I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1822: Famous 1 o'clock

And this time, no one can tell what's wrong with this promotion!

After all, Chu Yunfan had truly entered the Universe Realm, even regardless of his combat power, he was still qualified to become a true disciple.

Of course, although he is only a new true student disciple, no one regards him as an ordinary true student disciple.

Even judging from the strength he showed this time, even among the true disciples, that was one of the best.

In other words, he has just been promoted to become a true student disciple, and he has already become one of the big brothers among the true student disciples, and he is qualified to stand on another hill and recruit followers.

In particular, even Zhan Taixuan, who was originally known as the first disciple of the Fei Xianzong Nuzhen Biography, once publicly stated that he was not sure about Chu Yunfan.

Just this sentence is enough to make many people think about Chu Yunfan's true strength.

There is no doubt that as long as Chu Yunfan does not die, and progresses at this speed, it will only be a matter of time before he truly becomes the best among True Legend disciples.

Even in the future, he will become a big boss among the big bosses of Fei Xianzong.

Except for Wang Yifan, who was beheaded by Chu Yunfan and already enchanted, the few hapless Fei Xianzong elders were also no one cares about, no one mentions it, as if there was no such person.

After all, they are just a few marginalized elders, even if they are genuine elders.

Speaking of the true inheritance disciple and Fei Xianzong elder status, of course, the true inheritance disciple status is higher, and Chu Yunfan is considered to be the core of the core of the generation of Xianzong, so much more. The status is extraordinary.

According to previous management, the high level of Fei Xianzong attaches great importance to Chu Yunfan.

In this regard, the treatment of Hua Xianyuan is almost the same.

After all, Hua Xianyuan has not yet entered the Universe Realm, and has never been promoted to True Legend, but Chu Yunfan has actually stepped into the Universe Realm, becoming a true Legend level existence.

One just has potential in the future, and Chu Yunfan's potential has been transformed into a part of his true strength.

Naturally, no one would object to Chu Yunfan's promotion.

Even Chu Yunfan's greatest enemy, the Supreme Elder Jiang Wanan, was in a state of being fined and confined at this time, thinking behind closed doors, and could not speak directly at all.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan's strong rise also allowed many people to see an opportunity. As this matter was completely opened, many things about Chu Yunfan in Baotai City began to be understood.

Almost no one wanted to know before, but it was just an elite disciple, a captain of a small city, what should I pay attention to.

But now Chu Yunfan has become a true student disciple, and his position in the imperial court has also become the second-rank general Zhenyuan. You should know that many true student disciples who have served in the court for many years have not been promoted to the second-rank position.

It doesn’t matter if he is only promoted, but You Chuyun and others who left Fei Xianzong with him at the beginning have greatly increased their strengths, and each of them has been promoted to the ranks. It can be said that compared to their original flying The speed of progress when it was unknown in Xianzong, I don't know how many times it would be faster.

This involuntarily made many people red-eyed. After all, no one does not want to improve their strength, and no one does not want to be promoted to make a fortune, and why are You Chuyun and the others, but only relying on their own knowledge of Chu Yunfan early and taking refuge in Chu Yunfan time That's it.

At the beginning, they were just a group of inner disciples, and now they have become elite disciples, which makes those elite disciples very jealous.

It can be said that with Chu Yunfan's fame this time, many elite disciples who were originally aloof all came to Jingyun Peak one after another, wanting to see Chu Yunfan, and wanting Chu Yunfan to accept them as Chu Yunfan. Followers.

As the saying goes, the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor are in the downtown area and no one asks this.

Now Chu Yunfan has inherited the sweet pastry in the eyes of countless people, but at that time many people were afraid of Wang Yifan's existence and dared not leave with Chu Yunfan at all.

Now if you want to join again, of course, it’s not that simple. The threshold for screening is not just a little bit higher. If ordinary inner disciples want to become followers of Chu Yunfan like You Chuyun and others, it’s not at all. possible.

Unless they are the best among the inner disciples and have extremely high talents, it is possible to be included in the sect.

This also made many inner disciples beat their chests. They had an excellent opportunity to put it in front of them, but unfortunately they didn't cherish it. Now that they have lost it, they regret it.

As for those elite disciples, it was the same. Even if an ordinary elite disciple wanted to become a follower of Chu Yunfan, he would still be ineligible.

Chu Yunfan didn't show up at all because he was still in a restricted state. After receiving Chu Yunfan's news, You Chuyun returned to the Flying Immortal Sect from Baotai City overnight to deal with it.

Those who are not determined ~www.ltnovel.com~ who have ghosts and just want to fish in troubled waters are all eliminated. Only those who sincerely want to become followers of Chu Yunfan are likely to be included in the door wall. Chu Yunfan's guidance.

You Chuyun also inherited Chu Yunfan's consistent point of view, that the soldiers are expensive and not too expensive!

The true followers must be used at critical moments. Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, they will be scattered when they are needed. What use is there to keep them.

Even so, after ten days of screening, fifty elite disciples and one hundred inner disciples were finally selected as followers of Chu Yunfan.

Coupled with some of the outer disciples in the sect who did handyman duties, Jing Yunfeng, who had been cold because of Wang Yifan's death, began to become lively again.

After determining the first batch of people to accept, Chu Yunfan called all these people to the place where he was confined and preached.

If it were before, Chu Yunfan wanted to preach to the best among a group of elite disciples and inner disciples, I was afraid that people would be laughed at. He didn’t know the sky and the earth is rich, but now it’s different. He does have such qualifications, and it’s impossible for anyone to do it. Doubt his qualifications.

In just three days, everyone felt that they had gained a lot. Since the number of people was not very large, Chu Yunfan could give targeted guidance one-on-one.

His realm itself is higher than these people, and his understanding of the avenue far exceeds their imagination, it can be described as a tall building, and he can easily find their problems and propose solutions.

In just three days, one-third of the hundred and fifty people directly broke through their original realm and were promoted.

The rest are also rewarded!

When this news came out, everyone was in an uproar. I don't know how many people beat their chests. Not choosing Chu Yunfan's followers was a great loss.

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