I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1787: Li Yu wants to vomit blood

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Li Yu was hit hard by a blow, and his eyes flashed with an incredible look, and he was hit hard with just one move.

Even with his strength, he is not weak in the Universe Realm, but now he has been hit hard by a single move.

As a fighter who has been in the army for a long time, he certainly understands why, because this is in the barracks near Pingyao City, where the barracks stretch for thousands of miles, and countless army spirits and auras are condensed into a single aura. The formation is condensed into one.

What a huge force is the military aura of the Million Army, with a full blow, even the Demon King will hate it.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone to have the ability to mobilize the military strength of a million army. In the whole world, only two people have this ability, one is the current king, the other is the first man in the military today, Lieutenant Daxia, and Xiu For the stronger the person, in the Great Xia Dynasty, the higher the status, the stronger the part that can be mobilized.

Of course, Chu Yunfan's cultivation base is not extremely high, and his status is not very high. He is just a miscellaneous general, but this is the power that can be mobilized in his base camp, which is naturally extraordinary.

He just didn't expect that Chu Yunfan said so simply that he would do it.

What is boldness, this is boldness!

After he learned that Chu Yunfan had returned, he hurriedly found Chu Yunfan almost immediately for Luo Zhao.

Since Luo Zhao, the elder in the sect, was ordered to hunt down Chu Yunfan, he lost his message. He was not at all concerned at all. With Luo Zhao's strength, he was almost no less than Li Qianyuan, and Chu Yunfan shot with such strength. There is no possibility of escape at all.

Who knows, by now, it was actually Chu Yunfan who came back in the end!

This incident instantly made him aware of the seriousness of the problem. Luo Zhao is one of the hidden elders of the Iron Spear Association. He was invited out by him. He couldn't ignore it.

He directly and aggressively asked the guilt. From the beginning, he didn't think of Chu Yunfan at all, so he didn't even think that Chu Yunfan would dare to make such a move.

In the name of trespassing into the barracks, he was directly injured, and he was not given a chance to speak.

Fierce and decisive!

Suddenly, he seemed to see Li Qianyuan back then, and it seemed to be the same, and there was a faint shadow of Li Qianyuan back then.

This feeling made his heart tremble. He didn't dare to imagine, and even felt that this was simply impossible.

Who is Li Qianyuan? That is the Lord of Destiny he believes, the existence of the first prince of the younger generation, known as the number one master of the younger generation, Chu Yunfan, and how can he be comparable to Li Qianyuan.

Chu Yunfan was aloft, looking at Li Yu who had been hit hard, his eyes narrowed slightly. This Li Yu's cultivation level was only a moment, and he saw through it.

Five layers of heaven and earth!

Among the masters of the Universe Realm, these are all masters!

This kind of cultivation is not bad, and there is no doubt that the identity of the person here is definitely related to Li Qianyuan, otherwise other people would not want to trouble him in such a hurry.

He has a deeper understanding of Li Qianyuan's power in his heart. This Li Qianyuan is truly extraordinary. His masters are like clouds, first Gongsun Liang, then this middle-aged man, plus Luo Zhao who was beheaded by him before.

These masters are all above the Universe Realm, each of them is very tyrannical, and his subordinates, the strongest is only You Chuyun, and now they are only in the Void Realm, and their backgrounds are too far apart.

Li Qianyuan deserves to be regarded as an enemy by him. Such strength and background are enough to make Chu Yunfan vigilant.

This is also the reason why Chu Yunfan didn't make a direct shot, but used the military spirit in the barracks to severely wound him.

With Chu Yunfan’s current combat power, he can protect himself even if he encounters a master of the five levels of the universe, he can protect himself. If he transforms into Chaotianx again, even this master of the five levels of the universe can be sure of ten moves. Fight within.

But this is his hole card, and it won't be easily revealed. He has to be a bit more low-key, so that Li Qianyuan can't figure out his strength.

He was able to kill Gongsun Liang before because Li Qianyuan underestimated him. If Luo Zhao was the one who made the shot in the first place, Chu Yunfan would be in big trouble.

The best thing now is to let Li Qianyuan relax his vigilance, buy enough time for him, and buy time for him to enter the universe.

As long as he stepped into the Universe Realm, even in the face of Li Qianyuan, he would not be as embarrassed as he was at the beginning, and he would have almost no power to fight back.

Slowly, unconsciously, the gap between Chu Yunfan and Li Qianyuan has changed from the gap between the dragon in the sky and the ants on the ground to the gap between an adult dragon and a young dragon, although it is still There is a gap, but there is no longer a substantial gap.

So he has to forbear, and it takes time!

It would be better if it could confuse Li Qianyuan. It would be better for Li Qianyuan to think that his strength was nothing more than that, and it was only relying on the aura of a million army near Ping Yaocheng to have such a method, and that would be the best.

"Chu Yunfan, do you want to rebel?" Li Yu shouted.

Chu Yunfan sneered and said, "I think you want to rebel. What are you~www.ltnovel.com~ Even Master Taiwei would not dare to be so arrogant and attack the barracks. I think you have a few heads to fall off! "

Of course, Chu Yunfan had no fear. As long as Li Yu was taken to death and attacked the barracks, he would have nothing to say. In the Great Xia Dynasty, the barracks had strict rules and even the most elite troops. If there is no warrant, even if the king arrives, he must accept it. Check, it is impossible to rush in carelessly.

Li Yu wanted to vomit blood. If he surpassed Chu Yunfan and easily caught Chu Yunfan, it would be just a word from him at that time, but he was hit hard by Chu Yunfan, and he would have no power to fight back. .

"You are not a messenger, nor my immediate superior. You have no affiliation with the defenders of Baotai Town, and you will attack the barracks when you come up. How do I know that you are not arrogant for the demon clan and want to kill people!" Chu Yun Fan continued.

Li Yu suddenly squirted out a mouthful of old blood, and almost fainted. It was shameless to wear a big hat at every turn. This was once their privilege. Now Chu Yunfan also uses similar methods to deal with him, and it almost makes him. Depressed want to vomit blood.

"I know who ordered you to send it. If he wants to come, let him do it by himself. You don't need to use these sneaky methods. Now this general is already General Huwei and belongs to the Taiwei Mansion. Only the Taiwei Lord can mobilize this. General, he can't control this general even if he is in a turbulent state!"

Chu Yunfan said proudly.

"Get out!"

Chu Yunfan yelled, and Li Yu suddenly flew upside down and flew directly out of the range of the barracks.

Fu Xiaochen said

Today, people were outside all day, and I just drove back on the high speed. I almost couldn't open my eyes on the high speed. After I came back, I squinted for a while and quickly got up to give everyone a code word. It was a bit late, sorry! Find this site to search for "cm" or enter the URL: mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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