I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1923: 2 Datianjiao's plot

The top talents who can cultivate to their level, almost no one will feel that their strength and talent are inferior to another person, even Li Qianyuan, who has been firmly occupying the top position for a long time.

In the eyes of Prince Hai, it was nothing. He still had absolute confidence in himself and was not afraid of Li Qianyuan.

After all, they have never fought each other before, and the ranking of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is also the so-called strength, but in the battle, when the strength is not much different, any possibility may occur.

The strength on paper is in the calculation of Tianji Pavilion, he is not as good as Li Qianyuan, but his true strength is not only the strength on paper.

Even if it is Tianjiao ranking, it is impossible to know everything, otherwise, he should have been the top of the ranking.

"Li Qianyuan, do you think you can leave me?" Hai Prince looked at Li Qianyuan provocatively, and said: "This is my site, and although you are a raptor over the river, you are on my site. , You dragon, you have to hold it for me, it is tiger, you have to lie on my stomach!"

"act recklessly!"

The Sea Prince is very confident, but Li Qianyuan can only be more confident than him. He has been the top of the list for a long time, and naturally it is impossible to be surpassed by others.

"Since you want to die, then I will send you a ride. Today you didn't let your guardian follow up is your biggest mistake. From now on, Sea Prince will be removed from the Tianjiao list!"

Li Qianyuan's expression is extremely cold. For others, the death of a Sea Prince will undoubtedly cause an uproar, and the entire Sea Clan will be shaken. This is the best seed for the next generation of Sea Clan.

But for him, he was not afraid of the revenge of the Sea Clan. As the Huntian Hou of the Great Xia Dynasty, he was hostile to these Sea Clan.

The harder he kills, the easier it is to get promoted.

"Hahaha, Li Qianyuan, you are too confident, my protector did not come in, yours is different, we are half a cat, if you beat me today, all this belongs to you, if you can't beat me, Today I am going to cut off the head of Daxia Dynasty Huntianhou, so that everyone knows my majesty!" The sea prince laughed loudly. He knew that the guardians of both sides were not there at this time. To be precise, they were both. Being dragged by each other.

"Today, I want the inheritance of True Monarch Fu Hai!"

The Sea Prince laughed loudly.

The guardian of Li Qianyuan and the guardian of the sea prince confronted each other outside and fought, they were the real top masters.

But for a while, there was no way to tell the outcome.

"Guardian? I don't need me to kill you at all!" Li Qianyuan snorted coldly. In an instant, Li Qianyuan shot directly. The spear in his hand rose in the wind like an Optimus Pillar, and in a flash, he could not hide his ears. Sweeping out towards the sea prince.

The Sea Emperor was also unwilling to show weakness, stepped on his feet, and endless sea water poured up from the bottom of his feet.

A huge wave formed in an instant, setting him off, just like the **** of the sea, holding a trident in his hand, and suddenly fighting with Li Qianyuan, who was holding a spear.




The two top masters of the younger generation broke out the most brilliant attack, and the gun shadow and the halberd light collided with each other in the void, almost tearing everything apart.

Both parties are not worried that this place will be beaten up. Obviously, they have already tried it before. The space here is a bit more stable than the outside, and it is protected by layers of enchantments. It is not because of the two. Collapsed by human attack.

"The Universe Realm Triple!"

Chu Yunfan watched the match between the two. There was no doubt that both of them had already entered the Triple Level of Good Fortune Realm, but the difference was that in his opinion, Li Qianyuan had already reached the peak of the Triple Level of Good Fortune Realm, only half a step away. It was able to step into the fourth level of the good fortune realm, while the sea prince was different. The sea prince just stepped into the third layer of the good fortune realm for a long time, just stabilizing the cultivation of the third layer of good luck.

But even so, it is already quite amazing. It is important to know that not long ago, in the updated information on the Tianjiao list, it only recorded that Li Qianyuan had stepped into the double layer of good fortune, and at that time he had already amazed his peers.

And now, he has actually stepped into the triple peak of Good Fortune Realm, and it seems that it is only a matter of time before he enters the fourth layer of Good Fortune Realm.

Sea Prince's progress was a little slower than Li Qianyuan, but at least he was at the same level. Therefore, facing Li Qianyuan, he was only slightly at a disadvantage in his skill.

But this does not mean that Prince Sea is definitely not Li Qianyuan's opponent, because skill is only a very important part of combat power, not all.

Although Chu Yunfan has known for a long time that these top arrogances are backed by their uncles to enjoy the cold, various resources that others need to run and break their legs do not have, for them, it is very simple to obtain, so once they break through After a great realm, there will often be a rapid development in the cultivation base.

Until their talents are exhausted and reach the top level in the world~www.ltnovel.com~ At that time, their skills will not be able to advance by leaps and bounds, and they can only grow with water milling.

Everyone has their own limits, but everyone's limits are different. Obviously, the top talents like Li Qianyuan and Haiwangzi and ordinary people have completely different upper limits of talent.

"No, this Li Qianyuan is weird. He is obviously strong enough to suppress the Sea Prince, but now he is playing a tie!"

The Sea Prince especially didn't know it, and the more he fought, the more excited he became. He could finally prove that his own combat power was not under Li Qianyuan's. He was the number one master of the younger generation in the world, not just the number one in the East China Sea.

In his view, all this is a matter of course.

However, Li Qianyuan's actions could not conceal Chu Yunfan's perception, and even Chu Yunfan could easily perceive that Li Qianyuan was not doing his best.

But at this moment, suddenly, he saw that another figure appeared in the void, and it was actually another Li Qianyuan who had been hiding in the void and did not really make a move. At a critical moment, Li Qianyuan dragged the sea prince. when.

This Li Qianyuan had already appeared in front of the floating volume of ancient writing in a vigorous step, and then he opened his big hand and put the volume in his pocket.

"What? Li Qianyuan, you dare to fool me!"

The Sea Prince immediately reacted, how could he not understand that the evidence just now was only shown by Li Qianyuan deliberately, making him think that Li Qianyuan had no spare energy to seize the ancient book.

Who knew that Li Qianyuan would take away the ancient book instantly.

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