I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

: Happy 51st Festival, everyone! Ask for a monthly pass!

I was very close to chasing soldiers and I asked for monthly pass for support. During the period of double monthly pass, it would be wasted if I didn't vote. [] The old Yumu saves more than ten thousand words a day, which is really powerless. And he is unwilling to sacrifice quality for blindly pursuing speed, but Lao Yu is willing to do his utmost to strive for no less than 30,000 characters a day, and he will explode when he is in good condition.

Chapter na Bribery of Gao Lishi

Gao Lishi was about to come suddenly, which made Yang Guozhong feel a little sudden.

At this time, he was at Mrs. Guo Guo’s mansion with Zhang Xuan and Yang Sanjie’s mother and son secretly doing business affairs. Suddenly receiving this news, he ordered his eldest son Yang Xun to wait in front of the mansion and asked him to bring Gao Lishi to Mrs. Guo Guo’s mansion.

"Zizhan, from the point of view of the real state, Gao Lishi must have forced his majesty to express his position... ah, this is not easy to handle. On the one hand, the real state cannot disobey your majesty's meaning, but on the other hand On the aspect... Liu Yang Guozhong's eyes flickered, projecting a bit of cleverness and cunning air of a man in the market.

"Yang Xiang, just express your position when you express your position. Is it difficult? Yang Xiang just passed the news of the prince's worship of the imperial concubine empress into the palace at this moment, and the empress will naturally go to your majesty to submit the blood book, which is extremely beautiful. ."

Zhang Qian smiled.

Yang Guozhong frowned suddenly, "If your majesty refuses to answer, then should you be Ru Ke?"

"Your Majesty loves the Niang Niang. As long as the Niang Niang really asks, Your Majesty will not bear to refuse. At this time, if Yang Xiang's attitude is more determined, Your Majesty will change his mind. In fact, we have no retreat, we can only move forward.

"Your Majesty doesn't agree, you can only ask your Majesty to agree! That's all!" Zhang Dao's voice was sonorous and clear.

Yang Guozhong glanced at him and pondered for a while, "There is some truth in what you said.

But he was scared, even if his Majesty agreed to it, it was an expedient prevarication. After a long time, the crown prince's position as the prince is still not guaranteed. "

Zhang Shu sneered in his heart: In some time, his emperor's seat is not guaranteed, let alone the prince! As long as it can be delayed for a year, he will be able to make plans for the next major events calmly.

As for now, we must save the prince first. And the party of King Rong... Be sure to wipe out the roots! Zhang Shu pursed his mouth lightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

But it's like this in my heart, but I can't say that in my mouth.

"Yang Xiang, as long as Yang Xiang supports, the prince's power will become more and more stable. As long as one year, who can compete with the prince?" Zhang Yan looked at Yang Guozhong meaningfully and smiled, "Yang Xiang is here, what about Gao Xianzhi and Pei Aofu? Is it true?"

Yang Guozhong was flattered by Zhang Xu, and he burst into laughter heartily, "Yes. What kind of truth is there in Gao Xianzhi, it's just a foreign domain from Hu'er. Dare to compete with the truth? Give him one. He doesn't dare to be brave!"

"Furthermore, Yang Xiang, the next official heard that Gao Xianzhi was defeated in the Western Regions by black clothes, which hurt the soldiers and generals and greatly injured my great reputation. In that case, why didn't Yang Xiang participate in one of the books and seized his military power?"

"The Lieutenant Yang Qi is quite accomplished in his literary and martial arts, Yang Xiangyouke would not recommend to his majesty Yang Qi as an envoy of Anxi Jiedu. Anzhen Western Regions, in order to secure the world?"

Yang Guozhong's eyes lit up. A year ago, Gao Xianzhi was defeated by the ruling and the opposition. It wasn't that no one had participated in the battle, but he was just suppressed by the emperor.

And if taking this opportunity to pull Gao Xianzhi off the horse and place the people in the Yang family, wouldn't it be a big pleasure for the Yang family?

But although Yang Guozhong agreed with him in his heart, he said indifferently, "Gao Xianzhi was defeated, and courtiers participated in a lot. The truth was that he had always been loyal to the court and was quite talented, so he couldn't bear to fall into the trap. But. At this time, it seems that his man’s ambitions are wolfish, colluding with King Rong to behave unscrupulously, and he has been blinded by his true care, so why should he tolerate and raise rapes anymore?!"

"Okay, we will discuss this later. Zizhan, Gao Lishi is coming, so you should withdraw first."

Zhang Shu nodded, "The subordinates should retreat. However, the subordinates suggested that the tall general is his majesty's confidant, and he speaks a lot. If he can win him, it is better to pull him over for my use."

"This old thing is an old fox, not so foolish."

Zhang Shu smiled indifferently, "The tall general is good and greedy for money. As long as he has enough money, he will be tempted."

Hearing Zhang Xuan's words, Yang Guozhong's expression changed, and he said in his heart: He had already given Donggong a great deal of face by supporting the prince with the same intention, but now he still wants to make Benxiang raise money for Li Heng? It's just outrageous!

Yang Guozhong is also a person who is greedy for money. If he wants to bleed, it will cause him more heartache than digging his flesh.

Zhang Shu secretly tanned, but smiled on his lips, "Xiang Yang, you must know that today you have to spend money to fund the East Palace, and in the future the East Palace will be done, you will surely repay Yang Xiang ten times and one hundred times. This account, Yang Xiang himself can figure it out."

Yang Guozhong's gaze flickered, Zhang Shen said it reasonably, he was a little moved, but still reluctant.

