I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1868: Sovereign of the Evil Sword Sect

After someone exclaimed, everyone couldn't help but open their minds one after another. Sure enough, they saw a crack in Zhang Feng's palm directly cut open by sword energy, blood dripping.

Everyone even discovered that the cut wounds could not heal quickly, and the healing speed was quite slow.

You must know that with the recovery ability of a master of good fortune, even if you have a heartbreak, it is a matter of minutes to recover.

At this time, everyone found that it seemed that Chu Yunfan's casual blow just now was not as simple as they thought.

The most important thing is that they discovered that Chu Yunfan could actually cause trauma to the masters of the Good Fortune Realm level. How terrible Zhang Feng was just now. Everyone has personally experienced what terrible is.

That kind of overwhelming pressure almost made everyone feel desperate. Before the shot fell, the momentum of the shot would have hit everyone badly. If the shot fell, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Because of this, Chu Yunfan, who was able to break through that terrifying big hand, and hurt Zhang Feng, suddenly became mysterious and unpredictable in everyone's hearts.

Thinking of Chu Yunfan being so calm before, even if Zhang Feng came to the door by suicide, he didn't take it in his eyes, and he didn't take it to heart.

Zhang Feng's face was green, watching the blood continuously flowing out of his palms, and after mobilizing mana to annihilate the sword energy contained in it, the wound on his hand healed at an astonishing speed.

He never expected that this sudden sword would turn his attack into nothing, and what made him completely unexpected was that he was actually injured by Chu Yunfan.

For him, who is arrogant and arrogant, it is a shame.

He is no stranger to Chu Yunfan. More than a year ago, this name suddenly jumped into the list of Tianjiao, and at one point it rushed to the top 30, far above him.

At that time, the uproar caused in the hearts of many Tianjiao members was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

No one knows better than him that after entering the Tianjiao list, the price that needs to be paid to advance the ranking is unimaginable, or even impossible to do at all.

No matter which one of the masters who can be on the list of the arrogance of heaven is outstanding, he is proud of his peers, and has a lot of adventures, and has been fully cultivated by the sect.

Basically, they look down on other people's capital, and everyone on the Tianjiao list also has them, and they are only strong but not weak.

In this case, the original reliance is not worth mentioning!

It's almost unique, like Chu Yunfan, who rushed to the 30th from the top 100!

This was even more exciting. At that time, many people began to retreat with all their strength and were surpassed by younger generations whose realm cultivation was far inferior to their own. This was simply a shame.

Later, as a large number of Tianjiao entered the realm of good fortune one after another, Chu Yunfan's ranking also plummeted, and it didn't take long for him to fall out of the Tianjiao list.

In the eyes of all the Tianjiao, this is a complete joke. I don't know how to increase the combat power and rush into the Tianjiao list, even surpassing most of the Tianjiao all at once.

However, in the end, the gap still exists. As long as Tianjiao sprints, the gap will be widened in a short time.

Even he felt that Chu Yunfan was just a fortunate generation, and the Universe Realm could only be the Universe Realm. Even if they were all on the list, the gap was as big as the sky and the earth.

This is also the fundamental reason why he would be furious after hearing the disciples of the Great Yi God Sect. What kind of thing is Chu Yunfan, who dares to look down on the Great Yi God Sect, and dare to hurt the disciples of the Great Yi God Sect. I don't know how to live or die.

He also had the heart to win over these ordinary true disciples of the Great Yishen Sect. Not only was the competition among the core true disciples of the Fei Xianzong extremely fierce, but the competition among the core disciples of the Great Yishen Sect was even worse.

This in itself is an excellent way to gain reputation, stepping on the shoulders of a person on the Tianjiao list to gain reputation, nothing better.

Who knows, coming up is a disadvantage!

Chu Yunfan was more difficult than he thought, with two brushes!

"But after all, it's just a little trick, compared to me? Yang Dengxian is about the same, what kind of thing are you!" Zhang Feng sneered again and again, but after all, Chu Yunfan made him change a little bit, no longer as casual as before. Shot, this time his mana was really raised to the extreme.

In an instant, the terrible pressure fell again overwhelmingly, which was several times higher than before.

Everyone in the restaurant suddenly felt that it was even difficult to breathe, as if someone had caught their neck with a big hand. It was really uncomfortable.

Only Chu Yunfan was not affected at all. He just sneered. He spread out his palm, and on his palm, a sword aura condensed into a palm-sized small sword~www.ltnovel.com~ This small sword turned violently. , The sword energy contained in it is becoming more and more amazing.


When Chu Yunfan was about to make a move.

Suddenly, only a clear female voice came.

"Stop the two princes!"

Accompanied by this sound, a sharp breath swept over, and the breath released by Zhang Feng disappeared without a trace under the sweep of this sharp breath.

Chu Yunfan and Zhang Feng both turned their heads to look, only to see that in the void, a graceful figure slid along with the light, seemingly slow and fast, but in a moment, they had already reached Chu Yunfan's front.

It was a woman who was about thirty years old, with a pretty face and a graceful figure, but what made Chu Yunfan noticed was that this woman was wearing a martial arts shorts with a long sword on her back. Like a sword, it has a fierce breath.

"Master of Good Fortune Realm!"

Almost Chu Yunfan and Zhang Feng made a judgment immediately. This woman is definitely a master of good fortune level. If not, she can't easily break Zhang Feng's momentum.

"Who are you?" Zhang Feng asked, his face was livid, if he hadn't found that this woman was very strong and almost not under him, he would have dared to intervene to break his momentum just now, and he would be mad. .

As one of the top ten sects, the core true disciple of the Great Yishen Sect, his heart is so proud that ordinary people simply don't put it in his eyes.

"The slave servant is the sword servant of Princess Yunyang, Ah San!" The woman paused slightly.

When Zhang Feng heard this name, his brows frowned, suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and said: "No, you are not a San, I have seen you, are you not Liu Qingying, Sect Master of the Evil Sword Sect outside the Territory?"

Suddenly, Zhang Feng's words caused an uproar among everyone.

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