I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1860: Imperial Capital of Great Xia, Golden Dragon

After the breakthrough, Chu Yunfan felt that his mana was increasing crazily almost every second.

There is no limit to the breakthrough, almost like a hurricane horse, galloping all the way!

For a whole month, Chu Yunfan's improvement finally stopped.

At this time, Chu Yunfan's combat power was at least twenty times stronger than before!

The cultivation base also went all the way from the four-layer universe that just broke through to the pinnacle of the four-layer universe, and encountered a brand new barrier all the way, and finally stopped.

After truly breaking through to this realm and fighting power comparable to the good fortune realm, Chu Yunfan finally understood how big the gap between the good fortune realm and the universe realm was, and it was simply not on the same level.

Especially the peak of the Universe Realm and the Good Fortune Realm, there is only a line of separation, but the gap is at least ten times, or even dozens of times.

When Jiang Wanan wanted to kill him at the time, it could be said that he had the chance to win, and he did not take him seriously.

Even the ordinary good fortune realm can easily kill the master of the universe realm, not to mention that Jiang Wanan is still a leader in the good fortune realm.

If it hadn't been for Chu Yunfan's sudden burst of sword energy talisman to severely inflict him, he would not have been so embarrassed.

So much so that even after the lord Situ Xuan intervened, even Jiang Wanan could only bow his head and admit his mistake.

It's no wonder that after Li Qianyuan broke through to the good fortune realm, almost all of those arrogances jumped completely, because everyone knew that once Li Qianyuan broke through, they would far surpass them.

If it was said that Li Qianyuan was only one-liner better than them, then after Li Qianyuan broke through, he immediately thrown away ten streets of them, and it can even be said that the sum of them is not Li Qianyuan's opponent alone.

After Li Qianyuan entered the realm of good fortune, another group of people entered the realm of good fortune together. It seemed that there was no gap in the Tianjiao list, but the gap appeared in an instant.

There is also a gap between Tianjiao and Tianjiao, and the gap between the strongest and the weakest is clear from now on!

And now, Chu Yunfan's combat power has broken through to the realm of good fortune, which can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Since then, he has definitely had the capital to compete with them.

The goal is directly at Li Qianyuan, who is now ranked number one. No ordinary master of good fortune will be Chu Yunfan's opponent after the rapid breakthrough now!

Even in the face of Li Qianyuan, who has reached the second level of good fortune, Chu Yunfan is not afraid. After transforming into Chaotianxian, even Li Qianyuan can fight.

But now in the outside world, no one knows, because after the breakthrough in the mountain and river map, the deduction of Tianji Pavilion is directly blocked, and no one knows unless he makes his own move.

Calculating the time, it was when Chu Yunfan was going to report in the imperial capital. Chu Yunfan immediately left the customs and came to a nearby large city. There are many teleportation formations in such a large city. Can be directly transmitted to the Great Xia Dynasty.

After all, the Great Xia Dynasty is too vast, I don't know how many tens of thousands of square kilometers, if there is no such teleportation array, once something happened in the Great Xia Dynasty, it will be too late to solve it.

With these teleportation formations, no matter where the frontier has a problem, a large number of troops can be dispatched to suppress it at the first time.

This is the root cause of the stability of the Great Xia Dynasty.

And Chu Yunfan is now the Great General Zhenyuan entrusted by the court, so naturally he can use the special teleportation array for the court, which is convenient and quick.

When Chu Yunfan opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in the imperial capital. Almost for the first time, Chu Yunfan felt a strong aura hovering above the imperial capital. It was a panic. Sense of oppression.

It is commonly known as air luck.

Today, the Great Xia Dynasty is in a situation where the fire is cooking oil, the momentum is prosperous, the people's heart is attached, and its air luck can almost be said to be so strong that it cannot be dissipated.

Ordinary masters of good fortune realm can't perceive this kind of oppression as clearly as Chu Yunfan.

Only Chu Yunfan, because there is a godhead in his body, his eyes on things have already reached the realm of seeing mountains not mountains and seeing water not water.

As far as his eyes can reach, he can even feel a golden dragon entrenched in the sky above the imperial capital, and that cold gaze is looking down at the whole world.

The golden scales on his body shone dazzlingly in the sun. It was a golden dragon of luck, and it was very strong.

You should know that the golden dragon of a dynasty's luck is closely related to the luck of a dynasty. If the dynasty enters the end, the golden dragon of its luck will also be sluggish and unable to shock the world.

But if a dynasty is in its heyday, then the strength of the golden dragon of luck is hard to imagine.

It’s like what Chu Yunfan sees now is the golden dragon of luck in the Great Xia Dynasty that he saw at the beginning is thousands of times stronger than the golden dragon of luck in the great Wei state~www.ltnovel.com~ the huge dragon claw grasping At the four corners of the city wall, the dragon head looked down at all parts of the world, as if to soar into the sky anytime, anywhere.

Even Chu Yunfan, who had been on the battlefield, couldn't help but breathe in the air for the first time he saw it. With this level of luck, the golden dragon was enveloped in the imperial capital of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Even if a monk from the evil spirits of the good fortune realm comes here, I am afraid that they will be discovered by the Qi Luck Golden Dragon in the first place, and they will be severely injured or even killed by a single glance.

As long as Qi Luck Golden Dragon defends the imperial capital firmly, even if it is besieged by millions of troops, it will never be able to break through.

All the evil demons who arrived here will be affected by the golden dragon of Qi Luck, and their strength will be directly compressed to the next realm, and even those with weaker mood cultivation may be suppressed for several realms in one breath.

The army of millions is just waiting for nothing!

So throughout the ages, the imperial capital of the Great Xia Dynasty has never been captured by anyone. How can any evil spirits dare to think of this, unless the world is chaotic, the people do not live, and the golden dragon of luck cannot get the blessing of the people. Weak and weak, those evil demons can take advantage of the outside world.

Throughout the ages, in any dynasty, this has not been the case!

However, the Daxia dynasty has tried hard to rule from generation to generation, and the people's hearts are attached. Of course, it cannot be easily shaken.

While Chu Yunfan was observing the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, suddenly, Chu Yunfan felt that the Qi Luck Golden Dragon seemed to have noticed Chu Yunfan's observation. He turned his head and glanced at Chu Yunfan indifferently.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan jumped and felt an invisible pressure rise, and the whole body was cold.

But after taking a look at Chu Yunfan, Jinlong Qi Luck seemed to lose interest, just turned his head and continued to look down at the world.

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