I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1842: 1 heart and 3 uses, crazy enlightenment

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There is no doubt that this is the heart demon doing a ghost, but the heart demon also underestimated Chu Yunfan, which triggered the most missed scene in Chu Yunfan's heart. However, Chu Yunfan's heart to Dao is firm, and it is impossible to be This illusion affects.

However, after being lured by the heart demon, Chu Yunfan faced this problem squarely, and after solving it, it did not affect him in any way. On the contrary, it made him more determined to the Dao.

For any practitioner, the heart demon is a huge trouble. During the process of practice, he often encounters various problems, which accumulate and form the heart demon.

There is even one of the inner demons who are the inner demons. Once the inner demons are extremely serious, they may even evolve into the kind of real conscious inner demons. Once the person’s will is not firm enough, there is no way to fight against the inner demons, and may even be The heart demon seizes the house.

Such things have not been uncommon throughout the ages.

Once the inner demon is broken, the mood will often be greatly consolidated, and in the future, the practice will be even more rapid and great progress will be made.

Therefore, for practitioners, the heart demon is a great trouble, but it is also a huge opportunity. It just depends on whether you can seize this opportunity.

Just after Chu Yunfan broke through a heart magic illusion, Chu Yunfan appeared in another environment, filled with yellow sand, and under an endless starry sky, there were broken checkpoints everywhere.

On the city wall, the two people are cuddling each other, the familiar body temperature and the familiar scent surround the tip of the nose.

A gentle little hand held Chu Yunfan's palm. When Chu Yunfan turned his head, a bright and beautiful smile appeared, as if the world had frozen overnight, and only this smile was left.

He will never forget that scene!

"Yun Fan, we are just like this, will we be here for a lifetime!"

Tang Siyu leaned first on Chu Yunfan's shoulder, and the two were so close that they could hear each other's heartbeat.

Chu Yunfan came back to his senses. Wasn't this scene the same night he and Tang Siyu fell in love when he took the college entrance examination?

The various dangers experienced at the beginning have now been completely transformed into a beautiful picture.

In the distance, fierce figures are approaching. The criminals who made him look like a big enemy now seem to be just a joke.

When he returned to his hometown, his mentality was completely different.

Chu Yunfan patted Tang Siyu's head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't stay here forever, even if there is my best memory here, wait for me to find you!"

"Okay, I am waiting for you to come and find me!"

Tang Siyu smiled happily, with passion flowing in his eyes, just smiling, heartless and incomparably gorgeous.

"wait for me!"

Chu Yunfan slapped Tang Siyu with a palm. In front of him, Tang Siyu turned into a beam of light and disappeared before his eyes.

There was a flower in front of Chu Yunfan's eyes, and he returned to the Magic Moon Cave.

This time, his expression was a bit sad, but then he left these decadent thoughts behind, because he knew that it was not the time for him to be decadent, Tang Siyu was still waiting for him to come back, he didn't have much time to be decadent. .

However, Chu Yunfan was also stunned secretly, the frequency of the environment here was too high, but it was only a short time, and it actually appeared twice.

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Even though these illusions were easily seen through by Chu Yunfan, they did not pose the slightest threat to him.

But these demons can easily seduce the greatest desire deep in the human heart. If they are ordinary people, they don't have the godhead to calm the soul, I'm afraid they will be easily affected.

Even if they are careful, they may still be affected. After all, these illusions are the most desired images in their hearts, as well as the most feared images.

It all comes from itself!

Once there is the slightest vacillation, there may be more demons taking advantage of the vacancy, and thus become infatuated. Such a situation is not uncommon throughout the ages!

While absorbing the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, Chu Yunfan felt that his own gong power continued to grow, and at the same time, some scenes of the evolution of the demons appeared before his eyes from time to time.

The sea of ​​swords and flames, the eighteenth floor of hell, the battle between life and death, and even Chu Yunfan saw the scenes of his tragic death. It can be said that the scenes of various demons took turns playing.

Many pictures, even Chu Yunfan could not help but be shocked when they saw them, because these pictures all came from the deepest part of his soul, some were his desires, some were his desires, and some were his fears, and each of them made his soul. shock.

However, there is a godhead, and no picture can cause greater fluctuations in his mind.

Every time Chu Yunfan overcomes a demon, he can even clearly feel that his state of mind is fulfilled again.

For future practice, it can be said to be extremely important.

In this process of dealing with the inner demons while absorbing the high-quality spiritual energy in the Magic Moon Cave, Chu Yunfan can still be distracted and begin to comprehend the previous records in the treasury of books and the handbooks of countless people. thing.

This is simply impossible for ordinary people, because they can't directly rub down those classics by relying on the special ability of Godhead like Chu Yunfan.

They can remember as much as they can comprehend, but Chu Yunfan is different, he just writes it down first, and those who can't comprehend it right away will also be written down.

It was equal to this time, in Chu Yunfan's mind, there was a reduced version of the treasure house of books. Although most of them were the practice notes and experience of masters of the good fortune realm, they were also extremely shocking.

Because the previous ten days were too short, there was not much time for him to comprehend.

Just like that, ~www.ltnovel.com~ was already in a hurry, and at the same time, it consumed all the spiritual stones in his landscape map, because the use of the godhead requires a huge amount of energy.

And now the sky is full of spiritual energy whose quality is even higher than that of the middle-grade spirit stone, just taking advantage of this opportunity to comprehend it together.

After using the Godhead, Chu Yunfan absorbed the spiritual energy between heaven and earth ten times faster. At the same time, countless classics in his mind appeared and began to analyze. Chu Yunfan's understanding of the Dao and the understanding of the creation realm was also At an astonishing rate.

He even dared to say that his understanding of the realm of good fortune at this time must surpass that of Li Qianyuan, who has already stepped into the realm of good fortune.

At the same time, he has to deal with all kinds of demons, one mind and three things, and when he is an ordinary person, he has already gone crazy.

And Chu Yunfan's movement quickly attracted the attention of the Supreme Elder who guarded the Huanyue Cave.

Suddenly I was shocked. Although these high-quality auras are good, they also contain a lot of energy. Even a master of good fortune realm, like Chu Yunfan's crazy absorption, I'm afraid it would explode long ago. Died.

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