I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1817: Master of Wang Yifan

Crushing defeated Wang Yifan in a crushing manner from start to finish!

Even after Wang Yifan's enchantment, his strength skyrocketed, but when facing Chu Yunfan, he was still not an opponent at all and was crushed by minutes.

This is the real heritage and power!

After being cut off by Yijian, even if Wang Yifan's demon body turned into a demon was very tenacious, it was of no use at all. When his head died, he died directly.

The devilish energy that had been spewing out from his body also dissipated, not condensing.

The Demon Seed in his body has also disappeared without a trace. The Demon Seed can save him once, but cannot save him a second time. Even if he is resurrected again, Chu Yunfan has absolute confidence that he can kill him.

Compared with the earlier situation, there has been a fundamental change.

At this time, Chu Yunfan transformed into a human form again, and the blood of Chaotianjian had receded. His breathing was a little bit short, and he transformed into Chaotianjian. He also had a huge burden on himself.

However, compared with the original time, this burden is much smaller, because his strength is also different from the original.

It was just a moment’s effort, and it has been restored to the same level as before. Now Chu Yunfan has two superb physiques, the imperial battle body and the sky-shaking thunder body. At the same time, he is also mixed with the blood of two ultra-ancient fierce beasts. With the blood of the Primordial Ming Phoenix, these effects on Chu Yunfan's own body are truly powerful and terrifying.

Even if a master with a realm far higher than him, it is only a short period of time that he needs to be incarnate into the sky. It is enough to make him breathless and consume a lot of money, let alone think of Chu Yunfan like this, it can almost be said that it is only a little bit of consumption. That's it.

This is quite amazing.

Zhan Taixuan and Ye Wuxie had obviously noticed this. In their eyes, Chu Yunfan was no longer a junior at this time. On the contrary, he could sit on an equal footing with them, even though Chu Yunfan’s current realm was still It has never reached the level of gas cylinders with them, but if it is only the combat power, it is almost not below them, and it is the strong one among the real strong.

Although the realm is important, in the final analysis, fighting power determines everything. Chu Yunfan's tyrannical combat power allowed him to win the qualifications to be equal to these top arrogances.

Especially Zhan Taixuan was even more emotional. Seeing Chu Yunfan's various trump cards frequently appeared, it can be said that this newly-beginner junior took less than one-tenth of her cultivation time, and he was comparable to her.

Even if they are as proud and arrogant as her, they have to admire, as the strong, they may cherish each other.

It is impossible for the strong and the weak to have the slightest common language.

"Thank you two for taking care of it just now!"

Chu Yunfan folded his hands and said, although he didn't need it, the two of them had indeed thought of helping him at that time. Chu Yunfan has inherited this favor, and he also needs time to integrate into the circle of these heavenly favorites.

"You don't have to be polite, Junior Brother Chu, Wang Yifan died before the two of us had time to make a move. It is not a pity that this lord has taken refuge in the demons!"

Zhan Taixuan said with a smile, she said, looking at Wang Yifan's corpse with a look of disgust.

For the Demon Race, she has fought against it, and has seen the Demon Race raging, so she hates the Demon Race from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes, yes, now Fei Xianzong finally has one eye-catching, Hua Xian Yuan is too young, too weak, meaningless, the rest is just Wang Yifan and his like, and now there is one It's eye-catching!"

Ye Wuxie grinned and looked mad, as if he didn't put the other true disciples of Fei Xianzong in his eyes.

However, although everyone was not happy, they did not show any surprised expressions on their faces. Obviously, they didn't hear Ye Wuxie's words once or twice. Naturally, they didn't feel anything anymore.

However, they also admire Ye Wuxie's strength. Among his peers, they rarely meet opponents. Even Zhan Taixuan, who is known as the first disciple of the Fei Xianzong Nuzhen Biography, can't ask for any advantage.

Even if the Fei Xianzong is dissatisfied with powerful people, they still know the importance.

Chu Yunfan only glanced at Ye Wuxie and found that this person was very interesting, but Chu Yunfan seemed to have something invisible to him, and it seemed that there was still a deep secret that no one knew.

Just after the three of them had just chatted for a few words, an extremely powerful aura was directly crushed by Mount Tai.

In an instant, everyone only saw that a big hand from the sky fell from the sky, and actually grabbed Chu Yunfan directly.

Chu Yunfan didn't expect this kind of change, but fortunately he hadn't relaxed after slaying Wang Yifan just now. Almost instantly, he was already protected.

Above the head ~www.ltnovel.com~ Shanheding protected him into it.


There was a huge and incomparable roar, like a sound of gold and iron, the big hand fell on the mountain and river tripod, unexpectedly bursting out of collisions.


Chu Yunfan almost immediately felt a terrifying force that accompanied the Shanhe Ding to crush him directly. Even if he had the protection of the Shanhe Ding, there was actually no way to completely remove this power.

You know, if you were an ordinary person, even if he met Li Qianyuan at this time, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

He almost instinctively backed up a few steps, only to feel that the muscles all over his body were torn frantically, almost squirting out a mouthful of blood.


Almost at the same time backing, Chu Yunfan shouted.

"You dare to kill my disciple?" A loud shout came from above the sky, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed, because they all knew the identity of the person from this sentence. It's Wang Yifan's master, one of Fei Xianzong's supreme elders, Jiang Wanan!

When many people think of this person, they only feel that they take a breath of air, and their backs feel cold.

This is the real boss. In Feixianzong, the elders are also divided into many levels. The highest is naturally the elders in the group of elders, followed by ordinary elders, and then the core elders. Then came the marginalized elders.

The previous elders who attacked Chu Yunfan were the bottom edge elders, but even so, they were all cultivated with powerful Universe Realm.

This Jiang Wanan is different. He is the real Supreme Elder. Although he is only an ordinary Supreme Elder, he has truly surpassed the Universe Realm and reached another realm in terms of cultivation.

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