I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1848: Unbearable 1 hit (top)

This kind of cognitive subversion immediately made them feel at a loss, which is completely different from their previous cognition.

Before coming, they knew that Chu Yunfan was able to be on the list. It should be that Tianji Pavilion had made a mistake. He was not even the Seventh Layer of Universe, so why was he qualified to be ranked 100th in the list of Tianjiao, and he was overwhelmed by them. on.

They themselves don't know where they heard this statement, or when it started. It seems that such rumors have begun since the Tianjiao rankings began.

And now the facts have proved that this rumor is simply wrong, and Chu Yunfan is not as weak as everyone originally thought.

So the question is, since it's not that Chu Yunfan is too weak, why is there such a rumor again?

Many people think of it, and they just feel sweaty. It seems that someone behind them wants to spread such news, and their goal is undoubtedly Chu Yunfan.

"Too strong, you deserve to be Senior Brother Chu!"

"Isn't that sad little arrow still very arrogant? Didn't it mean that you want to defeat Senior Brother Chu to correct the ranking of the Tianji Pavilion? How is it now? Lost in a second!"

"That's right, but it's just a show of defeat in a palm of your hand. Do you dare to challenge Senior Brother Chu just like that?"

After a while, many disciples of the Eternal Tracer laughed loudly, and they were no longer so worried when they looked at the challengers from outside. They were originally worried that Chu Yunfan would fail, but now that it is impossible for Chu Yunfan to look at it. Failure, at this time, the atmosphere that was originally worried was swept away, and the momentum rose sharply.

On the other hand, the faces of the remaining Huang Xuanfei, Xia Yi, Hang Beidou and others were extremely ugly, and there was an inexplicable light in their eyes.

Even the blade light didn't have the original haughty color at this time, on the contrary, a somewhat solemn color flashed in his eyes.

Chu Yunfan was even more tyrannical than he had imagined before, which was already very unexpected.

After Chu Yunfan defeated Sad Xiaojian with a palm, he swept towards Huang Xuanfei, Xia Yi, and Zhang Beidou.

"Are you going to go together or go one by one?" Chu Yunfan grinned, but in the next moment, his gaze fell on Huang Xuanfei.

At this time, Huang Xuanfei was shocked. This feeling reminded him of the first time he was on the battlefield when he was spotted by a terrifying monster beast of the Demon Race. On the battlefield that time, he could be said to be dead. Li escaped and almost died in the mouth of that monster beast.

And now the feeling of danger that Chu Yunfan gave him was still above that monster beast.

"not good!"

Huang Xuanfei suddenly secretly said that it was not good, but at this time, Chu Yunfan's gaze had swept over, the arrow was on the string, and he had to send it.

Fleeing without a fight was the first battle book he had written. He couldn't afford to lose this person, let alone the Huang Family in Zhongzhou.

Chu Yunfan's gaze swept over, giving him a very strong feeling of oppression and a feeling of vomiting blood.


Huang Xuanfei also knew at this time that it was impossible to retreat without a fight, only to fight to the death, and once such a decision was made, the courage that had been honed on the battlefield was instantly retrieved.

When facing Chu Yunfan, he calmed down again, a halberd appeared in his hand, and Fang Tian painted a halberd.


Huang Xuanfei shot instantly, and he found that if he continued to be oppressed by Chu Yunfan like this, he would even lose the courage to act.

This kind of discovery made him have to make a shot in time, otherwise he would really not even have much chance of winning at the last point.

Fang Tian painted a halberd, and in an instant, a breath of killing air appeared around the surrounding world, everyone seemed to be back on the battlefield, and even the countless shouts of killing could be heard in their ears, a blood-colored battlefield, killing unlimited.

But at this moment, Fang Tian painted the halberd down, and a knight turned out in the sky. This knight couldn't see his face at first, but soon he turned directly into Huang Xuanfei.

However, Huang Xuanfei's whole body was wrapped in iron armor, his face was cold, like a **** of death.

"Autumn on the battlefield!"

The knight screamed coldly and rushed directly towards Chu Yunfan.

"Appeared, it is really the **** of the Huang family in Zhongzhou, and the battlefield will be a soldier in the fall!"

Someone exclaimed that the power of this blow really made many people amazed. The autumn soldiers on the battlefield are the unparalleled knowledge on the battlefield. They have a horse as a thousand, and they are no ordinary people. Can withstand it.

One hit will kill, with the force of thunder, breaking through the blockade of all powerful enemies.

Suddenly, at this moment, Chu Yunfan made his move, and he didn't see any movements, just a simple five-finger squeezing fist, and then a punch was blasted out.

Fist Jin roared out like a long dragon, and instantly blasted the knight who had crossed over.


In an instant ~www.ltnovel.com~ the knight turned into a **** spot of light, and the atmosphere of solemnity like the entire battlefield also disappeared invisible, disappeared completely.

It was all accompanied by Chu Yunfan's fist and directly blasted into nothingness, and it was impossible to cause Chu Yunfan a star or a little bit of damage.

With this punch, all visions disappeared and all enemies were suppressed.

"not good!"

Huang Xuanfei suddenly secretly said that it was not good, but at this time Chu Yunfan cast his fist unabated, and after breaking Huang Xuanfei's battlefield, he blasted towards him directly.

"Want to defeat me? It's not that easy!"

Huang Xuanfei yelled, and Fang Tian painted the halberd in his hand, slashing straight towards Ze, to blast the punch.


There was a violent sound like a crow of gold and iron, but everyone only saw Chu Yunfan's punch that directly blasted the Fang Tian painted halberd in Huang Xuanfei's hand into the sky, turning into a stream of light and disappearing.

And immediately after Chu Yunfan's fist fell on Huang Xuanfei's chest.


A huge roar was accompanied by a sound of fractured bones. Huang Xuanfei screamed and flew upside down, hitting the ground hard, actually knocking out a big hole directly into the ground.

If it is hit hard, it is like a comet hitting the earth.

No different from Sad Little Arrow, Huang Xuanfei was directly defeated by Chu Yunfan.

It's deathly silence again!

Everyone held their breath and grabbed their minds, almost not being frightened to death, Chu Yunfan's combat power shocked the four.

However, after Chu Yunfan had just laid the groundwork for the matter of defeating Sad Xiaojian, this matter seemed not so difficult to accept.

"It's vulnerable, it's totally vulnerable!"

Many people have only these four words in their minds, and they are simply vulnerable. 8)

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