I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1958: Crush a person whose resources are inferior to him

Everyone underestimated Chu Yunfan's talent and ability!

Compared with the other famous Tianjiao, Chu Yunfan has no prominent background, and has never reported any amazing physique. It seems that he is so inconspicuous compared to everyone.

But it was such a guy who seemed to be incapable of everyone, just an ordinary mortal, but was the first to come first, and he realized the curve overtaking.

Without the support of any decent resources, he actually counterattacked many Tianjiao. Although I don't know how Chu Yunfan compares with Li Qianyuan at this time, it is an indisputable fact that it surpasses most Tianjiao.

Especially from Princess Yunyang, even though Chu Yunfan also worshipped Fei Xianzong, the resources he obtained from Fei Xianzong were simply pitiful.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, he has gained a lot, but in people like Princess Yunyang, it seems that it is no different from not getting any help.

Characters like them have been born with extraordinary talents, and they have been tested very early on their aptitudes, but they have emerged from a few years old, and their talents are valued by the seniors in the clan and sect.

All kinds of resources are like mountains and seas, all piled up, and taught by the best teachers. From the physical realm to the good fortune realm, all the roads are paved by people. All as long as you practice step by step, you are the pinnacle of the world, the first-rate character .

Whether it is Li Qianyuan, or Yang Dengxian of Flying Immortal Sect, or Young Master Chi Yan and others, or even other Tianjiao who were defeated by Chu Yunfan on the non-tianjiao list, this is also the case.

And let alone she, as a royal princess, she has shown her talent and ambition since she was a child, and the resources she has obtained are only a lot more than these arrogances.

In the early years, she gained a great reputation, but it has been reduced over the years. Although everyone knows that her cultivation level is not to be underestimated, no one knows how far she has reached.

Compared with these proud sons of the sky, what Chu Yunfan has obtained is nothing to mention, just like the well-kept flowers and plants in the home and the wild grasses in the forest that have been ravaged by the wind.

But even with such a big gap, Chu Yunfan actually counterattacked and grew up. At this time, in the eyes of Princess Yunyang, Chu Yunfan's cultivation had already surpassed Yang Dengxian.

This is simply incredible!

After all, in terms of talent, Yang Dengxian is also superb, and his physique is also extraordinary. Although Princess Yunyang doesn't know what Yang Dengxian's physique is, she also knows that it is at least the king's physique, otherwise it will not be enough for Feixianzong to engage in such aggressive cultivation.

He was extremely talented, and was taught by a famous teacher. There was no shortage of various exercises in the sect. Coupled with the accumulation of many resources, Chu Yunfan unexpectedly came from behind.

In the eyes of Princess Yunyang, this is the most terrifying place of Chu Yunfan!

She knew that Chu Yunfan must have a shocking secret that others didn't know, otherwise, those of them who were caught up by the curve and overtaking would simply live on to the dog.

But even so, she also knew that after this battle, there would be another outstanding young master in the world, enough to make the world stand out.

Of course, the premise is that Chu Yunfan can survive, this time Chu Yunfan offended many people.

Everyone was frightened by Chu Yunfan, and they were silent, even the disciples of Fei Xianzong did not dare to come forward and talk.

Only Princess Yunyang stepped forward and said, "General Chu, can you take a step to speak!"

"Good!" Chu Yunfan nodded.

The two walked a few steps forward. Although they didn't go far, they formed a barrier around them, which naturally cut off the sound. The others couldn't even see the figures of the two, no. You might know what the two said by looking at your lips.

"Congratulations, General Chu, escaped from the dead, cultivated diligently, and the world is invincible!"

Princess Yunyang said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness does not need to lie to each other, my cultivation base is invincible in the world, but it is still far away!" Chu Yunfan shook his head and said.

Princess Yunyang just smiled faintly, and said: "I saw General Chu today, only to realize that what Siyu said was actually right. She said that the general would not die so easily, even if the one who made the shot was from the monster clan. One, it seems that what she said is right now. I am waiting to know you better than Siyu knows you!"

"Huh?" Chu Yunfan frowned slightly, but then loosened his brows. After all, compared with other people, Tang Siyu's understanding of his various methods and secrets far surpasses ordinary people.

The top secret of Chu Yunfan, including the pictures of mountains and rivers, once let Tang Siyu understand that Chu Yunfan had escaped several times before that, and it was not surprising that Tang Siyu had confidence in him.

Even if this is just Tang Siyu's self-comforting words, it doesn't matter, after all, he has come back safely now.

"People always have some secrets. I have come to this day, and some methods are commonplace, so why make a fuss about your Highness!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"I'm making a fuss, but it is said that General Chu walked out of a remote and wild land without the guidance of a famous teacher. Naturally, it is not an ordinary person to wait until now!" Princess Yunyang nodded and said.

Chu Yunfan raised the corner of his mouth. Everyone thought that he did not have the guidance of a famous teacher. They did not know that the memory of the emperor in his mind was the top famous teacher in the world. Compared with that, the so-called famous teachers of Tianjiao were not worth mentioning.

It's not that Chu Yunfan looks down on them, they are all rubbish!

Even if there is a famous teacher, can there be a famous teacher who can preserve his memory like the Pill Emperor?

They all thought that Chu Yunfan was walking against the sky when almost everything was lacking, and reached the point where it is today~www.ltnovel.com~ To this kind of speculation, Chu Yunfan naturally knows, but I just dismissed it, how could there be such a miraculous thing in the world.

It seems that Chu Yunfan counterattacked with absolutely inferior resources, but in fact Chu Yunfan crushed all the people whose resources were not as good as him with absolutely tyrannical resources.

Regarding aptitude, the bloodline physique that he carries on his body is not the constitution of the emperor, and even the emperor war body is the best in the physique of the emperor. The Primordial Phoenix is ​​one of the ten evils of the Primordial Emperor, and the thunder body controls the world's thunder. Ancestor.

When it comes to famous teachers, other people are even more incomparable. They are immediately turned into scum. There is no shortage of various exercises Li Qianyuan and others. Isn't Chu Yunfan missing?

The imperial battle book in Chu Yunfan's mind was more and stronger than Li Qianyuan and the others, and the Fuhai Sword Scripture that Li Qianyuan desperately wanted to take away, Chu Yunfan looked down upon.

The only thing he lacked was all the treasures of heaven, material and earth needed for cultivation, so the lack of resources that Chu Yunfan faced was not as serious as ordinary people thought.

On the contrary, what Chu Yunfan has is far beyond their imagination!

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