After accepting the Shenyan Fruit, Chu Yunfan nodded in satisfaction and waved his hands up and down towards the Li family.

"Goodbye, if there is something good in the future, I will come again!" Chu Yunfan grinned.

And the Li family almost vomited blood without being angry. What a good thing will come again.

But at this time, they could only grit their teeth with hatred, and didn't dare to step forward at all. Now they were anxious to send Chu Yunfan away, where they would dare to stay.

Wish to send away such an ancestor!

Seeing Chu Yunfan's figure disappear into the sky, suddenly the inside and outside of Li Mansion had become a noisy ocean. Upon listening carefully, all of them were scolding Chu Yunfan.

But they suddenly reacted after scolding for a long time, they didn't even know Chu Yunfan's name.

The one with fast response speed has already condensed a drawing figure based on Chu Yunfan's appearance, a middle-aged man about two meters tall.

A master with a stick!

I just don't know the reason, but in this short period of time, Chu Yunfan's paintings and graphics were spread out.

The Raptors of the Li family crossing the river represent part of the will of the Prince of Great Xia. Whoever dares to look down on such a Raptor has attracted many people's attention. Not to mention that Li Jiaran has been beaten to the door, which is unprecedented. thing.

It is not just the Li Family who wants to know the origin of Chu Yunfan's identity. All major forces are paying attention and want to know the news of Chu Yunfan.

For a while, Chu Yunfan's paintings and graphics have spread all over the nearby waters, and they are spreading out at an even more alarming speed.

The spies of countless forces began to move, trying to find out the whereabouts of Chu Yunfan, but there was no doubt that they could not find a little bit of information about Chu Yunfan.

It was like before that, there was no such person, but he was born out of nowhere.

This makes many powerful forces that can call the wind and rain a little dumbfounded. You know, as long as Chu Yunfan has appeared before, even decades ago, hundreds of years ago, they should have recorded it.

After all, these forces have existed for more than a thousand years, and thousands of years are everywhere. There is almost nothing in the world that they don't know.

Although it was impossible for them to record everything, judging by the strength that Chu Yunfan showed, it shouldn't have been unknown when he was young.

In theory, as long as there has been a little movement, it can be recorded, but about Chu Yunfan, no one knows even a little bit of news.

There must be traces of anyone who has ever existed, and even many people think of the masters of the Daxia Dynasty, and even the demon domain, the Hu tribe, and the barbarian tribe, but there is no one who can compete with Chu Yunfan.

In everyone's mind, a thought flashed through, that was fake, this person's identity was fake, and only then could it be explained.

Some people want to target the Li family, but they don't want the Li family to know, and let the Li family suffer.

Many forces are relieved, and if they are changed to them, it is estimated that they will think the same way, after all, the Li family is not easy to provoke.

Quietly letting the Li family take a dull and honest deal with the Li family is completely two concepts.

But they didn't know that Chu Yunfan was not afraid to tear his face with the Li family completely, because the two sides had already torn their faces, the Li family sent people to chase Chu Yunfan many times, and Chu Yunfan also beheaded many masters.

It is no longer the level of tearing the face, it can be said that it is basically endless!

It’s just that what Chu Yunfan was involved behind was not enough for Chu Yunfan to deal with the Li family in an open and honest manner. Under the framework of the Great Xia Dynasty, it was not convenient for Chu Yunfan to come forward in person, just as the Li family wanted to target Chu Yunfan. The force within the rules must be used.

In front of the behemoth of the Great Xia Dynasty, neither side had the ability to surpass this set of rules.

After reaching this conclusion, many people couldn't help but feel even more depressed. If this stick master is the result of a person's face change, then the information they have previously had no use.

Thinking of this, many people are very depressed, but many people still refuse to give up. After all, such a master has great value in many people's hearts.

And when Li Qianyuan led a large number of Li family masters and three thousand Li family elites to return, it was already half an hour later.

He returned immediately after receiving the news. This speed is not unpleasant, but he still underestimated the speed at which Chu Yunfan swept the entire Li Mansion. The team he left in the Li Mansion could not help Chu Yunfan. You can't do it with a little resistance.

Just be swept!

Being robbed by someone blocking the door is undoubtedly a shame for a force like the Li family.

What's more, it is Li Qianyuan, who is arrogant and arrogant. This is the first battle he appeared as the heir of the Li family to unite the prince, the Li family and other forces in the East China Sea. Before he could become famous in the East China Sea in the future, he was severely beaten.

He simply tore his face off and trampled on the When Li Qianyuan returned to Li Mansion, he saw the empty mansion and the corpses on the floor, his face was pale.

How can you look like before!

"Check, we must find out. If this person is not removed, it must be our Li family's confidant!"

Li Qianyuan said coldly, it is too dangerous and too passive to have such a big master who hates the Li family staring at the Li family in the dark all the time.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, it is impossible to prevent a thousand days from being a thief!

If it were only in the Universe Realm, even he would feel dismissive, but the good fortune realm was different, he was already a giant, not to mention that Chu Yunfan's slaughter of the four great generals was as simple as killing a chicken and a dog.

Such a character can by no means be dealt with by an extraordinary master of good fortune, and there are not many Li Family able to deal with such a master.

This is also a great pressure for him!

"In addition, take Zhang Haoxiao's head back to Zhang's house and explain the situation to them!" Li Qianyuan looked extremely cold.

Thinking of the divine flame fruit that was taken away by Chu Yunfan, his heart was dripping blood. He did not know how much it took to obtain this divine flame fruit, in order to break through to a new realm in the future and become a real one. The world's giants.

This is related to his future path. Now it is broken. If he wants to find something good enough to replace, he doesn't know how much it will cost. This disrupts his deployment and plans.

Blocking one's future is like killing a parent!

"Didn't he want to betray me to survive? I want everyone to know that none of the betrayers can survive!" Li Qianyuan said coldly.

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