Sister Yang glanced at Zhang Shun with a smile, and then looked back at Yang Guozhong with a chuckle, "Three brothers don't need to be painful. Let the slaves come out of this wealthy gift. The slaves have a pearl and a thousand taels of gold, how about?" Yang Guozhong's mouth corners After a bit of a fuss, he ate and said... "San Jie, is there too much of this? That old thing...heart

"This little wealth can still be obtained from the slave family here." San Jie'er Yang waved her hand indifferently. "Brother, if we want to preserve the wealth and wealth of the Yang family, we can't care about the profit and loss at this time. Thousand taels of gold, one Although Hu Mingzhu is of great value, compared with the future of the Yang family, which one is more important?"

Yang Guozhong was silent. Of course he understands this truth better than Third Sister Yang, but he is stingy and reluctant to give up money.

When the two of them had a conversation, Zhang Chen had already reached the corner of the hall and was about to abduct it. Third Sister Yang's words reached his ears, and he could not help secretly applauding: This Yang Guozhonggui is Zaifu, an extremely human minister, but he is hard to escape from the nature of a gangster, and he is not as courageous and knowledgeable as a female generation like Yang Sanjie!

Gao Lishi arrived, hovering for more than half an hour.

Yang Guozhong's attitude surprised Gao Lishi, and the words of Yang Guozhong and Yang Sanjie made him even more shocked that Yang Guozhong really wanted to support Yang Yuhuan to accept Li Heng as a son, which meant that Yang Guozhong had already stood with the prince Li Heng.

But the shock for a moment was immediately taken away by the dazzling gold and jewels, and he greedily looked at the dendrobium and the thousand taels of gold sent by the third sister Yang. He couldn't help but be moved.

It's just that although Gao Lishi is greedy for money, he is cautious, especially this kind of important matter concerning the struggle for imperial power, it is impossible to easily agree to it.

He reluctantly retracted his gaze from the golden pearl, and smiled softly, "Yang Xiang and Mrs. Guo Guo are really polite, but our family is invincible, and I dare not be so hard."

Thank you, Yang Xiang, let's tell you that everyone deliberately wanted to "" Gao Lishi lowered his voice and waved his hand.

Yang Guozhong smiled disapprovingly, "Grand General, Your Majesty intends to abolish the prince. I don't know how many times have been passed over the past few years, but which one is really abolished? Please think about it: Your Majesty would like to favor a maid, just like a mother Looking forward to the prince's future retirement, will your majesty have the heart to refuse the empress?"

"The general reconciled from the middle, the lady begged sincerely, she was resolute in her attitude, and at the same time she asked the prince to plead guilty... Xin Yang Guozhong picked the corner of her mouth. "From the truth, your majesty is right. After all, the prince is your majesty's parent and child. These years, he has been sitting in the East Palace with humility and caution. "

"The empress should have already said to your majesty... General, the icing on the cake is not as if it is snowing, the general will help us, whether it is the truth or the prince, we are grateful for inexplicable, remember!"

Gao Lishi smiled, his thoughts flashed.

By weighing and weighing, I feel that Yang Guozhong and Yang Guifei have joined forces to support Li Heng. Li Heng's crown prince is probably temporarily relieved. Although it is not easy to say in the future, at least for now, there is no need to worry.

Thinking of this, his gaze fell subconsciously on the pearl gold in front of him, instantly becoming hot, and he laughed, "In that case, our family is not welcome. Yang Xiang, Mrs. Guo Guo, our family knows what to do. What to do, let’s say goodbye, our family will go back to the palace and return to your majesty!"

"General, this is a statement of the fact that he participated in the protection of the Anxi Duhufu, and Jiedu made Gao Xianzhi defeated. I also beg the general to help pass it." Gao Lishi was about to leave, and Yang Guozhong got up to send it off and take advantage of the situation. From the cuff, he took out the essay on the performance that he had just written, and handed it to Gao Lishi.

Gao Lishi took other people's hands short, naturally not hypocritical, and took it with a smile and then drove away.

"Third Brother, can this old fellow make a difference?" Third Sister Yang stared at the back of Gao Lishi's carriage and said softly.

"Sister Sister, don't underestimate the old eunuch's ability. Before your majesty, this hometown micro-organization is almost the same... Since Tianbao, some people have said that offending Li Linfu still has a chance to breathe, and offending Gao Lishi will undoubtedly die. It must be this reason~www.ltnovel.com~. I’m leaving. Third sister, after listening to the third brother’s advice, Zhang Shen’s thoughts are deep and unfathomable. Third sister, don’t get too deep. He made a wedding dress for nothing, and will suffer a big loss in the future." Yang Guozhong turned his head and looked at Third Sister Yang deeply, and bid farewell with his hands.

Third Sister Yang's pretty face changed, but she sighed softly while her gaze shifted. Yang Guozhong was nothing more than reminding her that although Zhang Shu was young, he was not easy to control, and advised her not to be fascinated by others. In fact, Third Sister Yang didn't know this, but she was already trapped and couldn't help herself.

And the longer you get along with Zhang Shun, the deeper the fall of this mind.

Yang Sanzui faintly complained, and was about to turn back to the room, but heard a clear and soft voice behind him, "Thanks to the love of the third sister, Zhang Shen feels the same...In the future, Mr. Xun will never fail!"

Third Sister Yang trembled, and immediately turned around to look at Zhang Shun with joy, and said idiotically, "Brother Shun, don't you lie to the slave family?"

Zhang Xuan smiled and slowly stretched out her hand. Just when San Jie Yang was hesitant for a moment, she grabbed her extremely matte hand and took her forward together, "San Jie, winter is here. , Can spring be far behind?"

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