I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1835: Make a conclusion, Ye Yin, lose!

"What? How dare you say that this is a boring farce!"

Ye Yin suddenly showed a bit of anger on his face. He always thought that he was the one who had the initiative, and that he was the strong one, and he always looked like he was holding the winning ticket.

But now his plan, in the eyes of Chu Yunfan, is actually just a boring farce, then what has he become, a jumping clown?

Thinking of this, a cold smile flashed in his eyes.

"Don't think what you can do if you can transform!" Ye Yin said coldly. He directly jumped down, leaped off Tieyu Moying's back, and instantly pounced towards Chu Yunfan. One foot trampled down like Optimus Prime.

On the other side, the Iron Feather Mo Eagle originally only cooperated with Ye Yin and didn't really make a move. Now he finally felt the master's anger and made a move.

One shot is extremely clever martial arts, eagle claw skill!

This eagle claw skill itself is a martial arts created by imitating these birds. This iron-feathered black eagle can use it automatically without having to learn it.

The demon power surged over Tie Yu Mo Ying's body, immediately covering half of the sky, and suddenly grabbed Chu Yunfan.

Even if they were both masters of the Seventh Layer of Universe, they didn't dare to confront easily, and could only use defensive magical weapons to defend.

But at this time, Chu Yunfan's actions were completely beyond everyone's expectations. He didn't choose to avoid the edge as everyone thought, but instead rushed straight up.

The Iron Feather Moying is the overlord among the demon birds, one of the kings of the sky, it is extremely terrifying power when it strikes.

However, the Chaotianxuan incarnation of Chu Yunfan is also an ancient fierce beast. Although it is not an ancient fierce beast, the fierce and hostile spirit is still under the iron feather and ink eagle.

"Solve you first!"

Chu Yunfan yelled violently, and his whole body rose from the ground, rushing into the sky, ignoring Ye Yin at all, but heading in the direction of the Iron Feather Mohawk, as if the same ancient fierce beast was possessed.


First, Ye Yin’s fire spirit leg trampled on Chu Yunfan’s body, countless mana turned into lava, drowning everything, but Chu Yunfan didn’t move at all, and this fire spirit leg couldn’t even break through Chu Yunfan’s defenses. .

But Chu Yunfan slammed out and turned into eight heavenly dragons, colliding with that huge eagle claw!


There was a sound like the humming of gold and iron.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was horrified to discover that the Iron Feather Black Eagle screamed. During the collision with Chu Yunfan, his entire eagle claw was broken and he was directly crippled by Chu Yunfan.

In the process, Chu Yunfan didn't move at all and was not affected at all.

What is violent, this is violent!

Many people seem to have seen such a picture. Before the ancient times, on the ground where countless beasts were rampant, one head screamed and slammed into the sky. I don’t know how many terrifying beasts were killed directly and became the top of the food chain. Top predator.

"Come again!"

A fist crippled one of Tieyu Moying's claws, but Chu Yunfan didn't have the slightest satisfaction. On the contrary, he stepped directly forward and chased Tieyu Moying in the direction of it.

All this is long, but in fact it is just a moment of time.

Even Ye Yin didn't react when his attack could not pose any threat to Chu Yunfan, Chu Yunfan had already approached the iron feather black eagle again.

The Iron Feathered Mohawk was also in shock, and immediately flapped its wings again and again, trying to avoid Chu Yunfan's attack.

But in terms of speed, Chu Yunfan is only faster or slower than him, how could he escape Chu Yunfan's control.

"Break it for me!"

Chu Yunfan yelled and grabbed directly into the void. The Gengjin Long Sword appeared in his hand, and a sword light with a length of several hundred feet emerged, and the sword fell towards the body of Tieyu Moying. .


One wing of Tieyu Moying was cut off by the roots, and with a scream, the huge body fell to the ground fiercely, blood splattered everywhere.

Tieyu Moying was already fierce, but who could have thought that Chaotianxuan in the incarnation of Chu Yunfan was much more fierce.

"Damn it!" At this moment, Ye Yin finally reacted, his eyes reddened.

This iron feather black eagle has grown up with him since he was a child, and in the eyes of outsiders is his demon pet, but to him, it is no different from his brother.

These years have been fighting side by side, and have never encountered such a miserable time.

"Don't worry, it will be you soon!"

Chu Yunfan immediately turned his head and looked in Ye Yin's direction. After his incarnation became Chaotianxian, Chu Yunfan's combat power also broke through to the Seventh Layer of the Universe. Relying on his physical invincibility, he was so fierce and terrifying.

"How could this happen? How long has it been before Ye Yin suffered such a miserable defeat!"

Someone yelled, and almost everyone nodded, almost daring to imagine how Chu Yunfan did it. In the beginning, almost all of them were optimistic about Ye Yin rather than Chu Yunfan.

Who would have thought that reality gave them a few slaps~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan just made a move, everything has been completely reversed.

At this moment, even if they were slow to react, Chu Yunfan didn't use all his strength at the beginning, but he was just playing with them.

Use Ye Yin to hone his combat power and use Ye Yin as a sharpening stone.

This is what an amazing mind, even Yang Dengxian, the chief disciple of the Flying Immortal Sect, I am afraid he would not dare to consider Ye Yin as an object of tempering himself.

And more people realized that as Chu Yunfan showed amazing strength, they were afraid that the pattern of the true disciples of Fei Xianzong would be shuffled.

The original five major disciples, now I am afraid that they will have to add one more, and the ranking is extremely high, second only to the chief disciple Yang Dengxian.

But these thoughts only passed through their minds for a while, and they were immediately attracted by the battle on the court again.

As soon as Chu Yunfan's words fell, he had already swooped in. The terrifying and fierce aura swept over like a frenzy, and rolled back in the direction of Ye Yin fiercely.

"Come to a close, eight shaking fists!"

Chu Yunfan blasted out with a punch, twisted his fist, and volleyed into eight parts of a dragon, suppressing all powerful enemies.

At this time, Ye Yin really realized how terrifying Chu Yunfan was after he transformed into Chaotianxian.

"How can it be so strong!"

Ye Yin roared again and again, trying to resist, but it was of no use at all, unable to resist, almost instantly, this punching force directly broke through all his defenses and directly hit him.


Ye Yin let out a muffled snort, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his whole body flew out like a meteor. He actually hit the life and death ring against each other, and his body smashed directly into a mountain peak, shaking the ground.

Everyone looked at all this in front of them incredible, Ye Yin, unexpectedly failed like this?

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