I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1774: Explosive harvest

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Ten evil caves, just opened it directly without warning.

Although everyone knew that the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion was bound to open, but the speed still exceeded everyone's expectations.

With a bang, tens of thousands of people began to rush towards the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion, and thousands of masters turned into streamers, like meteors piercing the sky.

And Chu Yunfan followed these crowds closely and entered the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion.

The moment he entered the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion, Chu Yunfan felt a terrifying fierce aura burst out in an instant, as if there was a terrifying fierce beast hidden in it.

That kind of coercion directly caused the faces of the masters of the Void Realm among the tens of thousands of people to change greatly. With their cultivation base, it is already very difficult to resist this pressure.

One after another spread the mana to protect the surroundings, isolating this pressure.

Relatively speaking, the spiritual cultivation of many masters of the Universe Realm is more powerful, and it will not be too deeply affected by this fierce aura.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan also swayed slightly, and those coercion disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After entering the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion, Chu Yunfan discovered that in the outlying area of ​​the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion, there were bones of fierce beasts everywhere. Some of these bones were as big as a hill, some were the size of ordinary people, and many even died. The back is exuding layers of coercion, which makes people feel a sense of fear.

At the very least, the bones of the fierce beasts above the Cave Void Realm, and even many Universe Realms, and even fierce beasts beyond the level of Universe Realm, were laid out on the ground, and most importantly, these fierce beasts did not die naturally before they were alive.

It was eaten by life. Except for the bones, they were all eaten up, and there was no doubt that there was nothing else but the descendant of the Primordial Ming Phoenix who did all this.

Immediately after entering this, countless hole virtual realm level masters began to compete. Although these bones are only the bones of powerful fierce beasts, they are still many refining tools and even important equipment for alchemy.

These are still important gains for them, especially since they all know that real good things have little to do with them, but just the gains from these corners and corners are enough for them to have a worthwhile trip. Feel like it.

And Chu Yunfan was mixed in the crowd. Anyway, there are many masters in the Universe Realm like him. It is not uncommon. Even there are many lone rangers who are single-handedly, but they just spread out and search for what they want. Something out.

Basically, it can be regarded as a race against time, because they all understand that there are so many people here that they can't tolerate them slowly looking for it.

At this time, Huangfu Li, Meng Tianren, Hu Qingxuan and Zibuyu who were originally behind because of the fight also rushed in at the fastest speed.

These four people came first, and they surpassed everyone in front of them at an extremely fast speed. They rushed in all the way. The more they went in, the larger the space of the cave, even far more than when they saw it outside the size of.

"It's a space barrier!"

Chu Yunfan recognized it immediately, and it must have set up a space barrier in it to create such a shocking effect!

Soon, everyone encountered the first level of obstruction. Many puppets blocked in front of everyone, and almost instantly, they rushed into the crowd. Thousands of puppets were almost precious puppets comparable to the Universe Realm. , Now lined up, like an army, looks terrifying.

Chu Yunfan thought in his heart that this Primordial Underworld Phoenix is ​​indeed extremely terrifying. Although it cannot be compared with the first Primordial Underworld Phoenix, it was also a hegemon in the distant ages. Otherwise, these thousands of them are comparable to the Universe Realm. Level puppets, it takes an unknown amount of wealth to make it possible.

Even many masters of the Universe Realm level, seeing so many Universe Realm puppets, completely stopped and didn't dare to step forward.

On the contrary, Huangfu Li stepped out one step at a time, and directly smashed a culled Universe Realm puppet.

"A mere puppet dared to block my way, looking for death!"

Huangfu Li is almost like a demon **** alive, running rampant all the way. These puppets of the Universe Realm may be capable of fighting against the ordinary Universe Realm. When they encounter a character like Huangfu Li, they are almost completely helpless. They are almost destroyed at the touch of a moment. Huangfu severely cut a way out, his figure flashed, and he walked away.

Behind Huangfu Li, Hu Qingxuan, Meng Tianren and Zibuyu also quickly caught up.

The cultivation of the three of them is not under Huangfu's strength, how could these puppets stop their steps, they were directly cut a way out and rushed out.

"Hurry up!"

I don’t know who yelled, and more than two thousand Universe Realm masters relaunched the charge, and some of them were also extremely advanced Universe Realm level masters~www.ltnovel.com~ It was just a moment before they rushed. In the past, Huangfu and Li went straight through the way out.

But Chu Yunfan stepped on a series of Li Mans, and rushed out on the spot.

And from afar, Huangfu Li and the others' voices have become smaller and smaller, and they have penetrated into the depths of the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion.

Chu Yunfan was willing to let it go and ran after him directly.

Beside him, there were also hundreds of Universe Realm level masters, all of whom were outstanding among the rest. They also rushed over directly, not to be outdone.

The rest of the people are not so lucky, and they are directly blocked by the puppets.

Soon, Chu Yunfan saw the many traces left by Huangfu Li and others. From a distance, he could see that the puppets were crushed to pieces and fell to the ground, and there were countless others who did not know how to survive. All the corpses of the fierce beasts crossed the streets, all were beheaded by Huangfu Li.

It is simply sweeping.

Ordinary people encountered such an obstacle, it was impossible to escape, but in the face of Huangfu Li and others, as well as the outstanding person of the hundreds of Universe Realm behind them, they almost swept, even a little block.

Chu Yunfan immediately followed all the way, collecting the remains of the puppets and the corpses of the fierce beasts, and condensing the corpses of the fierce beasts, because these fierce beasts are almost all of the existence above the Universe Realm. Although it is obviously abnormal, I don’t know what to do. The secret method was born, in fact, it did not have the cultivation base of the Universe Realm, but it had the power comparable to a master of the Universe Realm.

But their essence and blood were genuine, with so many corpses that Chu Yunfan took away hundreds of corpses in a few moments, all of which were poured into the Brahma God tree in the space of the mountain and river map. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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