I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1903: Since Li Qianyuan is here, don't even think about leaving

Of course, this premise is that Li Qianyuan's strength has not changed more, but even if Li Qianyuan's strength has further developed, Chu Yunfan has absolute confidence that Li Qianyuan cannot be his opponent at all.

When Li Qianyuan made rapid progress, Chu Yunfan progressed even faster!

After the breakthrough in strength, Chu Yunfan immediately stopped hesitating and started to head towards the Middle-earth China.

Three days later, a city stood on a huge island.

In the city, there are crowds of people and people coming and going. As a central city in the nearby sea area, nearby casual cultivators gather here and slowly develop into a city.

"Unexpectedly, on the surface of the East China Sea, there could be such a city!" Chu Yunfan looked at this huge city, and found that there were various barriers on the entire island. These barriers blocked Staying in those huge waves, don't let these huge waves hit the island.

Above the island, each enchantment gleamed with a faint light in the sun, looking like a golden world.

It is these enchantments that guard the entire island, making this island different from other places and becoming a holy place for human casual cultivation.

Chu Yunfan recalled the information about the East China Sea that was mentioned in "The World". Above the East China Sea, the islands are like stars falling in the endless waters. Like individual nodes, they control the various lanes of the entire East China Sea.

Chu Yunfan lowered the escape light and entered the city.

Chu Yunfan discovered that in the city, in addition to the local monks of the East China Sea, there were actually many monks of the Great Xia Dynasty. The reason Chu Yunfan was able to distinguish it was because the monks in the East China Sea were separated from the Great Xia Dynasty for a long time. Therefore, there is some difference in the style of clothing from the Great Xia Dynasty. Although the difference is not big, it is still easy to tell whether it is a master of the Great Xia Dynasty according to the style of clothing.

As soon as he entered the city, Chu Yunfan found that the crowd was moving towards the center of the city.

In the middle of the city, in front of a house, surrounded by many monks, everyone seemed to be attracted by something.

On the plaque of this house, there are two big characters of Li Mansion written on it, vigorous and powerful, as if it were carved up.

There was a lot of discussion around the crowd, as if they had seen a new world.

"Is that the Li family where Li Qianyuan, the first person in the young generation of the Daxia Dynasty, belongs to Huntianhou?"

"Unexpectedly, the Li family would move away from Middle-earth to the East China Sea!"

"I heard that it seems that Li Qianyuan has come personally. It seems that he came for an ancient inheritance. It is really unscrupulous!"

"It's really unscrupulous. I didn't pay attention to the many forces under the East China Sea at all. But what? That is the Huntian Hou of the Great Xia Dynasty, the first person of the younger generation. It is not that no one killed him, but who Can bear the anger of the Great Xia Dynasty!"

There was a lot of discussion, especially the casual repairers in the East China Sea showed indignation on their faces. Li Qianyuan came to the East China Sea but did not constrain. .

In particular, Li Qianyuan came for an ancient inheritance in the East China Sea. In the eyes of many casual practitioners in the East China Sea, this should have been theirs. Now Li Qianyuan wants to intervene horizontally. In their view, it is their adventure to seize this. Naturally it will not be welcomed.

The same masters in the East China Sea loose repairs are like clouds. It is not that no one can help Li Qianyuan, but no one can bear the anger from the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Li Qianyuan actually came to the East China Sea?" Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed a bit coldly.

He knew that when he was busy making progress, Li Qianyuan would definitely not stand still, and even with Li Qianyuan's power, he didn't even need to do it himself to deal with Chu Yunfan. There were ways to target Chu Yunfan from all aspects.

On the contrary, Chu Yunfan could only accept passively. This was the biggest difference between Chu Yunfan and Li Qianyuan.

Chu Yunfan suddenly realized that this might be a good opportunity. He had always been in the dark when Li Qianyuan was in the dark, so he could only passively endure Li Qianyuan's various snipers.

But now it's different. Li Qianyuan came to the East China Sea in an upright manner. He was in the bright spot. He never expected that Chu Yunfan had also come to the East China Sea because of a blunder.

And this is his best opportunity to have mental arithmetic and unintentional!

Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed with calculations, and he didn't even think about preventing Li Qianyuan from acquiring this ancient inheritance, so that his strength could be greatly improved.

His only idea is to take advantage of this opportunity ~www.ltnovel.com~ to kill Li Qianyuan in one fell swoop.

"Since you are here in the East China Sea, don't even think about leaving!"

Originally, Chu Yunfan wanted to behead Li Qianyuan again at the selection meeting, but now that a brand new opportunity is in front of him, Chu Yunfan will naturally not let him go easily.

Especially Chu Yunfan also doubted whether Li Qianyuan had cooperated with the Demon God Sect before, otherwise, it would be impossible to completely block the message transmission of a city with the ability of the Demon God Sect.

It would inevitably involve a large number of forces working together behind the scenes to be able to achieve such an effect. Chu Yunfan did not know the shocking waves caused by the Taiwei Mansion in the Great Xia Dynasty, but he could also vaguely guess.

However, he knew that this matter had to be considered in the long term, and Li Qianyuan would definitely not be single-handed. After all, he was going to the East China Sea to fight for inheritance. Otherwise, once anyone was determined to target him, he might not escape death.

The people targeted by the various forces are not only Chu Yunfan. The Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list has been suppressed and targeted more than once by the forces from all sides. Those who cannot survive are removed from the Tianjiao list and survived. Often the cultivation base and realm will usher in an earth-shaking change.

It is a catastrophe but also an opportunity!

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan's figure quietly changed. Based on the original foundation, he grew up to about two meters, from a handsome and determined youth to a middle-aged rough man. There was also an extra iron rod in his hand, which was the same iron rod in the hands of the White Ape King.

Although the White Ape King died easily in Chu Yunfan's hands, it was not that the White Ape King was too weak. On the contrary, Chu Yunfan was too strong at that time, almost reaching the limit, even surpassing the limit.

The power of the iron rod in his hand is undoubtedly undoubted. If the ordinary good fortune is touched, it will be severely damaged or even wiped out.

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