I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1809: Real dragon appeared in the dive

Under Chu Yunfan's flying immortal handprints, the three of them had no strength to fight back, and they could almost be said to be crushed.

Slap the three elders of the Universe Realm into fleshy flesh!

There was dead silence at the scene!

When everyone saw this scene, they were almost dumbfounded. The scene can be said to be audible!

No one could have imagined that Chu Yunfan could actually be so powerful!

At this time, everyone didn't report any doubts about why Chu Yunfan came to the appointment.

Originally, they thought that it must be Chu Yunfan who had lost his mind and was mad, otherwise, how could he dare to capture the tiger's whiskers.

But when they saw it now, they realized that it was not certain who was the tiger.

What they thought was the strong side, but now it looks like it may not be.

Especially for Senior Sister Zhantai, Liu Wenjing originally asked her to take care of Chu Yunfan a little bit, so that Chu Yunfan would not be killed.

Now her red lips twitched slightly, who on earth was she going to take care of? This Chu Yunfan was terrifyingly powerful.

Killing four Universe Realms on the spot, without breathing or sweating, there is no doubt that he has not yet exerted his full strength.

These four Universe Realm level elders alone are not enough to truly test Chu Yunfan's strength.

I don’t even see any method of temporarily increasing strength. It should be the original combat power. This is really amazing. You know, a year ago, Chu Yunfan just won the spot as an elite disciple. Now you can easily kill the true story.

Over the past year or so, he has not only achieved a renewal, and has changed drastically.

When did such a peerless murderer emerge from their Fei Xianzong?

Many people just realized it at this time. They all seemed to know too little about Chu Yunfan. Chu Yunfan’s time to worship into Fei Xianzong was too short. Even though he had amazing performances, his level was too low, like a person like them. , And will not pay attention to an inner disciple at all.

But after Chu Yunfan worshipped Fei Xianzong, he traveled more outside for two years, and they knew even less.

And now, just uncovering the tip of the iceberg, it is already so amazing.

Even the true disciples of the other sects from outside are sitting right now, treating Chu Yunfan as a powerful person who can be compared with them.

Instead of treating Chu Yunfan as a ridiculous monkey, and treating all of this as a monkey show, this is fundamentally different.

Especially that Ye Wuxie suddenly reduced his cynical expression, looked at Chu Yunfan's eyes, with a somewhat solemn expression, it seemed that he finally recognized Chu Yunfan's strength.

"I didn't expect such a character to appear in Fei Xianzong, it's rare!"

The corner of Ye Wuxie’s mouth was slightly raised. Although they are all in the ranks of the top ten sects, Fei Xianzong has always been the bottom of the top ten sects. To outsiders, of course, it is still a behemoth, but for the ten sects. From the inside of the big sect, there are also differences between superior and inferior.

Among them, the three strongest sects, Tianming Sect, Haoran Academy, and Da Yi Shenjiao, the strength of these three sects may be much stronger than the other seven sects combined.

Of course, the most outstanding disciples among them are often from these three sects, and it seems that these fierce and invincible newcomers often also come from these three sects.

And his Ye Wuxie came from the Da Yi Divine Sect among these three sects. He naturally felt that the Fei Xian Sect was nothing great. The entire Fei Xian Sect could enter his eyes, probably only three to five. It's just a person.

This visit is not so much to give Wang Yifan face, it is better to say that he wants to see Hua Xianyuan, who has become famous recently, but after seeing it, he was very disappointed. Hua Xianyuan is naturally talented, but he is still young and short-term. Within, it is not enough to contend for the hegemony in the world.

"A real dragon appeared in the shallow water?" Ye Wuxie smiled slightly.

But at this moment, Wang Yifan finally couldn't help it, stood up, he laughed loudly, it was an irritating smile: "It's great, I didn't kill you before, I didn't expect that I would still raise The tiger is in trouble!"

At this time, he finally admitted that it was a mistake to allow Chu Yunfan before, although at that time, he was forced by the situation and was defeated by Yi Yunyao, so he had to give up and kill Chu Yunfan directly.

However, fundamentally speaking, he did not put Chu Yunfan in his eyes at the time. Even if Chu Yunfan sabotaged his plan several times afterwards, it still didn't matter to him.

He is a true disciple, Chu Yunfan is nothing but an inner disciple, and his dealing with Chu Yunfan is only used to attack Yi Yunyao.

It can be said that his real goal has always been Yi Yunyao who has been against him several times.

And Chu Yunfan was just a casual person!

Who knows, this incidental ant has brought him such a big trouble~www.ltnovel.com~ It can be said that man is not as good as the sky.

He couldn't tell how his xinxing was. Chu Yunfan had just used words to hold him before, making it inconvenient for him to do it directly, but he had used all the methods before, so naturally there was no softness.

The only thing that shouldn't be that he didn't do it himself.

"Do you think you let me go? No, I let you go, then I could kill you!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Wang Yifan and said coldly.

"But it's useless to say more, let you live an extra year, you are already lucky!"

"It's useless to say more than one. Although the tiger is in trouble, you don't have as good luck this time as before!"

Wang Yifan said coldly.

"Good luck? Do you think I got to where I am today by good luck?" Chu Yunfan sneered, and a sudden tramp on his feet, an unparalleled breath was released from him in an instant After opening, the majestic mana was revealed for the first time at this time.

Before he killed four elders in succession, it was an understatement, and even a success was not useful. At this time, the talents really saw Chu Yunfan's strength.

Wang Yifan watched coldly, and the breath on his body was finally released, and the terrifying mana was released like a stormy sea. In an instant, many defensive enchantments on Jingyun Peak were alarmed. This was also to prevent the shock The peak is broken directly.

After all, each of these true disciples has the strength to blast these mountains into fragments.

The entire Jingyun Peak was shaking slightly up and down, floating in the air also in constant shaking.

At this time, all these changes finally made the whole Jingyunfeng shocked. The inner disciples and elite disciples who came to the banquet finally arrived at this time and saw a world-shattering battle.

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