I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1952: There are a large number of sects that need to change to the chief disciple

"Heavenly Sword Gate? Choose another chief!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Li Xuan coldly. Li Xuan's forehead didn't know when there was an extra blood hole, and his vitality was losing at an astonishing rate.

"how so?"

Li Xuan was dumbfounded, but his brain was dead, unable to think, and his body fell straight down.

Chu Yunfan knew from the words of others just now that this young man of medium stature is the chief disciple of the generation of Tianjianmen. Tianjianmen is also a first-rate sect under the top ten sects, possessing very powerful strength. There are countless swordsmen, and it can be said that sword immortals have appeared from generation to generation.

In particular, his disciples practiced kendo, with offensive and undefended, extremely tyrannical.

Even the swordsmanship of Tianjianmen possesses extremely terrifying destructive power. With Li Xuan's cultivation base, a sword is enough to cut a sacred mountain in half.

But it was a pity that he met Chu Yunfan, his attack could not penetrate Chu Yunfan's amazing defense, and in the face of Chu Yunfan's attack, he had no power to fight back, and it could almost be said that he had encountered a nemesis.

Because no one has ever been able to have both offensive and defensive capabilities like Chu Yunfan, whether it is attacking or defensive, it is impeccable, without any weakness.

"I can't help myself!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but take a breath, especially although Li Xuan is not on the Tianjiao list, but in everyone’s hearts, that is also a well-known existence. These people are the so-called candidates for the Tianjiao list, although they are not yet on the Tianjiao list. However, anytime, anywhere may be promoted to the top of the Tianjiao list for various reasons.

Even in the eyes of many people, their strength is hardly inferior to those who are ranked low on the list of tianjiao.

In the end, Chu Yunfan pointed and killed him, and to what extent should Chu Yunfan's strength be tyrannical.

"What is the level of this physical body? It's not that King Kong is not bad, right?"

Many people were extremely shocked. They found that they didn't seem to know Chu Yunfan at all. They thought they had known a lot about Chu Yunfan's materials before, but now it seems that they are simply rare.

There is no benefit at all for them to understand the current situation.

"If you count the Lord Chi Yan who died before, Chu Yunfan has either killed or abolished the chief disciple of the three sects. Although these sects are not as strong as the Flying Immortal Sect, they are less than ten major sects. The anger of the Dazong Sect, even Fei Xianzong must weigh whether it can be affordable!"

There are human beings, and everyone suddenly remembered that those masters who were killed and abolished by Chu Yunfan were basically the chief disciples of the major sects.

It is enough to cause a sensation if you die at random, let alone die so many together. Thinking of the boundless wind and waves caused by the death of the sea prince before in the East China Sea, it is conceivable that these sects will probably not give up easily. of.

As if Chu Yunfan hadn't seen the worries of everyone, he just looked at the remaining four people coldly.

The remaining four also finally understood Li Xuan's feeling just now, as if being stared at by an ancient fierce beast, the horrible feeling made them feel a tingling scalp.

"It's your turn. It seems that today, a large number of sects are about to replace their chief disciple!"

A cold smile appeared on Chu Yunfan's face.

"There is not enough greed to swallow the elephant. For the benefit, you are willing to die. I also admire your courage!"

Chu Yunfan said admiringly, but there was a somewhat mocking smile on his face.

This made the faces of the remaining four Tianjiao extremely ugly.

Within their respective sects, which one is not the superior chief disciple, although they are not a behemoth like the top ten sects, but they are still respected, even if they come to a place like the top ten sects, basically these behemoths must be courteous. Treat each other.

They want to enter the court to do things, it can be said that someone has already paved their roads in the future, as long as they follow the steps, they will inevitably be the top big figures in the world in the future, affecting the whole world.

But now Chu Yunfan didn't put them in his eyes at all, treating them like ants, which completely angered them.

"Are you going one by one, or together?" Chu Yunfan had a little smile on his face, but his heart was cold and cold. He had given these people a chance to leave, but these people still remained The obsessive mind refused to give in.

He wants everyone to know that there may be things to talk about, but he will never compromise on this issue, no matter who it is.

No matter who is behind them, which prince is behind them, or which force, dare to touch his rebels, and die!

The heads of these people are undoubtedly the best deterrent!

But obviously ~www.ltnovel.com~ the smart people in the world still occupy the absolute majority, most people retreat when they know it is difficult, only these few people do not live or die.

"Arrogant, do you think you are really invincible?" At this time, among the four people, a tall man who seemed to be dyed golden yellow strode out.

"Are you a descendant of the Jin family?" Chu Yunfan glanced at the man and said. He had already seen the origin of this man in an instant. It should be another descendant of the Jin family in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Throughout the Great Xia Dynasty, only this family's skin was golden yellow due to the martial arts practiced. Only when the cultivation base was cultivated to the extreme, could it be restored to the appearance of a normal person.

Although the Jin family is a bit worse than the Li family, it is also the best among the many military aristocratic families of the Da Xia Dynasty. The Jin family has ancestors who fought for the Da Xia Dynasty in all dynasties and made countless contributions. In the dynasty, the influence is very large.

"Yes, Jin Yong asks for your martial arts!"

This tall man showed a sullen smile on his face. Others were afraid of Chu Yunfan’s amazing physical defenses, but he was not afraid, because the Jin family relied on the fame of martial arts, and their golden body was full of gold. From this.

Since his debut, no matter what kind of powerful enemy he is, he will be beaten to death. In his opinion, Chu Yunfan is no exception.

"Dare to underestimate me and beat you to death!"

Jin Yong's whole body was like a rampant tank, swept across the sky directly, his fists were like golden double hammers, and he blasted towards Chu Yunfan fiercely.


The entire sky burst in an instant, turning into a golden frenzy and swept over Chu Yunfan fiercely.

In an instant, the golden frenzy drowned Chu Yunfan.

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