I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1874: Everyone was shocked and continued to challenge Hu Yanzhuo

The speed of this sword is too fast, even to the point where many people do not react!

It was just a sword that caused Zhang Feng, who was still wild before, to fail miserably. Until Zhang Feng vomited blood and failed miserably, all the talents finally reacted.

The power of a sword is terrifying!

Everyone involuntarily took a breath, and their pupils contracted slightly.

Even Hu Yanzhuo, when he saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and he no longer looked calm and determined before.

Originally, he hadn't put Chu Yunfan in his eyes at all, but he was just someone who hadn't even crossed the good fortune realm.

Although they are all on the Tianjiao list, the front and the back of the Tianjiao list are completely different things. Even if Chu Yunfan is the number one in the Tianjiao list, it does not make any sense to a master of good fortune level like him. .

Who ever thought that Chu Yunfan's shot would directly hit Zhang Feng!

The power of this sword, even he can't abuse it!

But immediately, he calmed down immediately: "Zhang Feng is careless, Chu Yunfan is concealed. Although he doesn't know what means he uses, but using the Universe Realm to conquer the good fortune realm, it will definitely not last!"

Hu Yanzhuo immediately made a judgment. Only in this way can he explain why Zhang Fengfeng failed miserably in Chu Yunfan's hands, and only for this reason can the logic make sense.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt confident again. After all, his strength itself was above Zhang Feng, so how could he be afraid of Chu Yunfan.

It's just that Chu Yunfan defeated Zhang Feng swiftly and neatly just now, causing him to mess around for an instant, but after all, he is a talented arrogant who has experienced many battles, and he almost immediately recovered.

If Chu Yunfan can really defeat Zhang Feng so easily, doesn't it mean that at least Chu Yunfan can be compared with the top monsters on the Tianjiao list?

Yes, thinking of the top-ranked figures, he can only describe it as a monster!

Even if they are also on the list of Tianjiao, compared with those people, he can only describe them as monsters. It is not that there are no masters in the Destiny Sect that he is in. He can't even reach the top, and there is a stronger existence than him. .

That feeling even made him feel suffocated, as if he had actually encountered a monster!

Almost unmatched feeling!

Compared with such a monster, Chu Yunfan was nothing!

Without mentioning the fluctuation of Hu Yanzhuo's heart, the rest of the people have been completely shocked by Chu Yunfan, and even many people have a feeling of misunderstanding whether they have any misunderstanding of Chu Yunfan's facts.

The strength that Chu Yunfan showed before made almost everyone wonder, how could it be!

The battle of Tianjiao was so simple that it almost didn't exist at the same level at all.

Now that everyone thinks about it, it seems that from the beginning, Zhang Feng did not have any advantage in the process of fighting Chu Yunfan. It is just that many people stubbornly think that Zhang Feng is unwilling to be succeeded by Chu Yunfan. .

But this inconvenience was directly defeated. Even if they wanted to find a reason for Zhang Feng, they couldn't find it, because although they were not as strong as Chu Yunfan and Zhang Feng, they still had their vision, and they naturally understood something. To such an extent, luck is just funny.

If you can beat someone stronger than yourself by luck, isn't it funny?

The gap between the Good Fortune Realm and the Universe Realm can no longer be explained by luck.

If there are people who are lucky because they are lucky, isn't it just rubbing everyone's IQ on the ground?

"Is this Chu Yunfan's real trump card?"

"A year ago he created a miracle, but now almost when everyone thinks that his aura has faded and he will only become an ordinary genius, he once again strongly told everyone that genius should not be humiliated!"

"Yes, too strong, Zhang Feng's strength is so strong, but the result is not his opponent!"

Everyone talked a lot, almost all of them were shocked by Chu Yunfan at once, but they heard Hu Yanzhuo's words very quickly and couldn't help but think about it carefully. They also felt that Hu Yanzhuo's words were unreasonable.

It should be that Zhang Feng was too upset!

Princess Yunyang on the side looked at Chu Yunfan with beautiful eyes, her eyes flashing with thoughtful light, she didn't know what she was thinking.


Zhang Feng barely spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling better, but still could not raise his energy, his breastbone was completely broken off, he could only barely grabbed a healing pill and swallowed it all over his body. The injury finally got better.

But he knew that he had already failed. The sword hit him hard just now. Now he is finally out of his near-death state, but it is impossible to fight Chu Yunfan~www.ltnovel.com~ Things.

An unbelievable expression flashed in his eyes, and he didn't understand why Chu Yunfan was so powerful.

Chu Yunfan had his hands behind his back, and the thunder sword was moving around him, faintly exuding a terrifying edge. At this time, he seemed to be back to the original appearance, without the power that burst out from that blow.

At this moment, everyone couldn't see that Chu Yunfan's power burst out suddenly, or he had such strength in the first place, but it was hidden very well.

Because Zhang Feng couldn't even really force Chu Yunfan's strength out!

To him, this was simply a shame and shame. He would have been so unintentionally defeated to Chu Yunfan before. No matter how strong Chu Yunfan had shown before, it was only the pinnacle of the Universe Mirror, the power of that sword. He surpassed the pinnacle of the Universe Realm, and he didn't check it, so he actually followed Chu Yunfan's way.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan turned his head to look at Hu Yanzhuo, and said, "Hu Yanzhuo, you have been unkind to me since just now. If that's the case, why not come up together and make a break!"

Chu Yunfan's words immediately caused another uproar, like a landslide and tsunami.

Chu Yunfan, who had just defeated Zhang Feng, actually challenged Hu Yanzhuo again. Is he really that sure already?

Many people even thought that the method he used to defeat Zhang Feng was not a temporary method, can he continue to persist?

But at this time, no one dared to talk about Chu Yunfan's arrogance anymore. Chu Yunfan, who defeated Zhang Feng easily, did have such qualifications.

"What an arrogant fellow!"

Hu Yanzhuo sneered again and again, saying that the time is too late and that time is fast, his figure rises from the ground like a big Peng, and straight to the front of Chu Yunfan.

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