I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1908: Li Mansion's suffocation

If only the bones of the whole body were broken, with the willpower of this age-old demon, he would not even be able to hum, but Chu Yunfan’s mana penetrated into his feet, and it turned into a terror talisman. Wen rushed directly into his body, almost torn apart his spirit, so that the old demon overwhelmed and screamed again and again.

"It's terrible strength, it's unfathomable. When did such a ruthless person appear on the East China Sea!"

Someone watched this scene and couldn't help taking a breath, looking at Chu Yunfan as if they had seen a ghost. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that anyone could do this.

With the strength of that old steward, he was truly a master of good fortune level. He thought he could fight Chu Yunfan a battle, at least he could fight and retreat. Who knows, he was defeated at the very beginning.

Chu Yunfan directly crushed the old butler with undisputed strength.

Even now, what really scares many people is that they don't even know what kind of strength Chu Yunfan has achieved.

Because at present, no one can make Chu Yunfan make an all-out effort, even a little serious can't do it.

"Dare to block the door of the Li family and make a face, I am afraid that even if he wants to escape afterwards, he will inevitably face the endless pursuit of the Li family!"

"Yes, if the Li family couldn't bear this kind of humiliation from Chi Guoguo, this would obviously not put the Li family in their eyes at all!"

"Won't he really rob the Li family's wealth?"

"The Li family is more than just this strength, it is a family of military officers in the Great Xia Dynasty, with a very profound background, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate a character like Li Qianyuan."

There was a lot of discussion, but it was generally believed that Chu Yunfan was crazy. Although this wealth was so amazing that everyone coveted it, he still had to see if he could swallow it with this ability.

After this battle, regardless of the victory or defeat, the Li Family will inevitably chase Chu Yunfan like crazy. Although the East Sea is big, if the Li Family desperately seeks it out, I am afraid it will not be so easy to escape.

"Didn't you listen to what he said? He came to target Li Qianyuan at all. I think he has some old grievances with Li Qianyuan. Now it is clear that he is here to retaliate!"

Everyone was talking about it. This scene was obviously very hot, and more and more spiritual thoughts gathered. In this city, there is only a distinction between the level of cultivation, but there is no essential difference. Basically, they are all martial artists.

They don't need to be close at all, and they can see it with their own eyes.

Many people in the Li Mansion couldn't help clenching their fists. When did their Li Family feel so suffocated.

It can even be said that it is simply impossible.

When their Li family was in the Great Xia Dynasty, when was it not a highly respected existence? They are Li Qianyuan’s family generals and followers, whichever goes out is not majestic, as the so-called seven-rank official in front of the prime minister’s door, they are talking about this. A group of people.

They have never been the only ones to bully, no one has ever dared to block the door and slap in the face.

"Why is Master Hou not coming back? When Master Hou comes back, I want to apply to skin him for cramps!"

"Now I can't get in touch with Lord Hou at all. The entire mansion is blocked by a barrier. Unless this barrier can be broken, it is impossible to spread the news!" Someone said with a little frustration.

Obviously they tried to break this barrier just now, but they were not able to break this barrier, otherwise, the news would have been spread long ago.

"But now that such a big thing has happened here, the other forces of our Li family hidden in the city will also spread the news, and it will not take long for Lord Hou to lead a large number of masters back. By that time, he will be dead. !"

Many people didn't dare to step forward, they only dared to look at Chu Yunfan with angrily eyes, wishing to smash him into pieces.

They all wished that Chu Yunfan would continue to procrastinate, when Li Qianyuan, who had been rushed back, bumped into him, and beheaded this nasty guy on the spot.

There was only one person who dared to provoke the Li family.

Even they feel humiliated.

However, Chu Yunfan seemed to understand their thoughts too. Seeing that the old butler refused to say it at all, he simply stomped his head with one foot and let the old butler died on the spot, took his body away, and went straight toward it. Li Mansion went deep.

Whether those entourages or guards dared to step forward at this time, no matter how loyal they were to the Li family, they still hesitated when they knew they were going to die.

No matter how good the treatment is given by the Li family, after all, he still has to spend his life.

Chu Yunfan went all the way, his spiritual thoughts spread out, and the entire Li Mansion inside and outside fell into his eyes, and the location of this Li Mansion middle mansion was soon determined.

Many of the wealth of the entire Li family in the East China Sea are in this treasury ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Once Chu Yunfan succeeds, he can immediately relieve his current embarrassment.

The strength is enough to achieve a leap forward in a short time.

People are not rich without windfall, and horses are not fat without night and grass!

"I can't help myself, I'm looking for death!"

Suddenly, at this moment, several divine thoughts swept out from the depths of Li Mansion, and immediately following this roar, four figures appeared directly in front of Chu Yunfan.

These four people were like iron towers, and they stopped Chu Yunfan straight.

Chu Yunfan was already a full two meters tall after his transformation, but in front of these four people, he was still like a child. The height of these four people was at least three meters tall, like the four great king Kong.

Directly blocking Chu Yunfan's path, the four people surrounded Chu Yunfan round and round, forming a small formation. Almost instantly, Chu Yunfan felt a pressure and directly crushed it down.

The formation is working with these four people as the core!

"Little Four Elephant Array!"

Chu Yunfan sneered at these four people. The strength of these four people was still higher than that of the old butler, and they had a triple realm of good fortune. The four people joined forces to form a battle formation called the Little Sixiang Formation. This battle formation serves as a link, and the combat power of the four can be united as one.

No matter which direction you break through, you will face a combined blow from four people, not to mention that the realm is far inferior to these four people, even if the realm is almost the same, you can't escape from this small four elephant formation.

Unless you use force to break the skill and break this formation with absolute strength, this is the only way.

The simpler the formation, the stronger, the smaller the flaws, and the harder it is to deal with.

"Are you going to catch it with all your hands, or do you want me to wait until you interrupt your hands and feet before catching you?" One of the strong middle-aged men who looked like an iron tower looked at Chu Yunfan indifferently with unimaginable eyes Killing intent.

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