the middle stage of the Void Hole Realm is just right. At that time, my combat power will also have a world-shaking change!"

Chu Yunfan immediately closed his eyes and started to mobilize his mana again, which impacted the middle stage of the hole virtual realm's realm cultivation base. This mana was like a tide, constantly sweeping away, constantly impacting Chu Yunfan's realm barrier.

After another ten days passed, the mana in Chu Yunfan seemed to be almost consumed. In front of Chu Yunfan's barrier in the middle of the void, he seemed to be unable to hold on. Suddenly, the mana in his body was like a stream of water. Generally, it re-emerged, and the mana that drove him finally broke through the barrier of the middle stage of the hole virtual realm.


After Chu Yunfan's mana broke through the realm barrier, it was like Long Yue for nine days, growing up crazily, swallowing all auras.

Countless middle-grade spirit stones flew up, turned into powder, and poured directly into Chu Yunfan’s body.

The auras in these middle-grade spirit stones were all absorbed by Chu Yunfan~www.ltnovel.com~ so that his mana could flow endlessly, so that he would not be blocked by the barriers in the middle stage of the void.

It took another three full days before Chu Yunfan stopped. He slowly opened his eyes. This time his breakthrough was not uncommon.

Directly breaking through from the initial stage of the hole virtual world to the peak of the middle stage of the virtual hole realm, the only increase in combat power was at least several times more than that.

Chu Yunfan's strength itself is already very strong, and this time it has increased several times. It is conceivable that his combat power will explode to an astonishing level.

He immediately laid a firm foundation. For ordinary people, the skyrocketing skill is not a good thing, because it is often difficult to control this force, but for Chu Yunfan, there is no such problem at all.

With the memory of Emperor Dan, coupled with the super analytical ability of the godhead, the realms of various virtual realms have no secrets to him at all. For him, even realms far exceed the current cultivation level, even he has already Begin to further analyze many secrets about the universe.

Although his realm is far inferior to Li Qianyuan, he bet that his understanding of the universe will not be below Li Qianyuan, or even above him.

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