I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1975: The choice of son-in-law is over, the storm is approaching

Many people finally figured it out. The wonderful battle in the eyes of many people just now was not a life-and-death battle in Chu Yunfan's eyes. It was just a trap to make Li Qianyuan lose his mind at the end, and it was also at the same time. Just test how many hole cards Li Qianyuan has.

This kind of scheming shocked everyone more than Chu Yunfan's own strength!

Everything has been calculated.

Such an enemy is the most terrible!

"This is so much enmity that I will try my best to kill Li Qianyuan!"

Someone said with emotion that everyone suddenly discovered that Li Qianyuan was completely different from the others who had been beheaded by Chu Yunfan before.

Chu Yunfan seemed to be a lofty god, these challengers were not in his eyes at all, and anyone who jumped out would be killed.

But if he doesn't jump out, Chu Yunfan has no interest in rushing to kill him. Just like Hu Tafeng and Meng Potian, the different endings between Meng Tianren and Meng Tianren are the most vivid results.

Only Li Qianyuan was different. Even though Chu Yunfan's strength was far above Li Qianyuan, he never diminished the murderous intent of Li Qianyuan in his heart.

He simply regarded Li Qianyuan as a mortal.

However, none of the people present were ordinary people. It could be said that they were all upper-class figures in this world. Soon they thought of the grievances between Chu Yunfan and Li Qianyuan, especially Li Qianyuan's repeated targeting of Chu Yunfan twice.

It's not a secret, it's just that it's not directly disclosed to the public, but everyone who should know it basically knows it.

Not to mention, in the end, the Demon God Sect and the Demon Race teamed up to target Chu Yunfan, almost causing Chu Yunfan to die tragically. There was Li Qianyuan's shadow behind it, and even the Taiwei Mansion was furious, and Li Qianyuan was almost implicated.

If it weren't for the prince to come forward, I'm afraid Li Qianyuan will not escape the fate of being implicated.

When everyone thought of this, they were relieved!

When Li Qianyuan was strong, he also tried every means to kill Chu Yunfan, and he did not let him go because of his weak strength.

But now, the offensive and defensive momentum is different, and Chu Yunfan has the upper hand, so he naturally has to find ways to get rid of Li Qianyuan.

If he missed this opportunity, Li Qianyuan, who was under the protection of many Taoist protectors, didn't know how long it would take him to be alone before Chu Yunfan could catch the opportunity. There was no doubt that this was the best time.

Chu Yunfan was like an old hunter who followed the temptation to lead Li Qianyuan into the trap, killing him with one blow.

This kind of conspiracy makes everyone fearful.

But it also made everyone wonder why Chu Yunfan was so cautious, it was not like he should be cautious at his age.

Chu Yunfan looked at Li Qianyuan at both ends of his body and confirmed that he would not be resurrected again. After he did not replace the dead doll, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The enemy in front of him has repeatedly targeted him as a killer many years ago. Because of Li Qianyuan's relationship, how many life and death crises he has encountered, probably only he himself knows.

Now he finally beheaded Li Qianyuan, this confidant finally died in his hands, and would not be resurrected.

Although he had missed the best opportunity to secretly kill Li Qianyuan, but now under the full view of everyone, Li Qianyuan beheaded, even the Great Xia Dynasty could not hold him accountable.

In the ring, it is automatically signed the status of life and death, life and death are fateful!

Although I am afraid that there will be no shortage of various secret methods, but for him, it doesn't matter at all, as long as it is not clear, what can he be afraid of.

At this time, he also heard everyone talking. In fact, they had guessed Chu Yunfan’s mind. After all, the strengths of sitting are different, but there is no doubt that they are among the most intelligent people in the world, Chu Yun Fan's mind is not difficult to guess, and it is normal to be guessed.

It was indeed Chu Yunfan who led Li Qianyuan into the trap step by step, and then killed him with one blow.

It's just that no one knows why Chu Yunfan was so careful!

The real reason, only Chu Yunfan knows, Chu Yunfan once had the opportunity to behead Li Qianyuan, but let him deceive Chu Yunfan on behalf of the dead doll, and finally escaped to heaven.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan has been testing Li Qianyuan's hole cards.

Although knowing that the replacement doll is very precious, the probability of Li Qianyuan having a second one is not high, but Chu Yunfan did not dare to gamble because he knew that this was the only chance he could kill Li Qianyuan in a short period of time.

He has to move forward cautiously, there are not many such good opportunities!

But until the end, he confirmed that Li Qianyuan should not have a second child to die, and then he suddenly attacked and killed him with one blow.

Even Li Qianyuan did not expect that he could not even escape in Chu Yunfan's hands.

Compared with the last East China Sea battle, Li Qianyuan's strength has improved a lot, but Chu Yunfan's improvement is even more amazing. Basically, the rhythm of the battle from beginning to end is under his control.

He was so careful not because Li Qianyuan was much stronger than others, but because Li Qianyuan was too dangerous. He was the spokesperson of the Prince's line, and even Chu Yunfan had to look at him for the energy behind him.

As long as other people don't jump out to get in the way, Chu Yunfan is not interested in making trouble for them, but Li Qianyuan is different. If he doesn't come out, Chu Yunfan will take the initiative to set a trap to let him out.

"But the killing of Li Qianyuan is just the beginning. The real storm is just beginning to appear from now!"

Chu Yunfan secretly said, because he knew too well that killing Li Qianyuan was not the end of everything, but the beginning of a series of storms.

Including Li Qianyuan, Young Master Chi Yan, Hu Tafeng and others who were killed by him, none of them had high hopes, and now they died in the hands of Chu Yunfan. How could these forces just give up like this.

Sure enough, after a moment of astonishment ~www.ltnovel.com~ many masters of the Li family stood up suddenly.

"Beast, Chu Yunfan, you are looking for death!"

"Chu Yunfan, you are dead!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

The expressions of these Li family's masters turned sullen. A battle of choosing sons-in-law, which was originally thought to be victorious, had finally evolved into such a situation.

Their greatest hope for the rise of the Li family actually died in the hands of Chu Yunfan!

These elders of the Li family almost fainted, and even among them was Li Qianyuan's protector, a terrifying aura directly locked on Chu Yunfan, that was a terrifying existence at the pinnacle of good fortune.

He was also Li Qianyuan's protector and helped Li Qianyuan to resolve the mortal situation. Who would have thought that now Li Qianyuan was killed under his eyelids, and he was slapped in the face.


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