I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1846: You guys get on one, I'm in a hurry!

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Chu Yunfan finally appeared!

With the appearance of this final master, everyone also understands that this long-awaited battle is finally about to begin!

At the beginning, Chu Yunfan unexpectedly took everyone's challenge book in one breath. He once shocked everyone, but now it's finally time to come to an end.

To many people, it seemed that it was a mule or a horse, and it was time to pull it out. Whether Chu Yunfan's strength was as powerful as he showed, it was finally time to see what happened.

"You finally came!"

Sad Xiaojian opened his eyes, and his eyes were like sharp swords, approaching Chu Yunfan, bursts of light burst out.

"Yes, here I am!"

Chu Yunfan said indifferently, and then his gaze glanced at the crowd, but soon his gaze fell on Dao Kuang.

In his intelligence, there is no such madman.

But soon, he knew his identity. During this period of time, although he himself was still in retreat, all kinds of intelligence news continued to be sent to him. Some of them were Chu Hongcai and You Chuyun. Headed by his followers.

Some admirers in the sect also sent it, and even a high-level Feixianzong sent a piece of information about the people on the Tianjiao list in the name of the sect.

For this piece of information, of course Chu Yunfan refused to come and laughed at them all, so even though he was taken aback, he quickly recognized the identity of the sword mad.

"Sword mad, Lin Dingtian!"

Chu Yunfan slowly spit out these words.

"Yes, you have some knowledge!"

Dao Kuang Lin Dingtian grinned, his face was full of hideous expressions, staring at Chu Yunfan firmly.

"You are more knowledgeable than I thought, and I am also a little curious, why the Tianjiao list will include you on the list, you are not even the peak of the Universe Realm, why are you on the list? You must be ranked wrong!"

As soon as Dao Kuang came up, he showed absolute hostility towards Chu Yunfan, and even despised him a bit.

He thought he had completely seen Chu Yunfan's cultivation base, but he was only a first-time cultivation base, how could he be eligible to be on the list.

As for Chu Yunfan's defeat of Ye Yin, although he had heard about it, he didn't believe it at all. After all, it was news from Fei Xianzong, and Fei Xianzong deliberately released such false news. My own person, although such behavior is ugly, but it is also possible.

After all, everyone knows that there is only one person from this generation of Fei Xianzong on the list. For Fei Xianzong, which is ranked among the top ten sects, it is undoubtedly a matter of slapped face.

At this time, it was so strange to try to force one out.

"Yes, I also think that the ranking of Tianjiao must be wrong!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"Even you think so, it seems that you still have a bit of self-knowledge!" Dao Kuang sneered, his eyes were extremely wild.

"I think the Tianjiao ranking must be wrong. What are you worthy of ahead of me?" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"You... What a brave, what an arrogant fellow!" Lin Dingtian laughed furiously. "This is the first time I have met someone who is more arrogant than me. You can, you can-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!

! "

"However, your arrogance can't save your life. Do you think it's okay if you rank on the list of arrogances? Do you know how many people are picked and dropped each year, especially if you are like this is just good luck!" Lin Dingtian calmed down quickly, "The thing I dislike most is people who are more arrogant than me. If it is normal, I will cut your head off and use it as a urinal, but the person who is going to challenge you today is not me, and you too. Not worthy of my challenge!"

Lin Dingtian hugged his shoulders and looked at the show. Although he was irritated by Chu Yunfan, he still felt that Chu Yunfan was definitely not his opponent. After all, his ranking must be ahead of Chu Yunfan.

Even in the strength that was judged wrong by Tianji Pavilion, he was stronger than Chu Yunfan.

"Cut off my head and use it as a urinal?" Chu Yunfan's eyes burst with a bit of cold light. "In this generation of the Swordsman, you are the only one on the list, but I think that soon, the Swordsman will lose even this place!"

Dao Kuang looked at Chu Yunfan coldly. Of course he could hear what Chu Yunfan meant, and said, "You are threatening me? But you are worthy of threatening me?"

"Sword Madness, the person who is going to challenge him today is us, not you, you retreat, or I will fight with you!"

At this moment, the sad little arrow on the side could not help but speak.

Dao Kuang immediately turned his head, and looked at the sad little arrow like a wild beast, and his eyes also had a terrifying killing intent.

If it was not useful to keep him, he would have been killed altogether long ago!

He originally wanted to make a move, but when he saw that Xia Yi, Huang Xuanfei, Zhang Beidou and others were all showing bad faces, he realized that he had already committed public anger.

He is already on the list, so defeating Chu Yunfan is not an urgent matter, but for the four who are eager to prove themselves, defeating Chu Yunfan is the only way to be on the top of the list.

After all, if you want to prove that the Tianjiao list is wrong, many people have succeeded throughout the ages, but that is to enlarge the time into countless years of history. If you only talk about frequency, it is very low.

The people on the Tianjiao list will only be defeated by the people on the Tianjiao list. This seems to have become an unchanging law, and everyone who can break this law has often become a legend.

"It doesn't matter!" Chu Yunfan glanced at the crowd, then said. "Are you going to go together? Or one by one, sorry, I'm in a hurry, so I personally suggest you go together!"

Chu Yunfan's words immediately made the conflict between the raging sad Xiaojian and others and the sword mad disappear without a trace. Both sides threw their anger towards Chu Yunfan ~www.ltnovel.com~ together?

What does Chu Yunfan regard them as?

Even if someone needs them to join him, they should be the best among his peers like Huntianhou Li Qianyuan, and shouldn't be the first person.

What kind of thing is Chu Yunfan.

"Good, good, good!"

Dao Kuang said with a sneer: "I won't **** it from you, whoever of you is going up, cut off his head for me!"

"Let me do it!"

At this moment, the sad little arrow stepped forward and started almost without saying anything.

The longbow on his back was shot almost like lightning, full of strings, mana condensed into it, and turned into a terrible arrow.

The light from this arrow beam was like a scorching sun, illuminating the whole world in an instant, pointing straight at Chu Yunfan.

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