I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1825: In half a year, the Tianjiao list has changed dramatically

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a year since Chu Yunfan beheaded Wang Yifan and severely wounded Jiang Wanan, the Supreme Elder, and was eventually promoted to become a true disciple.

During the past six months, Chu Yunfan stayed simple and could not go out of retreat, and there were not many people who could see him.

The turmoil caused at the beginning also gradually calmed down. After all, in the Flying Immortal Sect, major events happened from time to time, and the things that Chu Yunfan had made in the first place, although amazing, can be said to be an overnight fame.

But as time goes by, it is gradually forgotten!

Everyone is also used to it. Among the true biography disciples, a big brother has suddenly been added. Although Chu Yunfan has never sold it since then, the battle that day has completely established his position in the Flying Immortal Sect. status.

Among the true disciples, it can be regarded as a mountain top, and ordinary people can't provoke such an existence at all!

Half a year's time was enough to slowly calm down the impact of that day's war.

During the six months, except for occasionally communicating with You Chuyun to inquire about the results of the Zhenyuan Army's construction, Chu Yunfan basically did not ask about world affairs.

This period of time is a leisure time that he has not had for a long time. Whether he wants or not, he has to complete the six months of restraint without compromise. After all, even as the elder Jiang An Wan has to complete the three-year ban and can't leave.

However, he did not do nothing in the past six months. Not only did his cultivation level successfully break through to the second layer of the universe, he finally pushed the cultivation base to the peak of the second layer of the universe in the next six months, only one opportunity can break through to the universe triple.

Once he breaks through, he will truly have the capital to compete with the top players!

Contend with them, and even be able to defeat those strong.

In addition, he supervised You Chuyun's construction of the Zhenyuan Army. After all, this was his basic team in the future.

Chu Yunfan still had a large amount of those medicinal materials that he didn't use, so he went to Wanbao Pavilion to replace them with the medicinal materials he needed.

Within half a year, a lot of pills were made and distributed to every soldier in the Zhenyuan Army.

Forget those old people, they themselves have followed Chu Yunfan for a long time, and they naturally knew Chu Yunfan's style of doing things, but the soldiers of the Zhenyuan Army who came in were all dumbfounded.

Because in the Great Xia Dynasty, it can be said that the main generals used the army under his command to make money, but it is extremely rare for the main generals to pay for them to improve their strength.

Especially these medicines are obviously impossible for the Daxia Dynasty to subsidize, otherwise the Daxia Dynasty has so many troops, I am afraid that only the medicine will be able to drag down the finances of the entire Daxia Dynasty.

These pills helped them to break through to the Void Realm in one fell swoop from reluctantly entering the Golden Core Realm.

Although this batch of tens of thousands of newly recruited soldiers are all recruits, they are all outstanding among this batch of recruits. Each of them can be regarded as elite in their own right. After a few more battles, they are among the elite. Elite.

Their strength is also very strong, unlike the original Baotai Town Defenders who were too weak, just to be promoted to Jindanjin, it would waste Chu Yunfan's great strength.

With the help of these medicines, coupled with the various martial arts secrets and classics open to them in the army, the new recruits were shocked and excited.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, most of these people were of ordinary origin, and even many ordinary people who couldn't even find the cultivation method of the virtual realm, only relying on their own extraordinary talents to cultivate to this point.

The reason why they chose to enlist in the army is basically because they hope that they can exchange their martial arts and martial arts through various military exploits by themselves.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, these soldiers were allowed to take away these martial arts and teach them to the next generation. After all, there are countless sects destroyed by the Great Xia Dynasty. I don’t know how many methods of practice are like the vast stars. Even the people of the Great Xia Dynasty couldn't explain it clearly.

Moreover, these supernatural powers and martial arts are basically from the high-level look, but the ordinary supernatural martial arts, the grade is very low, there is no need to restrict it.

However, although the conditions are very loose, as long as they can obtain the merits of the war, in fact, most of the recruits will die tragically in the actions not long after they have just started.

Human beings have never stopped fighting internally, not to mention that there are many powerful races on the outside. Therefore, the battles of the Great Xia Dynasty are very ordinary, and their chances of obtaining military merit are actually not many.

Except for some free methods of inner strength, which can make them live longer and become martial artists, other basically various resources are difficult to obtain.

But now that Chu Yunfan is so refreshing, it's not like what other predecessors said, if you want to be the master of the master, in the future it is possible to get some military exploits from the master ~www.ltnovel.com~ and go further.

Now Chu Yunfan helped them reduce this step, and he didn't know how many people would be alive.

With only these two items alone, Chu Yunfan completely subdued the minds of the guards.

Although they are all at war, it is obvious that only when the general who knows the compassionate soldiers in this way has a slim future.

In just half a year, the strength of the guards increased very quickly, especially when tens of thousands of people were promoted to the Void Realm. What a horrible scene, if it were not for the timely recovery of the formation that Chu Yunfan left behind, it would The breath is shielded, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar soon.

However, this also caused Chu Yunfan’s not-so-rich family background to be emptied at once. If it is said that other people use the army to find ways to make money, and finally take the income privately, like Chu Yunfan’s. Uncharacteristically, not only did the army not want to go out to make money, but even slapped it in. This undoubtedly caused a great sensation in the army.

All the upright soldiers in the army were extremely grateful. Without Chu Yunfan, how could they have had such a good life.

Everything was like a spring rain moistening things silently, and the quietly Chu Yunfan increased his trump cards. When no one knew, he was at least several times stronger than half a year ago.

It's just that no one really knows.

Until the release of a new Tianjiao list, it almost immediately detonated the attention of the younger generation of masters all over the world.

On the list of Tianjiao, the first place is still Huntianhou of the Great Xia Dynasty, Li Qianyuan.

Li Qianyuan, born in the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, had adventures when he was very young. He was taken away by a strange beast. Instead, he gained the inheritance of a strong man. After joining the army, he repeatedly made military exploits and slaughtered countless powerful enemies. Hou.

And his strength is not the pinnacle of the Universe Realm, it turns out to be the Good Fortune Realm!

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