I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1772: Top masters in the world

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "The descendants of the ancient Minghuang back then were fierce. Many sects outside the territory have been robbed. Many sects have even been robbed. The door was directly destroyed, the classics were taken away, the town's magical instruments were robbed, and all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures were all in here, and many people came for this!" Xie Han continued.

Chu Yunfan was surprised at this, I'm afraid that many people don't have such high expectations, just wanting to obtain some magical secrets, or some treasures of heaven and earth, it is also a very remarkable gain.

"Now this is a godsend opportunity. You know, on weekdays, this is the hinterland of the monster race. There is no room for me to intervene, but now the Daxia Dynasty army is conducting a spring sweep, and the elite army of the monster race has been mobilized to confront it, otherwise If any army returns, it will be a dead end for me!" Xie Han said, with some emotion in his heart, this is indeed a godsend opportunity.

"Now the masters of all parties are gathering together, and the real masters among the monster races are being held back by the army of the Great Xia Dynasty. They dare not leave casually. Otherwise, this spring sweep may turn into a real war of extermination at any time. !" Xie Han smiled.

Only then did Chu Yunfan nod his head. Although some martial artists are brave and do not put the monster army in their eyes, they are definitely not these people.

His gaze swept over, the entire cave was densely packed, and there were tens of thousands of people, tens of thousands, endless.

And among these people, the worst are the masters above the hole virtual realm, and there are even many masters of the universe realm.

These masters of the Universe Realm level released extremely terrifying auras, rushing into the sky, like a pillar of air rushing through the sky of miasma.

Chu Yunfan was also stunned secretly. You must know that a master at the Universe level is considered a powerful force anywhere. After Chu Yunfan killed a master at the Universe level, the entire Baotai City was completely homed, because no one could be able to. Against such Chu Yunfan.

But here, there are so many masters of the Universe Realm level.

He only glanced at it. These Cosmos Realm level masters were at least more than two thousand. This was the main force in this competition. As for the Void Realm masters, they could only be regarded as little pawns who waved the flag and shouted.

You should know that even in the Fei Xian Sect, the Cave Void Realm are all elite disciples, but here they have become small pawns. This shows how attractive Ten Fierce Cave Mansion is.

This was due to the fact that the Yaozu and the Great Xia Dynasty restrained the top masters from each other, otherwise it was almost impossible to imagine what kind of existence they would attract.

Chu Yunfan even saw some savage and Hu masters among them, all of whom were masters of the Universe Realm, and the overlord of a powerful family appeared here now.

It can be said that the masters of the several major forces that dominate the situation in the world have all appeared here.

Only in this way can so many masters be gathered.

"You have a good explanation, I will reward you with these!"

Chu Yunfan casually took out a hundred middle-grade spirit stones to Xie Han, and Xie Han quickly thanked Chu Yunfan. These hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones were also a sum of money for his existence in the Void Realm. Not a small fortune.

It's really good to be able to have such a harvest just by explaining it.

And Chu Yunfan saw that among these masters, there were a few tall and tall figures concealed above the crowd. Their auras were overwhelming, and compared to the ordinary Universe Realm, they were all powerful and unimaginable.

Chu Yunfan's attention was instantly attracted. One of them was wearing a robes of the Sky Star Sect, surrounded by many disciples of the Sky Star Sect, naturally including the female Universe level master wearing a purple golden crown.

The identity of this person is naturally ready to be revealed, the chief disciple of the Heavenly Star Sect, Zi Buyu.

Although Chu Yunfan has never seen it before, he has seen the record about Zibuyu in "The World". He is the supreme genius in the Sky Star Sect. He has cultivated in the Sky Star Sect since he was a child and easily broke the Sky Star. There are many practice records in the sect, and the same generation has never encountered an opponent, and almost smoothly, he became the chief disciple of the Sky Star Sect.

Among the peers of the Star Sect, there is no match at all!

In Zibuyu's whole body, a layer of starlight faintly exudes, resisting the miasma, and enveloping all the disciples of the Sky Star Sect.

Not far from the people of the Sky Star Sect, another group of people stood alone. These people are all dressed in Confucian shirts and dressed as scholars. They are slender and slender, but they are very energetic between the eyebrows, and their thoughts are extremely powerful. They faintly radiate all around them. With a wave of righteousness, repelling all the filthy miasma.

Among these people, one of them is particularly eye-catching. He is also dressed as a scholar, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and a white coat. He is handsome and handsome. He seems to be the incarnation of a scholar of Confucianism, and is the fantasy of everyone. What a middle school scholar should look like~www.ltnovel.com~ He holds an emerald green brush in his hand, faintly exuding a layer of gathered light.

This person's cultivation is not below Zibuyu, and there is no doubt that their identities are also ready to be revealed.

The second sect in the world is also the sect closest to the Great Xia Dynasty. Confucianism entered the Shizong gate, Haoran Academy.

And the identity of the leading disciple is beyond doubt, the chief disciple of Haoran Academy, Meng Tianren.

The cultivation base of these two people is extremely powerful, even in Chu Yunfan's view, they may not be under the original Li Qianyuan.

Outside of Meng Tianren, Chu Yunfan saw that in the side of the evil demon's outer dao, countless evil evil daoists were surrounded by a figure. It was a young man wearing a black robe with a somewhat evil smile on his face.

It is not difficult to guess the identities of these people from the identities of the disciples who surround him at the core.

"The Demon Cult!"

Among the evil demons, the first sect of the magic road, the Heavenly Demon Sect, this sect was extremely surly, and even dared to rush into the middle-earth China to kill.

Lone Star is a typical one!

And these unruly and surly disciples of the Demon Sect were willing to surrender, except for the chief disciple of the Demon Sect, Huangfu Li, there was no one left.

This Huangfu Li is also a powerful figure, with a magical skill that shocks the world, and even faintly has the name of the first master of the young generation of foreign evil demons. According to rumors, he has also fought against Li Qianyuan, regardless of victory or defeat, even Li Qianyuan can only watch. Watching him walk away all over.

In addition to the masters of the Heavenly Demon Cult, they are also the masters of the Monster Race native. Among the countless monster guards in the form of humans or the body, a barefoot woman in a red dress stands proudly on the sky.

"I like to wear red clothes and walk barefoot again, Hu Qingxuan, the tenth princess of the Tianhu clan!" Chu Yunfan instantly understood her identity.

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