I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1928: Chu Yunfan is a monster

Obviously, the Sea Prince also has a special physique, until now, it finally broke out!

"It's interesting!" Chu Yunfan grinned. These people can rise up among their peers and are almost the best among their peers, but if you want to beat the heroes among your peers, you just rely on talent. Outstanding, it is simply impossible to do.

Because you have it, others have it. There are countless people with outstanding talents, and there are not a few people with special physiques, but people who have both at the same time can only make it to the end.

Innate aptitude and talent and acquired effort are indispensable.

"Sea King Body!"

Li Qianyuan glanced at the current state of Sea Prince, and he recognized this special physique of Sea Prince.

However, unlike his physique, the Sea Emperor's body possessed by the Sea Prince is a prestigious existence in the world.

The general physique is sporadic and emerges among different people. It is difficult to form a scene where everyone in a family is like this. However, the sea emperor is different, and the sea emperor is one of the few that can be inherited to form a large-scale king constitution.

The sea prince’s family is also a royal family among the sea tribes, relying on this special constitution of the king. Everyone in the direct family is like this, and each of them is a genius. How can such a family be not strong.

The Sea Prince felt a steady stream of boiling energy in his body.

This energy was originally sealed by him and never used it!

This is also a way to hone oneself, seal one's own special physique, keep suppressing and tempering, only in this way can one gain the maximum strength.

Once it is unblocked, its own strength can also be greatly enhanced.

This is also a common practice for many people with special physiques. At the same time, this can also become a trump card and heritage, which is not known, and when it is critical, a powerful force bursts out to surprise the enemy.

This is true for both Li Qianyuan and Sea Prince!

But Chu Yunfan was different. His path was not hidden at all. On the contrary, he released his combat power to the maximum and tempered himself with life and death battles, which was even more amazing.

"This kind of feeling is really good. You forced my hole cards out and ruined my plan. Use your blood to wash away my anger!"

Sea Prince looked at Chu Yunfan coldly, and said.

"Come and lead to death!"

"Hahahaha, it really leads to death, what does a small sea prince count?" Chu Yunfan sneered, he did not put the sea prince who possessed the sea king body in his eyes, calmly and calmly.

Even if the strength of the two of them has been fundamentally improved after the release of their special physique, it is still nothing to him.

"Hahahahahaha, I don't know whether to live or die!" The prince of the sea moved in an instant, his laughter was wild and cold, and there was a spirit of letting me out, even if he faced the world's number one Li Qianyuan, he would dare to challenge , Let alone Chu Yunfan.

His coercion was released, and almost the entire space was crushed.

His whole body is composed of a azure blue color, as if it is composed of azure blue fine gold, exuding an extraordinary and holy breath.


After the sea prince slayed, his figure actually appeared in front of Chu Yunfan, and the trident in his hand swept over at once, and the mana surged from his body, forming a glowing glow, which looked extremely frightening.


When the trident was crushed, the entire void would explode and collapse.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan didn’t even look at it. His backhand was swept out with a stick. The iron rod in his hand was also extraordinary. There were mountains and rivers carved on it, as if a stick swept down the world. Crushed down in general.


The two sides collided in volleys, Sea Prince's offensive was blocked, and such offensive was blocked by Chu Yunfan's expression of ease with a long stick in his hand.

Sparks are splashing everywhere, and every bit of sparks seems to ignite the sky and the earth.

"Sea King's body? But so!" Chu Yunfan sneered, but he was not a lie. You know, in the memory of Emperor Pill, he doesn't know how many amazing people he has seen before.

The physique of the king is very ordinary, if it is not the physique of the king, there is even no ability that can be recorded by the pill emperor, but even the physique of the king has just reached the entry threshold.

There are even many physiques of the emperor that are still above the physique of the emperor, and a mere sea king physique is not in his eyes.

He has the imperial battle body and the sky-shaking thunder body, which one is not out of the Gedai emperor, and where is the sea king body can be compared.


The aura on the sea prince is even more violent, there is a self-respecting aura, overlooking the world, no one is invincible, and being respected among his peers, basically invincible can forge his invincible belief, and he has no power against any powerful enemy The slightest showing of weakness.

"I won't play with you!"

Chu Yunfan swept through the time and decided to end this meaningless battle, otherwise he waited until the guardians of both sides felt something was wrong here, and he was afraid that it was another melee, and his goal would not be achieved.

It’s too late and it’s fast. It’s just a simple trick to crush the sky with an iron rod. It’s not even a martial skill. There are only the three words fast, accurate, ruthless, but it happens to be in the hands of Chu Yunfan. Amazing power erupted from above.


The entire cave was trembling, and the mana of both sides burst into bursts of glow, sweeping across all directions, and the fighting spirit penetrated everything.

A stream of blood appeared out of thin air, swaying through the sky. After this collision, the Sea Prince stepped back again and again, and the battle armor-like scales that erupted on his body as a result of the release of the sea king's body were directly smashed out of a big hole~www.ltnovel.com~ In the collision just now, he suffered a big loss, his attack was easily broken by Chu Yunfan, and then Chu Yunfan was hit in the chest with a stick.

There was a horrified look in his eyes. He had already tried his best, but Chu Yunfan hadn't tried his best yet, so he was suppressed to this point with only one hand.

He couldn't believe it, Chu Yunfan was a monster!

The strength of the physical body can reach this point, what is it if it is not a monster?

In the past, such words were used by others to describe him, but now he wants to use it on Chu Yunfan.

"Li Qianyuan, you still don't make a move!"

At this moment he shouted violently.

"Do you still use it?"

Li Qianyuan shouted violently, but he didn't know when another Li Qianyuan appeared, and he stabbed Chu Yunfan directly with a single shot.

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