I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1986: Killing the world is like cutting cabbage

"Do you want to stand by and watch?" At this time, in the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect, the headed elder Taishang said with an ugly face.

Originally, they all wished those people were watching by the side, their Scarlet Flame Demon Sect killed Chu Yunfan alone.

After all, after Chu Yunfan killed Li Qianyuan, he naturally replaced Li Qianyuan and appeared at the top of the Tianjiao list.

If the Scarlet Flame Demon Sect can kill Chu Yunfan, there is no doubt that it will be a world-renowned opportunity.

Anyway, the Demon Sect and the Great Xia Dynasty have always failed to deal with it. The Da Xia Dynasty advocates order, but the Demon Sect’s sect is completely different. They hope for boundless chaos, especially many magic powers. Only when countless lives come to memorial service, it is possible to practice.

Under this circumstance, they didn't care about opposing the Daxia Dynasty, because they naturally wanted to oppose the Daxia Dynasty.

But now it's different. These old demons have already noticed that Chu Yunfan is not easy to deal with, so naturally they don't want the losses to be borne by themselves, otherwise, even if they succeed in beheading Chu Yunfan, they will suffer heavy losses.

You know, there are many masters who belong to the Daxia Dynasty camp present. Who knows if they will come and take care of the sheep and directly kill them, these heinous monsters, and ask the court of the Daxia Dynasty for credit.

No, to be precise, they would definitely do it!

Seeing that it was impossible to kill Chu Yunfan easily, these old demons were not stupid, and immediately drew the rest of the crowd.

The masters of the various forces looked at each other, although they were all directed at Chu Yunfan, they were all embarrassed and even hostile to each other.

I was scrambling to deal with Chu Yunfan before, but now I am afraid of being targeted by Chu Yunfan and causing heavy losses.

However, they all knew that if they went on separately, they would only let Chu Yunfan run away.

The masters from all sides glanced at each other, made a decision almost at the same time, and began to surround Chu Yunfan.

"Go together, I don't believe it, the tripod on his head is invincible!"

A master of the Flying Tiger clan roared and took the lead in launching an attack. In an instant, a terrifying storm swept towards Chu Yunfan's direction.

As soon as his words fell, various attacks fell towards Chu Yunfan almost at the same time, and various terrifying attacks came over the sky like a tide.


The terrifying attack destroyed everything and formed a huge mushroom cloud that slowly rose up.

You know, these masters, any of them, are masters above the fifth level of Good Fortune Realm.

Every single attack from a master can break a mountain, so many attacks gathered together and all exploded. It is conceivable how shocking the world is.

"he died?"

Someone's eyes widened and thought, wanting to see Chu Yunfan die.

Such an attack, even if the mountain and river tripod on top of Chu Yunfan's head was the most defensive treasure, it was impossible to stop it.

Suddenly, in the next instant, I don't know when, Chu Yunfan's figure actually traversed the mushroom cloud formed by the explosion, and in an instant, he had already arrived in front of the master of the flying tiger clan.

"What? It's not dead yet!"

The master of the flying tiger clan was shocked. He was not prepared at all, almost instinctively. He formed layers of enchantments around him.

But when these barriers were cut down by the dark sword body, they were almost like paper pierced, and they were easily cut through the countless layers of barriers.


The head of the master of the flying wing tiger clan was cut off instantly, and the huge tiger head was cut off directly, and then fell into the sea.

"He's here, kill him!"

The master of the Flying Tiger clan suddenly discovered that Chu Yunfan had come before them without knowing when, and when they had little defense, he directly killed a master of their clan.

However, before they could react, Chu Yunfan had disappeared without a trace. When he reappeared, he had already entered the phalanx of the Sea Clan.

"Purple Thunder and Seven Swords!"

Chu Yunfan shouted loudly, and countless thunder powers condensed around him and turned into seven swords, which revolved around him.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

These sword lights pierced through the air and turned into deadly rays of light, almost instantly sweeping across the sky, and instantly blasted into the sea clan's phalanx.

Among the masters who came this time, the sea clan had the most masters.

In addition to the many masters of the Good Fortune Realm, they also drove many fierce beasts in the sea, surrounding the entire sea area.

Under the attack of these amazing sword lights, in an instant, several top masters of the good fortune realm were directly penetrated to death.

The deaths of the remaining monster beasts are countless, but in a moment, hundreds of beasts died tragically.

These sea clan masters also did not expect that Chu Yunfan was still attacking the flying wing tiger clan just now, and now he turned his attention to them, and immediately suffered heavy losses.

After severely injuring the master of the Sea Clan, Chu Yunfan appeared in the phalanx of the Divine Sword Gate. This time, with the front buffer, although none of them could stop Chu Yunfan, Chu Yun When beheading them, he also spent a lot of money.

And the master of the magic sword gate finally had defense.

When Chu Yunfan's figure just emerged ~www.ltnovel.com~, there were already more than a dozen swordsmanships that shocked the sky directly towards Chu Yunfan.

"Spiral Nine Shadows!"

Chu Yunfan stepped forward and turned into nine figures in the air. Those blades fell and smashed Chu Yunfan's phantom one after another. Only then did Chu Yunfan finally seized an opportunity with the huge sea-covering sword in his hand. When the air cross cut out.

In an instant, like a long dragon transformed into a swordsmanship, volleyed the elders of the good fortune realm of the two divine sword gates to death.

Blood splattered out, and even their bodies were snatched away by a big gasification hand that was transformed by Chu Yunfan.

In a short period of time, all the masters who besieged Chu Yunfan were raided by Chu Yunfan, but within a few breaths of everyone, multiple masters of good fortune level fell.

Such a change completely shocked the spies of the major forces who were watching from afar and the masters of the major forces hiding in the dark.

"What a terrible strength, these are all masters of the level five or more of the Good Fortune Realm. They usually fall one by one. It is a matter of greatness. Now he can be killed as easily as cutting cabbage. It is terrible!"

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