I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1979: Broad followers

Hu Dingtian looked at Chu Yunfan, and Chu Yunfan naturally understood what he meant. It was because Chu Yunfan showed enough talent that Hu Dingtian chose to support him with all his strength. If Chu Yunfan was just an ordinary True disciple, it is impossible for Hu Dingtian to be so caring.

But this is also a very normal thing, and if you change to Chu Yunfan, you will also make such a choice.

And he also keenly felt Hu Dingtian's determination to move closer to him. Although Hu Dingtian was already in the Taishang elders regiment, he was nowhere to be promoted, but he still had his own aspirations and wanted to fight for a breakthrough opportunity for himself. The younger generations of one's own children have won enough benefits.

And this only Chu Yunfan can do!

In the previous sect, there was only one Yang Dengxian who was far ahead, not even a decent opponent, just like Li Qianyuan's status among the younger generation in the world.

Naturally everyone, whether willing or unwilling, can only choose to rely on Yang Dengxian to get everything they want.

But now that Chu Yunfan has appeared, there is no doubt that this is a brand new opportunity, even an opportunity that no one has ever caught before.

Prior to this, Chu Yunfan was basically in a wild and stocking state. Although Fei Xianzong had helped him, it was not worth mentioning compared to Chu Yunfan's current growth.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan can abandon Fei Xianzong anytime and anywhere without any influence on him, because his growth basically does not depend on Fei Xianzong.

Fei Xianzong just provided a certain degree of shelter for it.

In this situation, in Hu Dingtian’s eyes, Chu Yunfan naturally became a sweet pastry. Although Chu Yunfan had organized a certain amount of power before, in Hu Dingtian’s eyes, it was just a small fight. It's just a little trouble, and it's just a group of inner disciples and elite disciples who can't even count as true disciples.

If Chu Yunfan was just an ordinary true disciple, such a lineup would be enough, but now, Chu Yunfan has shown amazing talents. In the future, he must be cultivated by Fei Xianzong, and at least he will not be better than Yang Dengxian. The resources obtained are poor.

Under this circumstance, the team of such a lineup is simply not enough, and Chu Yunfan naturally needs the support of the elders and the Taishang elders, and even the support of many true disciples in the Universe Realm.

Only by forming a momentum can it be possible to contend with Yang Dengxian, and even be able to compete for the status of Feixian Sect Sect Master.

In his view, this is the best opportunity to bet. How can the icing on the cake be more memorable for a lifetime. Although it is hard to talk about sending charcoal in the snow, it is better than the icing on the cake to get close to Yang Dengxian.

Not only Hu Dingtian, but also several elders, as well as those true disciples of the Universe Realm, all of them wanted to understand this in an instant.

At this time, Chu Yunfan, who had just risen up, had not many people around him. Of course, it was the best time to get on the boat and could occupy the most advantageous position.

Otherwise, once Chu Yunfan rises, not to mention his followers will be within the Fei Xianzong, and will even spread throughout the Great Xia Dynasty, and even outside the territory will be followed by masters.

What kind of momentum and grand occasion Li Qianyuan had at the beginning, now what kind of momentum and grand occasion Chu Yunfan can have.

Thinking of this, the eyes of many people looking at Chu Yunfan couldn't help but become more enthusiastic. There is no doubt that Chu Yunfan has inherited the best hope for the future rise in their eyes.

Don't think that these true disciples, elders, and elders are all like people among the gods, all of them are not eating the fireworks.

On the contrary, they also have their own abacus and their own desires, but it is simply impossible for ordinary people to satisfy their desires.

Of course, all this will be possible after Chu Yunfan can survive the encirclement and suppression.

Chu Yunfan also understood the meaning of Hu Dingtian’s words, and thought to himself that he had just risen right now. Although he killed Li Qianyuan in one fell swoop and rewrote the entire world situation, in the final analysis, his foundation was still too shallow. It's not like Li Qianyuan, there is a giant like the Li family behind him, so there is no need to worry about many things.

Many of the team and followers were selected since childhood to serve Li Qianyuan.

He did not have such conditions, so he had to recruit a group of followers who had become a monk.

He also understands everyone’s thoughts, but he just wants to push him to the top and compete with Yang Dengxian for the position of Sect Master Feixian. Once Chu Yunfan ascends the position of Sect Master Feixian, everyone will be attacked by the dragon. City, the future will be developed.

However, Chu Yunfanzhi was not here. Although he understood their plan, he did not agree with it. Although Chu Yunfan did not agree, he would not try to pierce everyone's thoughts.

Even if he didn't want to be the Sect Master of Flying Immortal Sect, with such a group of powerful followers, many things would be much easier to do.

"In any case, the friendship of you today is in Chu Yunfan's heart. When I return to Fei Xianzong in the future, you are welcome to come and walk often!" Chu Yunfan said.

Everyone showed a somewhat happy expression on their faces. Chu Yunfan had already let go and was about to openly recruit followers, and there was no doubt that they would be the first group.

Chu Yunfan has not been vigorously cultivated by the Flying Immortal Sect, and he has become the number one in the world. If he gets the resource bonus of the Flying Immortal Sect, then how strong the future will be, everyone can hardly imagine.

The future of such a person is limitless, and they finally did not follow the wrong person.

"Not bad!"

Hu Dingtian nodded with satisfaction ~www.ltnovel.com~ and said: "In this case, then we won't bother you. I will find a way to see if I can contact Zongmen. If I can contact, then I won't need you. Take a risk!"

Hu Dingtian was still unwilling to let Chu Yunfan go into danger. If he could contact Fei Xianzong, then all the problems would be solved perfectly.

Everyone also nodded their thoughts one after another, and then under the leadership of Hu Dingtian, they left first and went to the residence prepared by Xiaoyao Xianshan for them.

Chu Yunfan was about to leave. Suddenly, at this moment, Ruoxi, the maid beside the eldest princess, walked over and came to Chu Yunfan's face and said, "Chu Yunfan!"

"Girl Ruoxi, I don't know what to stop me?" Chu Yunfan said with a smile.

"There is a thing here, which Princess Gushe specially asked me to leave it for you!" Ruoxi said.

"Thinking about rain!"

Chu Yunfan muttered to himself, but he did not pretend, and took a jade box from Ruoxi's hand.

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