I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1855: Tianjiao list, 30!

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The battle ended, the news first spread throughout the Fei Xianzong, and before long, the entire Great Xia Dynasty, and even the whole world I got the news.

Especially the fact that Chu Yunfan killed Lin Dingtian with a punch made him famous.

Especially now, the number of times the Tianjiao list is played is not much. Even if there is a match, it is often just a taste. After all, the Tianjiao list already represents standing on the top of the younger generation, and will even stand in the world in the future. peak.

How much enmity can make these Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list be born and die at every turn. There is no need. Every Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list is not simple. If you do not have full confidence, the consequences will be disastrous, and you may even get yourself into it.

Just like Zibuyu before, even if Meng Tianren and others were fighting for their interests, they never really beat their lives.

In this atmosphere, Chu Yunfan seemed too abrupt, but it also made many people truly realize the terrifying strength of this newly promoted prince.

What a terrifying strength to kill a Tianjiao who is also on the Tianjiao list!

Moreover, it is said that he is still unharmed, which means that Chu Yunfan's strength far exceeds his current ranking, at least to the extent that he can be ranked in the middle, and he is not at the bottom of the current ranking.

This is also the first time that Chu Yunfan has truly acted as a master, and is known to the world. Unlike some talented new stars before, after all, the Tianjiao master who can easily kill the pinnacle of the universe is definitely a master.

Progress at the current rate, I'm afraid that good fortune can be expected, by that time, it will be a master who really affects the Middle-earth China.

Soon, the Tianji Pavilion also updated the Tianjiao list again, and Chu Yunfan's ranking also rose to the 30th place on the Tianjiao list from the original ranking.

When this ranking came out, it was a shock to the four!

What is the rocket-like soaring speed, this is the rocket-like soaring speed!

Prior to this, although it was not a precedent that there was no significant increase in rankings, it was basically because the people who were originally ranked at the top were old enough, and then they were directly replaced.

The rankings of those behind were improved a lot.

However, it was different now. Chu Yunfan soared up with his own strength abruptly, causing many people to be in an uproar.

Many people even expressed dissatisfaction. Although Chu Yunfan has a record of killing Lin Dingtian, he has been promoted to 30. It is conceivable that it will cause an uproar.

You know, the top 30 are basically the first group in the top of the Tianjiao list, and even this move has caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list.

These people have no interest in Chu Yunfan's ranking on the Tianjiao list, because for them, it is just a struggle for those at the bottom of the ranking.

Now Chu Yunfan was actually promoted to 30 in one breath, which meant that many people's rankings were surpassed by Chu Yunfan.

Seeing that a younger generation who was less than half of their age and even less experienced climbed onto their heads, how could they accept it.

However, after a few complaints, many Tianjiao was even more weird and all silent.

When everyone was talking about it, news soon came out. There was only one reason why these Tianjiao did not protest, and that was that these Tianjiao collectives had entered a state of retreat.

Except for the freak Chu Yunfan, the other characters who can be on the list of Tianjiao are basically masters at the pinnacle of the Universe Realm, and they are all above the zero point of this realm.

Because of this, it’s only a matter of time before they break through to the realm of good fortune, so they are unwilling to bother with this matter, not to mention whether Chu Yunfan is able to deal with it, even if it is a waste of time and let others The first to break through to the realm of good fortune, that is the real burning eyebrows.

Judging from the current situation of the Tianjiao ranking, the next step is to collectively enter the realm of good fortune. It is already obvious who takes the lead in this step, and it is Li Qianyuan.

But no one wants to lag behind others in this step.

As for Chu Yunfan?

According to a certain Tianjiao: "From the Universe Realm to the Good Fortune Realm, there is an insurmountable gap. Even if his combat power is against the sky, it is impossible to cross this gap. When we break through, he is just a joke. !"

When this Tianjiao's words came out, the world suddenly felt astonished. It was not that many Tianjiao had reached that point, but they understood that at this time, there was nothing more important than breaking into the good fortune realm.

Once he broke through to the realm of good fortune, Chu Yunfan, who now seemed to have soared to the top 30, was just a joke.

Between Universe Realm and Good Fortune Realm ~www.ltnovel.com~ it is ten times, or even dozens of times, the difference in combat power.

If it was said that Chu Yunfan could still compete with them by virtue of various adventures, then as they stepped into the realm of good fortune, everything went back to the original point.

After all, the dragon in the sky is the dragon, and the ants on the ground are just ants. Even if they dominate for a while, it is only for a while, and the gap in life level transformation is enough to smooth everything out.

All of a sudden, a wave of despising Chu Yunfan started!

In particular, many people understand that the gap between the Universe Realm and the Good Fortune Realm is like a moat, there is a huge difference, and it is almost impossible to cross.

Regardless of these arrogances, they are almost sure to break through to the good fortune realm, but this level, for 90% of the top masters of the universe, is a gap that will not be able to cross the past for a lifetime.

At this level of cultivation, the difference in talent between them is clear at a glance. Some geniuses can still go wild, while some people have already begun to slow down, or even shackled, and are not allowed to advance half a step.

Therefore, there is a reason why everyone looks down on Chu Yunfan. If Chu Yunfan wants to match the realm of creation in combat power, at least he has to step into this realm.

But in terms of Chu Yunfan's current realm, I don't know how long it will take to enter the realm of good fortune. By that time, the Tianjiao on these Tianjiao lists don't know how far they can rise.

A step gap is a step gap, and the disadvantage of age is undoubtedly reflected.

It is precisely because of the lack of age that often the adventures that should be given can not rob those elder talents, and the road to growth is destined to be rougher than others.

This trend quickly broke into the Fei Xian Sect, and immediately poured cold water on the craze in the Fei Xian Sect that was flattering Chu Yunfan.

Let everyone calm down!

Especially some people who are not determined in their minds, they decided to wait and see before talking.

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