I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1930: The storm caused by the death of the sea emperor, Li Qianyuan is back

This is an unprecedented thing. Since he showed his talent, he has received unprecedented attention from the Li family. The Li family has regarded Li Qianyuan as an opportunity and opportunity for the rejuvenation and rise of the Li family.

It can be said that he has always been under the strict protection of the Li family. Although he has experienced bitter battles and fierce battles, he has never experienced a battle that would really kill him.

Although some top masters had shot against him, he escaped under the desperate protection of the Li family's guardians.

There was almost never something he couldn't deal with, and his opponents were mostly his peers. With his talent and strength, his peers weren't his opponents at all.

Even if he is not his peers, it is difficult to be his opponent!

This makes him firmly believe that as long as he grows to the peak, he is invincible!

Even if they meet the sea prince, they are almost the same. The children of the real big family are cultivated in this way. They will not be cultivated as flowers in the greenhouse. They will inevitably face various fierce battles and experience various things. They will not reach the last moment. Even the protector will not appear easily.

These big families, big forces, naturally have a set of methods for cultivating their own children!

Compared with other people, Li Qianyuan is not inferior, but compared with Chu Yunfan, it is different after all, because for Chu Yunfan, there is no power to rely on, and he is always in danger of life.

I don’t know how many battles I have gone through after putting it to death!

The mentality of the two parties is not at the same level. For Chu Yunfan, even if he is about to die, he will not lose his square inch. The extreme training between life and death is also very important for him. He can grow up to the present. To the point, this time and again life and death battles are also the key.

Every life and death battle is a process of surpassing the limits of oneself, so his limits far exceed those of ordinary people.

At this moment, there was already a mess in the outside world.

On the Tianjiao list hanging outside the Tianji Pavilion, Sea Prince, who was originally ranked fourth, suddenly disappeared.

Many people can't help but take a breath when they see this scene, because they know too well why the name on this list suddenly disappeared.

There are nothing more than two reasons. Either they lost the reason for being on the Tianjiao list, or they were squeezed out, or they were too old to be on the Tianjiao ranking.

After all, the Tianjiao list only records the list of the young generation's top masters, not all masters in the world can be listed.

As long as the age is up to the line, or the strength is not enough, they will be eliminated.

But Sea Prince is neither, there is only one possibility, that is, Sea Prince has fallen, and only this possibility is possible.

"How could Prince Sea fall?" Many people couldn't help but breathe in the air, and even couldn't believe it.

The strength of Sea Prince is naturally not invincible in the world, there are countless masters of all races in the world, and there are not a few who can kill Sea Prince.

But having this ability and being able to do it is completely another matter. After all, everyone knows that the sea prince is bound to have a large number of Taoist protectors.

To kill him under the protection of many guardians, the difficulty is no less than the difficulty of climbing to the sky.

In this case, how could Sea Prince fall.

All of a sudden everyone was trapped, and the news of the fall of Sea Prince spread throughout the world at an even more alarming speed.

This kind of news spreads very fast, this news is really too shocking, even people who didn't pay much attention to the Tianjiao list before received the news in the first time.

In particular, the list of the Tianjiao list includes masters from all races in the world. Basically, the list is updated simultaneously on the territory of all races in the world. Any change in the ranking will attract many people's attention.

Just like the disappearance of Chu Yunfan back then, it shocked many people. However, Chu Yunfan is different from Sea Prince. Chu Yunfan is only a few dozen, although he is still dazzling among his peers, and is considered to be the best, but There is still a big gap with Tianjiao, who is at the top of all races.

The death of Sea Prince shook all parties almost instantly, especially above the East China Sea, and it shook all races even more.

"How could Prince Sea fall?"

"Where is the protector of Sea Prince? Are they all completely dead?"

"Is it Huntian Hou Li Qianyuan?"

Above the East China Sea, many people suddenly thought of Li Qianyuan. People in other places didn't know, but they still knew exactly what happened.

Li Qianyuan wanted to obtain the inheritance of a master of the East China Sea, and the Sea Prince was going to snipe them.

If it is said that the Sea Prince is likely to fall, the person who can do this and who has such power is nothing but Li Qianyuan.

Being able to kill all the guardians of the Sea Prince is what the Li family can do at this point, and there is such a motive.

Otherwise, other people have no such motivation and no such ability.

All the evidence points to the Li family!

"The rain is coming and the wind is full!"

Someone yelled out involuntarily ~www.ltnovel.com~ Almost everyone was silent along with it. Obviously, they all thought so too.

The sea prince is the hope of the sea clan generation. Although there are countless masters and geniuses in the sea clan, especially the clan where the sea prince belongs, it is even the most powerful genius, but the fall of the sea prince may still cause a huge Vibration.

If they die on the battlefield, everyone has nothing to say, and it is impossible for the Sea Clan to seek revenge from the Great Xia Dynasty. Each year, both sides don't know how many genius masters will die.

But now it’s another thing to die in the hands of the Li family. For the Li family, who just set foot in the East China Sea, he stabbed such a big basket when he came up. I am afraid that it is ten times more difficult to gain a foothold in the East China Sea .

"Let the Li family pay the debt!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill the Li Family!"

There was an angry roar from the Sea Clan. The first time they got the news, they all thought that Li Qianyuan had killed the Sea Prince. Except for him, no one else had this motivation nor the ability.

Not to mention that the Sea Prince is now taking people to attack Li Qianyuan, which in itself is a reasonable and reasonable speculation.

Every old elder in the Sea Clan woke up from the retreat, clamoring to uproot the Li family.

Fortunately, they still have basic sanity, and they didn't focus on the entire human race.

After all, although the Sea Clan on the East China Sea is extremely strong, the Human Clan is not weak. If it is not possible, it can still rely on the Great Xia Dynasty, and is not afraid at all.

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