I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1965: Flying wing tiger? Give me another young master!

Chu Yunfan slayed Chang Rui with a single sword, simply and neatly!

It made everyone exclaim, and at the same time it frightened many people, especially among the twenty-odd arrogances, most of them had the same strength as Chang Rui or even not as good as Chang Rui.

Under this circumstance, they hadn't figured out what strength Chu Yunfan really was, and many people were suddenly frightened.

Don't dare to step forward at all!

"Is anyone going to come up to die?" Chu Yunfan glanced at the crowd before speaking.

Hearing what Chu Yunfan said, many Tianjiao's faces showed a bit of anger.

Chu Yunfan's words didn't take them to heart at all, as if they were aloof, but the tyrannical posture that Chu Yunfan killed Chang Rui with a single blow is still in their minds, and they can't be forgotten.

"Rampant humans, I will meet you!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a figure came with a whistling sound, and a terrifying figure rushed into the ring space with a thunderous force.

Everyone looked up, but saw that a man with a disheveled hair, a white robe, and a somewhat arrogant and unruly man appeared on the ring.

"It's the Tiger Stepping Wind of the Flying Winged Tiger clan, and now I finally have a heavyweight master!"

When many people saw the Tiger Treading Wind, they suddenly exclaimed that Chu Yunfan's trouble might be coming.

The strength of Tiger Treading Wind is obviously much stronger than Chang Rui before, and the ranking is not in the same range. Although many people don't like the arrogance of this demon tianjiao, this does not prevent them from wanting to watch Going to Hutafeng asked Chu Yunfan for trouble.

"Even if Chu Yunfan's strength has improved beyond the expectations of the Tianjiao ranking, I am afraid that he and Hu Tingfeng will be among the first ones!"

"Yes, no matter how strong Chu Yunfan's strength is, it will only be in the top ten!"

Everyone talked a lot, but they were still not very optimistic about Chu Yunfan's strength. Now that Chu Yunfan shielded the Tianji Pavilion from the exploration of the Tianji Pavilion with a landscape map, everyone was simply not sure about his strength.

Chu Yunfan continued to defeat powerful enemies that it seemed impossible for everyone to defeat, and everyone had to improve their evaluation of him step by step.

Even now, many people's evaluation of him has reached a level comparable to the top ten in the Tianjiao list, which has surpassed the level of Yang Dengxian, the current chief disciple of Fei Xianzong.

In the eyes of everyone, this kind of evaluation is not high!

Chu Yunfan looked at the Tiger Treading Wind in front of him coldly, and when Tiger Treading Wind looked at Chu Yunfan's face, he also showed a somewhat playful and hideous smile, saying: "Before I came, I had heard of you. That adult shot, you didn't even die, it seems that you are really fateful, but today, you must die in my hands!"

As he said, Tiger Treading Wind’s eyes suddenly turned red, and a fierce killing intent broke out on his body: “One of my clan uncles was among those killed by you. Do you still remember him? If you are dead, that's all, since you are still alive, it is really a long-sighted god, let me personally take revenge!"

Chu Yunfan thought of the shocking battle at the beginning. He was ambushed by many masters of the Monster Clan and Monster Clan. In the end, the leader of the Monster Clan and that big Monster Clan personally took action, almost letting his life fall by the line.

At that time, it was a big melee, and the masters of the Yaozu and Yaoshen sect that he beheaded were almost countless.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan pulled out a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Sorry, too many people have been killed, I have no impression!"

Hearing the words of Tiger Treading Wind, the killing intent on his body was even more overwhelming and fierce.

The clan uncle who was killed by Chu Yunfan grew up with him since he was a child. It can be said that the relationship between the two is very good, and they love the father and son. In the end, they just went to ambush a human Tianjiao, and he died in that Tianjiao’s. Hands.

Originally, if Chu Yunfan died, although he was extremely angry, he could not find a target to vent, but now Chu Yunfan is back.

"Do you think I'm interested in a son-in-law meeting? I heard that Tang Siyu is your fiancée. I wanted to marry her, and then tortured to death. I didn't expect that this goal was not achieved yet and I ran into you. It's so good, so good, I can take revenge myself!"

Tiger Treading Wind laughed loudly, and said his purpose here. He had no interest in a princess mankind at all, and only wanted to avenge Chu Yunfan.

"Are you provoking me? Looking for death!"

A cold smile burst into Chu Yunfan's eyes. If Chu Yunfan still has Nilin, then it must be Tang Siyu. In his eyes, Hu Tafeng is already a dead person.

"Provoking you, you are nothing but a guy who never died!"

Tiger Treading Wind roared, and in an instant, an endless gust of wind swept over, and the cloud changed from the Dragon Wind to the Tiger. This characteristic was vividly reflected in Tiger Treading Wind.

In this gust of wind ~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone couldn't even see the action of the tiger stepping on the wind. The next moment, I don't know when, the tiger stepping on the wind actually rushed in front of Chu Yunfan.


Tiger Treading Wind roared, his claws directly tore open the sky, a terrifying wind system mana was released from his claws, and Chu Yunfan was about to be torn apart almost in an instant.

But in the next moment, this wind system mana couldn't tear apart Chu Yunfan's body at all, and unexpectedly made a sound of gold and iron.

"Small bugs, flying wing tiger clan? Give me another young master!"

Chu Yunfan yelled, squeezed a fist with five fingers, and then blasted out with a punch.

With just a simple punch, it blasted through the violent wind directly, without even seeing any mana fluctuations, and the entire sky was penetrated.


Chu Yunfan's fist fell directly on Hutafeng's body, and Hutafeng screamed, his whole body flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"I'm not dead, it's kind of interesting!"

Chu Yunfan couldn't help but sneer when he saw that he could not kill the tiger with one punch. After he succeeded in the blow, he shot again and shouted directly: "Baoshan Yin!"

Chu Yunfan squeezed out a seal technique with both hands, and the volley turned into a sacred mountain and directly suppressed it.

"Roar, trying to kill me, it's not that easy!"

The tiger stepped on the wind and roared again and again, but his voice changed directly in the air, turning into a white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes, as huge as a hill, and on his ribs were a pair of wings that looked like wings of the wind.


The moment the tiger stepped on the wind, it had disappeared in place.

But when he reappeared, he was horrified to find that the sacred mountain seemed to have eyes, and it had fallen alive.

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