I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1939: The combat power surges and returns

Chu Yunfan's own accumulation is indeed deep enough, countless mana condensed in his body, dispersed into every cell, long enough to support Chu Yunfan's imperial battle body to further improve.

It's just that Chu Yunfan's realm hasn't made a new breakthrough, so there is no way for his imperial battle body to make a new breakthrough.

The imperial battle body at this time is completely different from when Chu Yunfan first cultivated. It incorporates a part of the Primordial Ming Phoenix body and the sky-shaking thunder body. The three top physiques act on his body. This is the key to Chu Yunfan's ability to defeat Li Qianyuan easily at a level far below Li Qianyuan.

At this moment, with the improvement of Chu Yunfan's realm, the power that restrained him from breaking through the physical realm street no longer existed, and Chu Yunfan started a crazy breakthrough.

In every cell, powerful energy is exploding, shredding every cell, but at the same time it is reorganizing.

After a whole day, Chu Yunfan finally stopped this transformation!

At this moment, Chu Yunfan's whole body seemed to have just been fished out of the blood pool, full of blood.

These are all flowing out in the process of body transformation, and there is even a bit of blackness in the blood, all of which are eliminated from the body's toxins.

The transformation of the body is far more difficult than the transformation of the realm. The toxins hidden in the body are continuously eliminated from the body, and the transition of the essence of life is continuously completed.

Chu Yunfan's body trembled slightly, and the blood scabbed in an instant, and then fell off one after another, revealing white and tender skin, just like a baby.

At this time, Chu Yunfan looked even younger. He was originally like a young man in his twenties, but now at most he is a teenager who looks like a ten-year-old.

Originally it could only be regarded as a delicate face. After the continuous transition of life level, it has already been completely different. Although the appearance has not changed much, the whole person's spirit has long been different, just a slight change. It is enough to make a person's appearance change like a reborn.

At this time, Chu Yunfan wore a moon-white robe, and looked like a teenager. His figure was tall and straight, plump as jade, and he had a certain tolerance.

"Finally done, it's time!"

Chu Yunfan smiled faintly. After breaking through to the realm of good fortune, his overall combat power was almost increased by several times. This is still the strength of his already comparable to the realm of good fortune before the breakthrough, and he is already strong enough.

Otherwise, a breakthrough in this breath would be equivalent to an instantaneous increase in combat power dozens of times!

Compared with the beginning, this kind of transformation is simply an earth-shaking change, and it is not in vain that Chu Yunfan tried his best to break through to the realm of good fortune.

With the cultivation base of the good fortune realm, even in the realm, he is enough to match those arrogances, not to mention the combat power, it is far more than these arrogances.

Even a master who has stepped into the Five Layers of Good Fortune Realm can't stop his blow, it's enough to sweep away at this realm.

Facing the Sixth Layer of Good Fortune Realm, Chu Yunfan was enough to leave and retreat, and the seventh layer of Good Fortune Realm was not enough to put him to death. The only threat was the peak of Good Fortune Realm.

However, there is a brand-new breakthrough Huangji Battle Body Protector, even if you can't beat it, you can still escape.

Chu Yunfan, who had just broken through, had quite a feeling at this time, the world I have.

"Li Qianyuan, you'd better show up, in that case, you can get rid of you at the same time!"

Chu Yunfan's gaze was faint, as if he could see the layers of the void and see Li Qianyuan.

Around him, a black sea-covered sword surrounded by a huge black ruler, spinning around Chu Yunfan.

The sea-covering sword is covered with a faint sword intent coercion, terrifying power, which makes people palpitation, even a master of good fortune level will be directly killed by a sword.

It took more than three months for Chu Yunfan to finally refine the first seal of the Sea Covering Sword, and he was able to initially display the power of the Sea Covering Sword. Although his cultivation level is still limited, if one is not careful, Even a master of the Sixth Layer of Good Fortune Realm would be severely injured, and would be beheaded by Chu Yunfan.

And with the passage of time, Chu Yunfan's cultivation base has become stronger and stronger, and the seal levels of the sea-covering sword that can be unsealed will also increase.

Although Chu Yunfan did not **** the sword scriptures of True Monarch Fu Hai, he did not take it seriously. There are many sword scriptures recorded in the Emperor's Battle Diary, and there are even sword scripts created by masters of the emperor level , Cultivation to the extreme, a sword can chop a world.

The power of Shi Kaikai is only stronger than that of True Monarch Fu Hai's sword scripture inheritance.

Only now did he realize that for him, the Emperor's War Code is simply a treasure trove. With the passage of time, his cultivation level is constantly growing. Among them, many of the magic codes that could not be practiced can be practiced instead. .

Many are even the classics left by the powerful emperors, recording the practice experience of many powerful emperors. In this era, let alone the fierce and proud world of the ancient times~www.ltnovel.com~the ancient times. Compared with the emperor's juxtaposition, it's just that the emperor is a legend, and it is impossible to see it.

The practice handbooks and various practice books recorded in these imperial battles can be spread out at random, and they may cause **** winds. Moreover, the people who participate in the competition cannot be ordinary people. On the contrary, they are the best in the world. The masters of, even some hidden old monsters may come out of the mountain because of this.

Sitting on such a treasure house, of course Chu Yunfan placed too much emphasis on True Monarch Fuhai's inheritance of sword scriptures. What he lacked was not practice classics, but various resources.

"It's time to let everyone know my name again!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

In the past few months, Chu Yunfan didn’t know anything about the outside world. He also went out to inquire. Naturally, he also knew that because of him, the coalition forces of the Li family and the prince and the sea prince of the sea clan were the same. Fighting hard, almost hitting the dog's brain.

Both sides suffered losses and suffered heavy casualties, and finally the Li family retreated.

The Sea Clan quickly got the news. They were so angry that they were counting Chu Yunfan everywhere, but they obviously only knew what Chu Yunfan looked like after changing his face, and they didn’t even know who Chu Yunfan was. This is destined to be an eternal age. The case is pending.

Chu Yunfan was happy for a long time when he saw the dogs biting the dogs on both sides.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the whole person had disappeared in the picture of mountains and rivers, and in the next moment, he had already appeared on the East China Sea, with a light under his feet, and headed towards the direction of the Divine State of China, for a moment. The time has disappeared in the sky.

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