I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1916: Breakthrough, 7 layers of the universe


Someone immediately led the way out, and after a while, he returned, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Because Zhang Hao ran away!

Zhang Hao has been following Li Qianyuan for many years. How can he not understand how cruel his cousin is? It can be said that anyone who dares to stand in front of him will be eradicated by him by all means.

It is precisely because I have seen a lot, that I understand why I betrayed Li Qianyuan, and how could I stay and wait for death.


Li Qianyuan's expression was even more ugly, but he calmed down quickly.

"Issued a wanted order and found this guy. I don’t care if he emerged from that mountain bump or changed his face. I only want his head to issue a reward in the name of the Li family and the prince. As long as he can kill him, that’s it. Our guests and informants of the Li family will be rewarded with a million middle-grade spirit stones as long as they are confirmed!" Li Qianyuan said. "Leave other things aside first. The top priority now is to find the inheritance and don't let others get on the ground first!"

Li Qianyuan took a deep breath and calmed himself down. The first battle had been defeated. The main purpose of coming to the East China Sea this time was even more important. Otherwise, he would have done nothing during this period of time.


At this moment, above the East China Sea, a person ran away frantically.

That person is not Zhang Hao who just escaped his life and who is it.

At this moment, Zhang Hao was a little panicked. He looked at the back and confirmed that there was no chasing soldiers. He was relieved.

"I didn't expect my dignified young master Zhang Family to end up like this, that guy is all to blame!" Zhang Hao was extremely depressed, and he didn't want to betray Li Qianyuan, let alone run away like a bereavement dog.

But who knows that this time I was planning to follow Li Qianyuan to gild, who wanted to be caught between two terrifying monsters.

"Now Daxia can't go back, let's go to other places to hide from the limelight!" Zhang Hao made a decision immediately. He knew that if he returned to Daxia Dynasty now, it would be fine. I am afraid it is really a dead end.

It is also impossible for the Zhang family to completely turn around because of him and the Li family, and his status and status are not comparable to Li Qianyuan.

The flowers bloomed at two ends, one on each side. At this moment, it was under Li Qianyuan's eyelids, in that city.

Chu Yunfan returned to the room he opened, and entered the space of the mountain and river map.

At this time, the mountain and river map had accumulated a pile of wealth, especially the middle-grade spirit stones that Chu Yunfan was still lacking before. Now after robbing the treasure house of the Li family, it will be enough all at once.

As soon as Chu Yunfan waved his hand, countless middle-grade spirit stones flew up, like a long river, suddenly shattered, and turned into sky full of spiritual energy into the treasure medicine mountain.

The time in Treasure Medicine Mountain suddenly accelerated a lot, and the countless medicinal materials planted on it by Chu Yunfan began to mature faster.

In particular, the Brahma sacred tree absorbed most of the aura and immediately began to grow rapidly.

For three full days and three nights, under the water of countless spiritual energy, the Brahma Divine Tree finally allowed the first Brahma Divine Fruit to mature.

During these three days, Chu Yunfan didn’t do anything, but planted the Shenyan fruit in the Treasure Medicine Mountain. There is no way to nurture the Shenyan fruit in the general environment, so even the Li family got it. After that, they can only choose to seal it, and try to keep the medicine's power from losing. It can only achieve this level. There is no way to cultivate it. The only way to find the natural growth is to find the natural treasure.

But Chu Yunfan was different. With Baoyaoshan, he could easily simulate the environment needed for the growth of heavenly materials and earth treasures. As long as he had enough aura, even Chu Yunfan could give birth to a second divine flame fruit.

As long as the foundation is still there and the spirituality is not dead, it can be cultivated continuously.

Among the many treasures of Chu Yunfan now, the value of the mountain and river map ranks first, which is simply not measurable with money.

During these three days, he also went out of the landscape of the landscape from time to time to observe the movements of the Li family. It can be said that the movements of the Li family are right under his nose.

It's just that the Li family didn't expect that the people they had been pursuing were right under their noses. This was the East China Sea, not the Great Xia Dynasty, so even if the Li family was arrogant, it would not be possible to close the city to search.

Because of this incident, a large number of masters from the Li family dispersed, and even more masters rushed over from the mainland of the Great Xia Dynasty after receiving news.

Except for such things, even the Li family’s own family could not sit back and watch. For a while, the strength of the Li family increased greatly.

Although the major forces in the city did not cooperate, they would not come forward to provoke the Li family at this time and put themselves on the fire.

After this accident, Li Qianyuan seemed to be a lot more stable. He didn't dare to go out rashly again. It seemed that he planned to wait for more masters to come before taking action.

So Chu Yunfan can wait for the Brahma divine fruit to mature without worry.

After plucking this ripe fruit, Chu Yunfan swallowed the fruit directly.

Suddenly the huge medicinal power of the Brahma Divine Fruit was released, and the mighty energy raged in Chu Yunfan's body.

If it were before, Chu Yunfan would not have been able to absorb such a huge medicinal power easily, and he might even get injured.

But this time it was different. After the previous six rounds of purple gold pills raged, Chu Yunfan's body went through almost the same situation of reorganization, and everything was already different.

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After another ten days passed, Chu Yunfan, who had been sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and the surging mana in his body began to surge, turning into a huge cocoon around him.

After a long time, this cocoon spread out all of a sudden, turned into a sky full of mana and spread out.

But before all of these mana powers disperse, every pore in Chu Yunfan's body opened, and the mana power was swallowed crazily.

"Finally broke through, Seventh Level of Universe Realm!" Chu Yunfan showed a little smile on his face.

He finally broke through to the Seventh Layer of the Universe Realm, which meant that Chu Yunfan's cultivation in the Universe Realm was about to come to an end.

All that remains to be done is to use water milling time to make one's own cultivation base naturally transition from the Seventh Layer of the Universe State to the pinnacle of the Universe State.

Although it is water milling time, it is not something that everyone can do. Many people have spent decades, and they can't naturally push the cultivation base to the pinnacle of the universe.

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