I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1858: The imperial capital reports on duty, and the promotion is coming

In just over a year, the environment in Baotai City area has undergone earth-shaking changes. With the guard of Zhenyuan Army, a powerful army, even if it is located in the border areas, those alien races cannot penetrate.

Chu Yunfan has only one attitude towards the forces that have infiltrated from all sides, and that is to root out.

No matter who you are in collusion with, you will be put to death if you find it!

Under Thunder's iron fist, not to mention the infiltrated forces of foreign races, even the local bandits were all uprooted.

Originally, there were a large number of horse bandits and robbers in the frontier area. With the strength of the original Baotai town defenders, it was of course impossible to annihilate them. Once out of the city, they might even be annihilated by an ambush.

In this case, these horse bandits and robbers are very arrogant.

Now that the Zhenyuan Army has risen, these horse bandits and robbers can only escape from the edge.

After beheading all these bandits, Chu Yunfan decapitated all the heads of these bandits and built them into a Jingguan, which shocked Xiao Xiao.

With a peaceful environment, Baotai City has naturally developed extremely fast, and it has developed by leaps and bounds in just one year, becoming the center of many nearby cities.

After all, not all border cities have such conditions, and this is no longer a first-tier city, and it is naturally unlikely that there will be elite troops stationed.

Even when it was originally on the front line, it was unlikely to be able to guard against the harassment of various bandits, because the most elite troops were responsible for fighting against the monster army, and there was no time to Jingping.

As long as we can keep the city from being harassed, some remote places will inevitably be harassed by these bandits. This is an old problem.

It's not that the Daxia Dynasty didn't want to solve it, but the four sides that the Daxia Dynasty faced were powerful enemies, even with the great national power of the Daxia Dynasty, they were somewhat stretched.

In addition, after Baotai City became an inland city, the garrisoned troops had long since become second-rate local garrison troops. Basically, they were okay to defend the city, and they were unable to get out of the city to suppress bandits.

In addition, these bandits still knew the severity and did not dare to attack the city, otherwise the Daxia Dynasty would be uprooted in a rage and it would be nothing more than a breath of effort.

Therefore, for these bandits, many cities have closed one eye, but Chu Yunfan can ignore these unspoken rules, basically hacking one to death when he catches one, and he is not merciless at all.

For a time, the entire area near Baotai City became a forbidden area, and the people in Baotai City could see that from time to time, the Zhenyuan Army's iron cavalry went out of the city, and hundreds of thousands of them went out of the city to suppress bandits from time to time.

However, they will return triumphantly in a few days. Basically, the ordinary bandits are really not the opponents of Zhenyuan Army. Even if there are some masters hidden in them, they will not become the weather at all under the clearing of the disciples of Fei Xianzong in the army.

It was not until the time when the bandits were really suppressed that Chu Yunfan discovered how chaotic the area around this area was. The supporters behind many bandits may be the disciples of a certain evil spirit or even a certain evil spirit. There is something hidden in it. Few good hands.

However, they are basically not the opponents of Fei Xianzong disciples, these are all elite disciples in the clan.

Even in the circumstances, Chu Yunfan had encountered a bandit leader of the Universe Realm level, and ordinary Fei Xianzong disciples were not opponents, and eventually provoked Chu Yunfan to personally take action and kill with one blow.

After slaying several bandit leaders of the Universe Realm in a row, all the masters among the bandits fled after hearing the wind. After hearing about it, a ruthless man came.

On this day, Chu Yunfan was holding a document from the Taiwei's Mansion in the commander's account of the Yuan Army Barracks in Baotai Town.

A document to promote his official position promoted Chu Yunfan from the original second-rank general Zhenyuan to the first-rank Zhenyuan general.

It is estimated that the speed of upgrading and pulling out will scare the eyes of many people.

However, Chu Yunfan was not surprised. After more than a year, he was still the same as he was more than a year ago. He was in his early twenties, and his expression was somewhat clear and determined.

In Chu Yunfan's view, this is just a matter of course. In this year's time, there were more than ten masters of the Universe Realm that he killed with his own hands. They were all old bandits, and every one of them was a veteran. Full of evil and full of blood debts.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan has absolutely no softness in his moves. These masters of the Universe Realm are basically the first, second, and triple cultivation bases of the Universe Realm. Among the many Universe Realms, they can only be ranked last.

However, even if there are masters of the Sixth Layer of the Universe and the Seventh Layer of the Universe, they cannot be Chu Yunfan's opponent.

These masters of the Universe Realm, except for some of them are casual cultivators, the others are considered to have a foothold. They are basically the disciples of the big sects of the evil demons outside the domain, but they have stayed here and become bandits for various reasons.

Even many bandits are supported by them, the purpose is to plunder all kinds of resources to provide support for their cultivation ~www.ltnovel.com~ But now they all died in the hands of Chu Yunfan, more than a year, Chu Yun There are more than a dozen masters of the Universe Realm, and there are hundreds of thousands of ordinary bandits. It can be said that the bandits near Baotai City are about to be wiped out.

Otherwise, it won't let the brutal bandits run away.

This is a real record. Even if the high-level Li Qianyuan wants to block it, it is impossible to block it. After all, the Taiwei Mansion is not an existence that he can squash and round, and specializes in managing high-ranking officers above the generals.

This time, after being promoted to the first rank general, he had to report to the imperial capital.

This also means that Chu Yunfan has already stepped into the ranks of high-ranking military officers.

But this is also the most rare step. There are millions of regular troops in the Daxia Dynasty plus tens of millions of troops in the second line. Among them, there are many officers at the general level, but there are still very few who can successfully seal the marquis. .

The younger generation is currently only Li Qianyuan alone!

However, now that this critical point has been reached, Chu Yunfan thought to himself that it was only a matter of time before the Hou was sealed. At that time, he would be able to sit on an equal footing with Li Qianyuan, and he would not be ashamed of any conspiracy behind his back.

"It's been a whole year, staying here in Baotai City, it's going to be moldy, it's time to go out for a walk!" Chu Yunfan said lightly. For him, going to the emperor is not just a report on work, but also Take this opportunity to see if you can get news of Tang Siyu.

"However, there is still one month left to report. Before going to the imperial capital, it is time to raise the level of cultivation to the fourth level of the universe!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed with brilliance. No one knew except him. His cultivation had reached the critical point of the third level of the universe, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the fourth level of the universe.

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