I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1982: At the end of 3 days, War 1 is about to start

That was the simple book that Chu Yunfan condensed with his own magic power, and disappeared without a trace after it fell into Princess Yunyang's mind.

And in Princess Yunyang's mind, there was an extra scripture composed of gold letters unknowingly.

Linglong step!

Originally, Princess Yunyang didn't take this exquisite step to heart, after all, she was born in the royal family of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Although the top ten sects of the Great Xia Dynasty suppressed the world, they are the most famous behemoths in the world, but the real masters know that the real behemoth can be called the number one in the world, and it must be the royal family of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The other sects were all developed by one family, but the Daxia Dynasty was different. It was the existence of real leaders and heroes. From the day of the rise of the Daxia Dynasty, the war between the South and the North, I do not know how many powerful enemies have been wiped out. Many Taoisms that are rarely seen in the outside world are preserved in the treasure house of the royal family.

This is also the reason why there are so many masters in the royal family that they can train loyal ministers and countless masters in the army. In terms of background, the Daxia royal family deserves to be the number one in the world.

Otherwise, the ten major sects would not be so honestly under the rule of the Great Xia Dynasty, is it really all because the ten major sects were loyal and never produced a rebellious generation?

Of course it is impossible. The fundamental reason is that the strength of the royal family and court of the Great Xia Dynasty is sufficient to suppress all powerful enemies.

Born in such a family, Princess Yunyang hadn't learned any martial arts that she had learned. Anyone she had learned about martial arts was enough to cause countless people in the world to fight.

You have learned a lot of martial arts at the Fengwang level. You must know that the martial arts at the Fengwang level are all martial arts created by masters at the Fengwang level. You can have any martial arts at that level, like this in Feixianzong. Among the ten behemoths at the sect level, all can start a sect and create a branch.

If it is replaced by a general small sect, it can directly rise and enter the ranks of first-class forces.

And this kind of martial arts she has had a lot of blood, and those royal masters each have multiple martial arts, which is not imaginable by outsiders.

But when she finished watching Linglongbu, she was still shocked!

It was actually a martial art at the king's level, and it was also the best among the best. At the top level, she had seen many kinds of stamina, and what she had learned was also at the sect of the king, but she and Chu Yunfan Compared with the Linglong step given, it is obviously not above the same level.

The value of such a martial arts is limitless!

It is also extremely beneficial to her, but looking at Chu Yunfan's indifferent appearance, it is obvious that he does not value this extremely martial art.

She knew in her heart that she was afraid that she had underestimated Chu Yunfan before, and that the secret behind Chu Yunfan was far beyond his imagination.

"This reward is too precious!" Princess Yunyang couldn't help but said.

"To me, it's not a big deal, besides, the princess did a favor for me. For the princess, it is just a small effort, but it is a very important thing to me!" Chu Yunfan said.

Princess Yunyang thought for a while, and said, "If this is the case, then I will be disrespectful, but there is not much time left for you. More and more experts from various parties come here. The more time goes by, the more time you go. The worse the situation is!"

"It's okay, it's just a group of jumping clowns. Let them jump for a while!"

The corner of Chu Yunfan's mouth provoked a cold smile, and the chill in his eyes skyrocketed.

"Then I'll leave first!" Princess Yunyang can't wait to study Linglong Step. Although she can't directly increase her cultivation level, it can undoubtedly greatly increase her combat power.

Learning this kind of pace is almost invincible!

After watching Princess Yunyang leave, Chu Yunfan returned directly to the space of the mountain and river map, and then took out the mountain and river tripod to start his old profession, alchemy!

This time, the medicinal materials he asked Princess Yunyang to collect for him also kept a hole card for himself.

Chu Yunfan seemed to act boldly and boldly, but there were still a small number of people who really fought unpreparedly. Most of the time, they still knew it.

Since I dared to kill, I naturally thought about the consequences, rather than being in a hurry when things came to an end!

If the disciples of Fei Xianzong come forward, those forces will not easily let them go, but Princess Yunyang is personally responsible, but it is a blind spot in their thinking.

Even if they felt something was wrong, they didn't dare to stop Princess Yunyang. After all, everyone knew that the one in Xiaoyao's fairy mountain was the eldest princess of the royal family, so naturally they wouldn't sit idly by.

"You want to kill me? Then see if you have this ability!"

Chu Yunfan sneered.

Now, with his cultivation base, he is already the second layer of the good fortune realm. In terms of combat effectiveness, the masters of the ordinary good fortune state six are not his opponents at all.

If he wants to rush and cooperate with his rainbow, even if the other party sets up the net, he won't even want to stop him.

So if he wants to get away smoothly, it has never been a problem, but this is not what he wants. Since he wants to win, he must win thoroughly, and these people who are fighting dare not look at him with a straight eye.

Let the people of the world look at him with admiration!

What he is going to refine this time is a kind of medicine called Dragon Tiger Xiaohuan Pill. Even a master of good fortune realm can increase his skill in a short period of time, but compared with Rank 6 Zijin Pill, its medicine power It's not so tyrannical and shocking.

The effect is of course not comparable to that of Rank 6 Zijin Pill, but currently Chu Yunfan only needs this kind of Dragon Tiger Xiaohuan Pill~www.ltnovel.com~ After taking it once, take it again. It won't work.

Unless Chu Yunfan can refine the Rank Nine Purple Gold Pill, just thinking of the precious medicinal materials that need to be used in it is enough to make Chu Yunfan's direct financial collapse, and he can't do it at all.

The time for alchemy was fleeting in the blink of an eye, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. Above the East China Sea, the trembling waves hit the sky and the sea breeze howled.

In the layered space, Xiaoyao Xianshan is like a fairyland on earth, attracting the eyes of countless people in the past.

But this time, countless eyes in the void stared at Xiaoyao Xianshan, as if they were expecting something.

Suddenly, as if catering to everyone's expectations, a figure stepped out from the Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain.

"Chu Yunfan is finally out!"

I don't know who shouted, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked intently, but who was that person if he wasn't Chu Yunfan?

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