I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1955: I am lawless, so what if one hand covers the sky?

The three of them really felt terrible. Chu Yunfan didn't exert all his strength just now, and it made them so jealous, let alone now that Chu Yunfan really made them all feel desperate.

Chu Yunfan's power alone suppressed the three of them!

"Fighting with him, I don't believe that he can be lawless by himself and cover the sky with one hand!"

At this time, Shen Fan roared, and the crimson robes all over his body began to burst into crimson flames, like a volcanic eruption, forming a pillar that soared into the sky, rising into the sky.

The other two did not speak, but their thoughts were generally the same. Zhang Heng's body was directly attached to a silver armor, and the whole person seemed to have entered a battlefield. The vertical and horizontal gunshots on his body also directly stirred the situation between the sky and the earth.

On the other side, Wuhui went straight into the void, disappearing without a trace in an instant, but everyone knew that Wuhui in this state was the truly terrifying killer state.

"Huh, lawlessness? Covering the sky with one hand? I am going to be lawless today, so what about covering the sky with one hand?" Chu Yunfan snorted, his gaze patrolled the audience, and the Tianjiao who was actually forced to avoid the gaze, did not dare to confront him. Depending on.

Suddenly, at this moment, he suddenly shot his hand, his five fingers squeezed his fist, his fist rushed directly, swept away in an instant, and turned into eight heavenly dragons.

"Eight Shaking Fists!"

The eight heavenly dragons swept in one direction directly. Those were the eight most powerful gods in the sky, and they broke through the sky in an instant.

At this time, a figure fell out of it, and everyone looked at it, but who was that person?

Everyone was shocked. Although they had never seen the methods of the Blood Fiend Tower, they had also heard of them. It could be said that they were extremely concealed.

If it weren't for the extremely astonishing means of concealment, how could it be possible that God did not feel close to the target and then carried out assassination.

Even among the people who were killed, there were those beyond the realm of good fortune. If the concealed breath of the Blood Fiend Tower was not strong enough, I'm afraid it would have died countless times a long time ago.

Many of them also used divine minds or opened their eyes to find the figure of Wuhui. Although this time, Wuhui was not directed at them, but they still wanted to find out what is Wuhui. If you do, it's better than ignorance if you offend these killers in the future.

But of course the result was nothing. When the cultivation reached the point of no return, even the masters of the good fortune realm could assassinate and hide in the void. Unless the cultivation base surpassed the good fortune realm, who could easily see it.

But what he didn't expect was that Chu Yunfan discovered the existence of Wuhui so easily, and forced his figure out with a punch.

"How can it be!"

Even the non-returning eyes showed an incredible look, as if he had seen a ghost. After he hid his breath, he had never been discovered by anyone. This is his ability to look after the house. If someone finds out, use them The strength of these assassins, I'm afraid it is not the opponent of masters of the same realm at all.

Suddenly at this moment, he felt a strong threat. The eight gods transformed from the Eight Shocking Fist had no intention of stopping after tearing the space apart.

On the contrary, the fist cast his momentum unabated, and directly blasted towards him.


There was an extra dagger in his hand, and the dagger was shining with blue light, which was a very poisonous performance, and it directly slashed on the strength of the fist.

However, his resistance was in vain. He couldn't even stop the Eight Shocking Fist a little bit. He directly cracked his dagger inch by inch. Although it was also a very high-level magic weapon, he faced Chu Yunfan. At that time, it was of no use at all, it was just a simple blow and it was smashed to pieces.


This punch hit Wuhui's chest directly, and Wuhui didn't even have time to react. He was hit by a punch directly, and blood was sprayed out.

In the next instant, the non-returned physical body exploded into pieces in the air, turned into blood clots and exploded into pieces.

One punch, no return, death!

Everyone was completely dumbfounded at this time, and they hadn't recovered from the battle just now. All of this was long, but it was only a moment.

Even many people have only just reacted until now, and Chu Yunfan has found out Wuhui.

Cong Wuhui was discovered by Chu Yunfan, and then blasted to death with a punch. It was just a momentary matter.

"It's just a mouse hiding in the shadows, and dare to appear in front of me openly!" Chu Yunfan sneered. There was no answer, and this Blood Fiend Tower was surprisingly courageous.

The Blood Fiend Tower is basically among the various forces in the world, and they are all wanted objects, because the Blood Fiend Tower does a very broad business, basically covering the entire world, and all races are involved.

Naturally, they will encounter hostility from various forces, and as long as they are discovered, they are basically beaten to death.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for the killer of the Blood Fiend Tower to appear in front of the public openly, but this time is different. The birthday banquet of the elder princess does not seem to prohibit these wanted criminals from the Great Xia Dynasty on weekdays.

First there was Young Master Chi Yan from the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect, and now there is a gold medal killer from the Blood Fiend Tower.

It's really a flurry of demons!

Chu Yunfan sneered. Although she had long heard that the eldest princess had a vast friendship, almost all races in the world, both good and evil, had her friends.

But Chu Yunfan didn't expect ~www.ltnovel.com~ that she could be brazen to this point.

Sure enough, only really powerful can make everyone scrupulous, and then can you be truly fearless and do what you want to do.

And this blood evil tower cannot be destroyed for many years, I am afraid that behind it, I don't know how many forces need the existence of the blood evil tower to eradicate some inconvenient forces.

There are many such forces in the human federation, and Chu Yunfan has long been familiar with it.

After punching him to death without returning, Chu Yunfan went straight to Zhang Heng and Shen Fan.

Shen Fan was also taken aback by Chu Yunfan. Chu Yunfan's action of punching to death with no return was too straightforward and he didn't have much preparation.

"Chu Yunfan, take this trick from me, the fire lotus will destroy the world!"

Shen Fan's hand unexpectedly gave birth to a flame lotus the size of a grinding plate, and a terrifying pressure and an aura of destruction was released from it, as if it could really destroy the world, and moved towards Chu Yunfan in an instant. Threw it out.

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